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Introduction to Database Review 2
Crows-Feet Notation for ER Diagrams This is an alternative to the diamond representation of relationships. Diamond icons are replaced with lines, simplifying the ER schema. Intuition means “Zero” means “One” means “or more” Entity 1 Entity 3 Entity 2 Zero or one One or moreZero or more Exactly one (mandatory)
Subclasses And Superclasses Grouping of the entities of an entity type into subgroups (forming an "IS-A" relationship). Entities in a superclass are grouped into one or more subclasses. An arbitrary number of levels is permitted in a class hierarchy. An entity in a subclass exists in the superclass also (recursively).
Subclasses/Superclasses Example The Customer entity type has the subclasses PreferredCustomer and Employee. All employees are customers. Customer O Employee Preferred Customer
Inheritance Among Classes Entities in a subclass inherit the attributes of the superclass. A subclass may have its own attributes (termed the specific attributes). Entities in a subclass may participate in relationships directly (termed specific relationships), and they may participate in relationships via their superclass(es).
6 Inheritance Example A PreferredCustomer entity inherits the attributes Name, Address, CutomerID and Balance from Customer. The PreferredCustomer subclass also has the attribute DiscountLevel. Customer O Employee Preferred Customer CustomerID Address Name Balance EmployeeIDDiscount Level
Schema Design Strategies Top-down strategy Start out with high-level, abstract concepts and apply step-wise refinements (e.g., specialization) to add "detail." Bottom-up strategy Start out with basic concepts and apply refinements (e.g., generalization). Inside-out strategy Start with a few central concepts and successively include additional concepts. Mixed strategy Combine the above strategies.
Top-down Strategy Customer Checked Out VideoTape Title RentalPrice (0,m) Length CustomerID Name (0,n) Customer Checked Out VideoTape Film Copies TapeNum Title RentalPrice (0,m) (0,n) (1,1) (0,n) FilmID Status Length CustomerID Name
Bottom-up Strategy Example: discovering a new generalized entity type and relating it. Customer Cust Checked Out VideoTape Title RentalPrice (0,m) Length CustomerID Name Emp Checked Out Employee Name EmployeeID Length (0,m) (0,n)
Bottom-up Strategy, cont. This is converted to: Customer Checked Out VideoTape Title RentalPrice (0,m) Length CustomerID Name (0,n) EmployeeID O Employee Preferred Customer
Conceptual Database Design Approaches Centralized design approach Integrate first the requirements for all applications and then design a single schema. Assumes a centralized organization. The DBA merges the multiple sets of requirements. The DBA designs the schema. View integration approach Design first a schema for each application in isolation, then integrate the schemas into a single global schema. Each user group can design its own schema. The DBA designs the global schema.
Entity Integrity Primary Key: A candidate key of a relation is a set of attributes that satisfy two time independent properties: Uniqueness - No two tuples of the relation have the same values for the set of attributes forming the candidate key. Minimality - No attributes can be discarded from the candidate key without destroying the uniqueness property. No component of the Primary Key of a base relation is allowed to accept nulls.
Foreign key A foreign key is an attribute or attribute combination of one relation R2 whose values are required to match those of the primary key of relation R1 where R1 and R2 are not necessarily distinct. Note that a foreign key and the corresponding primary key should be defined on the same domain(s). Emp# e1 e2 e3 ename red blue brown Dept d1 d2 d3 Worksfordept d1 d2 Dname Pay Tax Art Employee Dept Foreign key
Mapping an EER Schema to Relations In a sequence of steps, a set of relations is created. Sometimes automated in CASE tools 1.Regular entity types 2.Weak entity types 3.Binary 1:1 relationship types 4.Binary 1:N relationship types 5.Binary M:N relationship types 6.n-ary relationship types 7.Multi-valued attributes 8.Superclass/subclass relationship types
1. Entity Type Maps to a Table Create a table for each regular entity type. One column in table for each simple attribute Derived attributes may or may not appear (your choice) Table’s primary key is the primary key of the entity type Optimization: If there are no attributes other than the primary key, and if the entity participates totally in a relationship, then the table can be eliminated.
2. Weak Entity Type Maps to a Table Create a table for each weak entity type One column for each simple attribute Include column(s) for the primary key of each owner entity type. These columns are foreign keys The primary key is the combination of each owner primary key and the partial key.
3. Mapping 1-1 Relationship Types For each 1:1 binary relationship type, extend one of the tables for a participating entity type. Primary key of the other entity type becomes a foreign key in this table It is best to extend a table of an entity type with total participation Add columns for each of the simple attributes of the relationship type Optimization: Perhaps remove the table corresponding to the other entity type
4. 1-to-Many Relationship Types For each regular 1:N binary relationship type, there are several approaches Option 1: Create a separate table for the relationship type Three tables result Key of relationship table is key of “many” side Option 2: If the relationship is total, then extend a table corresponding to the ‘many’ entity type Two tables result (optimization) Option 3: If the relationship is not total, extend a table with nullable attributes (sometimes not allowed for foreign keys) Two tables result (optimization)
5. Many-to-Many Relationship Types Create a table for each binary M:N relationship type The table has columns for A column for each primary key attribute in a participating entity type. These are foreign keys A column for each of the simple attribute of the relationship type The primary key of the table is the union of the primary keys of the participating entity types
6. N-ary Relationship Types Create a table for each n-ary (n > 2) relationship type Columns in the table are the primary keys of the participating entity types. (These are foreign keys) Also include columns for each simple attribute of the relationship type The primary key of the created table is the union of the primary keys of the participating entity types Optimization: If the relationship type is (1,1) on a side, it may be possible to remove an entity table, placing its attributes in the table associated with the relationship
7. Multivalued Attributes Create a table for each multivalued attribute The table has a column for each simple attribute of the multivalued attribute Add columns for the primary key of the entity or relationship type to which the attribute belongs. (This is a foreign key) The primary key is the combination of all the attributes Example: Director (FilmID, Name) Film FilmID Director
Outline DDL Creating/altering schema Data types Constraints DataArchitect mapping from a CDM to a PDM Referential integrity and other assertions
Data Definition in SQL Three statements are used to define the schema in SQL. CREATE DROP ALTER These statements apply to Tables Views Domains
Create Table Specifies a new base table CREATE TABLE ( [ ],... ); Columns with Name Data type Column constraints Default value Table constraints
Referential Integrity Referential integrity says “pointed to” information must exist. A foreign key points to data in some relation Example Customer information must exist for a customer to reserve a film No CustomerID can be in Reserves and not in Customer Can be specified as a column constraint CREATE TABLE Reserves (... CustomerID INTEGER CONSTRAINT ReservesToCustomerFK REFERENCES Customer(ID),...) Can be specified as a table constraint CREATE TABLE Reserves (..., CONSTRAINT ReservesToCustomerFK FOREIGN KEY (CustomerID) REFERENCES Customer(ID)... )
Referential Integrity Violation Remedies Can specify ON UPDATE and ON DELETE options Example CREATE TABLE Reserves (..., CONSTRAINT ResToCusFK FOREIGN KEY (CustomerID) REFERENCES Customer(ID) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE SET NULL... ) Options (next slide) Note: Child table - has the foreign key, references key in parent table Example: Customer is parent, Reserves is child
Remedy Options None Update or delete parent value No change to matching child value Restrict Cannot update or delete parent value if one or more matching values exist in the child table No change to matching child value Cascade Update or delete parent value Update or delete matching values in child table
Remedy Options, cont. Set null Update or delete parent value Set matching values in child table to NULL Set default Update or delete parent value Set matching values in child table to default value
Retrieval Queries in SQL: SELECT SQL has one basic statement for retrieving information from a database; the SELECT statement. The basic form of the SQL SELECT statement is called a mapping or a select-from-where block. SELECT column list FROMtable list WHEREcondition
Outline - The SELECT statement Single table Projection Selection Multiple tables Cartesian product and join Set operations Subqueries Optional clauses Ordering results Computing aggregates on groups Additional joins
Modifications There are three modification statements INSERT UPDATE DELETE For insertions, either values can be specified, or a select statement provides the values Enter a reservation for Eric for the film 332244 INSERT INTO Reserved VALUES (123456, 332244, CURRENT_DATE)
View Views provide a mechanism to create a virtual table CREATE VIEW name AS query expression To create a view we use the command Define a view of all customers in Dublin CREATE VIEW Dublin_Customers AS SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE City = ’Dublin’
View, cont. Define a view of all customers holding reservations, and the films they have reserved CREATE VIEW Reservations AS SELECT Name, Title FROM Customer, Reserved, Film WHERE Customer.CustomerID = Reserved.CustomerID AND Reserved.FilmID = Film.FilmID
Transactions A transaction can be defined syntactically: each transaction, irrespective of the language in which it is written, is enclosed whthin two commands begin transaction end transaction Within the transaction code, two particular instructions can appear commit work rollback work
Triggers The creation of triggers is part of the DDL Maintain data integrity Associated with a table (view) Event-condition-action Wait for a table event On event, evaluate condition If condition is true, execute action X before after insertion deletion update
Potential Applications Notification an active database may be used to monitor Enforce integrity constraints Business roles Maintenance of derived data Maintain the derived attribute whenever individual tuples are changed
Trigger Gotchas Potentially infinite loop Trigger A: On insertion into Person, insert into Population Trigger B: On insertion into Population, insert into Person Mutating tables Trigger A: On insertion into Person, insert into Person! Disallowed! Trigger cannot make changes to table that trigger is defined on
The Object Database Object databases integrate database technology with the object-oriented paradigm In object databases, each entity of the real world is represented by an object. Classical examples of objects are: Electronic components, designed using a Computer Aided Design (CAD) system; Mechanical components, designed using a Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) system; Specifications and programs, managed in a Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) environment; Multimedia documents, which includes text, images and sound, managed by multimedia document managers.
Why OODB? From programming language point of view: permanent storage of objects (languages just support objects in memory) sharing of objects among programs fast, expressive queries for accessing data version control for evolving classes and multi-person projects
40 Why OODB? From database point of view: More expressive data types (traditional DBs provide limited predefined types) e.g., a desktop publishing program might model a page as a series of frames containing text, bitmaps, and charts need composite and aggregate data types (e.g., structures and arrays) More expressive data relationships many-to-one relationship (e.g., many students in one class) navigating across relationship links More expressive data manipulation SQL is relationally complete but not computationally complete i.e., great for searching for lousy for anything else –leads to use of conventional programming language plus SQL- interface –overhead of mapping from SQL to conventional languages Better integration with programming languages (esp. OO languages) Encapsulation of code with data
Two Object-oriented Approaches Object-oriented (OODBMS) Hellerstein - “to add DBMS capabilities to an O-O language” Persistence, object lives beyond program execution PJava - persistent Java Several commercial products Object-relational (ORDBMS) Hellerstein - “extends a relational database with O-O features” Rich data types Inheritance Several commercial vendors, SQL3
OODBMS Advantages Removes impedance mismatch Long-lived transactions Enriched modeling Disadvanatages Lack of universal query language Lack of agreed upon standard Performance depends on class definition
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