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Coping With Stress: Smoking: Chapter 14 Drinking: Chapter 15 Relaxation: Chapter 11.

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1 Coping With Stress: Smoking: Chapter 14 Drinking: Chapter 15 Relaxation: Chapter 11

2 Smoking, Drinking, Stress: What’s the connection? Does stress increase addictive behaviors Vice verse?

3 Tobacco Chapter 14

4 Trends in Tobacco Use: 20 th Century: cigarettes manufactured – “working class” smokers 1920’s: Sophisticated and fashionable – women increase 1960’s: 40% of adult Americans smoke

5 Tobacco Industry is BIG MONEY 6 th largest cash crop in US 2.5% of GNP = tobacco Political Lobby: Individual rights vs. Known Health risks / economic impact vs. Tobacco companies

6 First Blow: Health risks 1964: Surgeon General Report Positively links smoking with: Heart Disease Cancer Requires warnings on cigarette packs TV and Radio ads BANNED

7 Current Statistics: 25% of adults smoke Highest smoking states: Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas Lowest Smoking states: Utah, California, Hawaii HOW Is tobacco being marketed?

8 Tobacco Advertising: Sponsors: Tournaments, special events, athletic teams Full Page Ads in magazines: Free Pop Music concerts: Billboards (Joe Camel), neon signs etc.

9 Discuss: Who’s Really to Blame? Why do people smoke? 1. What makes them start? 2. What makes them stay?

10 Smoking and Stress: Psychological Dependency: “Relax” Associated with coffee, alcohol, social gatherings, following meals Social “rituals” hard to break Physical Addiction: 6-8 times as powerful as alcohol Nicotine affects CNS within seconds Acts both as stimulant and relaxant

11 Quitting is so hard to do: Take the “test”: Lab 14A- B Physical Addiction “Habitual addiction” Motivation Stress Connection

12 Reasons to Quit: Health: Smoking is the largest preventable cause of illness and premature death in U.S. Example: Who is looking up to you? Aesthetics: Appearance, smell Mastery: Are you (or tobacco) the master of your life?

13 Alcohol Chapter 15:280-282

14 Alcohol: Delicate Balance CNS Depressant Impairs: Motor coordination, reaction time, peripheral vision, hearing, judgment, inhibitions

15 Is it All Bad? Responsible Drinking: Enhances social enjoyment Reduces risk of CVD: (3-5 drinks/week) Takes “the edge” off of a rough day…enhances relaxation BALANCE AND MODERATION is the key!

16 The Problem? Binge drinking (5+ drinks in one sitting) Risky behaviors during intoxication: Unprotected sex Other drug use DWI Domestic Violence

17 Death By Drinking: Alcohol Abuse Kills Accidents Accidental Overdose Suicide Chronic Alcoholic Syndromes

18 And Academic Consequences? Missing class Memory impairment Poor preparation for exams or other assignments Drinks week GPAABCD or F 3.5 4.9 6.7 10.9

19 Discuss: How would you go about telling a friend that he/she has a drinking problem? What are some alternatives to “Bladder Buster” entertainment in Wayne America?

20 Alcohol and Stress Issues: Legal Age Responsible Community Members Moderate Use – Not to “medicate” (avoid facing problems) but to soothe

21 Abuse and Addiction: Abuse: > 1-2 drinks / day Underage drinking Binge drinking – related behaviors Addiction - alcoholism: Impaired control over drinking Preoccupation with drinking Denial of “a problem”

22 Abuse and Addiction Always Affects Loved Ones Interferes with open communication Intensifies conflicts Other: Violence, promiscuity, financial irresponsibility

23 Authentic Stress Management Health, Wellness and Relaxation Chapter 11

24 Stress and Immune Function: Stress Hormones: Epinepherine (short acting) Cortisol (long acting) Stress Response: Immune system is activated Negative Feedback: Normal response is to “back off” once activated

25 Cortisol and Immune Function: Normal: Cortisol Activates Immune Cells Turns off Cortisol Hyperactive: Excess Cortisol Exhausts Immune Cells Bone Loss Blood sugar dysfunction Hypoactive: Cytokines compensate Increase Inflammatory Syndromes

26 Stress and Exercise: Exercise: Diffuses physiological “stress” response Reduces Cortisol after exercise Reduces Insulin Lowers Blood Pressure Less likely to overeat, drink or smoke

27 Other Stress Ailments: More colds More headaches GI distress Asthma Skin disorders Aging and memory deficit “What was I going to my car to get?…”

28 Stress Busters: Exercise Deep Breathing: Also yoga or tai chi Progressive Muscle Relaxation Lab: Progressive Relaxation, Breathing And Playful exercise!

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