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15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © October 22nd, 2007 Majd F. Sakr CS-447– Computer Architecture M,W 10-11:20am Lecture 14 Pipelining (2)
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Sequential Laundry A B C D 6 PM 789 10 11 Midnight TaskOrderTaskOrder Time 30 washing = drying = folding = 30 minutes
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Sequential Laundry ABCD 6 PM 789 10 11 Midnight TaskOrderTaskOrder Time 30
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © 30 Sequential Laundry ABCD 6 PM 789 10 11 Midnight TaskOrderTaskOrder Time 30 A B C D 6 PM 789 10 11 Midnight TaskOrderTaskOrder Time 30 Ideal Pipelining: 3-loads in parallel No additional resources Throughput increased by 3 Latency per load is the same
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Sequential Laundry – a real example ABCD 304020304020304020304020 6 PM 789 10 11 Midnight TaskOrderTaskOrder Time washing = 30; drying = 40; folding = 20 minutes
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pipelined Laundry - Start work ASAP °Drying, the slowest stage, dominates! ABCD 6 PM 789 10 11 Midnight TaskOrderTaskOrder Time 3040 20
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pipelining Lessons °Pipelining doesn’t help latency of single task, it helps throughput of entire workload °Pipeline rate limited by slowest pipeline stage °Multiple tasks operating simultaneously °Potential speedup = Number pipe stages °Unbalanced lengths of pipe stages reduces speedup °Time to “fill” pipeline and time to “drain” it reduces speedup ABCD 6 PM 789 TaskOrderTaskOrder Time 3040 20
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pipelining °Doesn’t improve latency! °Execute billions of instructions, so throughput is what matters!
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Ideal Pipelining °When the pipeline is full, after every stage one task is completed.
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pipelined Processor °Start the next instruction while still working on the current one improves throughput or bandwidth - total amount of work done in a given time (average instructions per second or per clock) instruction latency is not reduced (time from the start of an instruction to its completion) pipeline clock cycle (pipeline stage time) is limited by the slowest stage for some instructions, some stages are wasted cycles Cycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3Cycle 4Cycle 5 IFetchDecExecMemWB lw Cycle 7Cycle 6Cycle 8 sw IFetchDecExecMemWB R-type IFetchDecExecMemWB
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Single Cycle, Multiple Cycle, vs. Pipeline Clk Cycle 1 Multiple Cycle Implementation: IFetchDecExecMemWB Cycle 2Cycle 3Cycle 4Cycle 5Cycle 6Cycle 7Cycle 8Cycle 9Cycle 10 lw IFetchDecExecMemWB IFetchDecExecMem lwsw Pipeline Implementation: IFetchDecExecMemWB sw Clk Single Cycle Implementation: LoadStoreWaste IFetch R-type IFetchDecExecMemWB R-type Cycle 1Cycle 2 “wasted” cycles
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Multiple Cycle v. Pipeline, Bandwidth v. Latency Clk Cycle 1 Multiple Cycle Implementation: IFetchDecExecMemWB Cycle 2Cycle 3Cycle 4Cycle 5Cycle 6Cycle 7Cycle 8Cycle 9Cycle 10 lw IFetchDecExecMemWB IFetchDecExecMem lwsw Pipeline Implementation: IFetchDecExecMemWB sw IFetch R-type IFetchDecExecMemWB R-type Latency per lw = 5 clock cycles for both Bandwidth of lw is 1 per clock clock (IPC) for pipeline vs. 1/5 IPC for multicycle Pipelining improves instruction bandwidth, not instruction latency
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pipeline Datapath Modifications Read Address Instruction Memory Add PC 4 0 1 Write Data Read Addr 1 Read Addr 2 Write Addr Register File Read Data 1 Read Data 2 1632 ALU 1 0 Shift left 2 Add Data Memory Address Write Data Read Data 1 0 °What do we need to add/modify in our MIPS datapath? registers between pipeline stages to isolate them IFetch/Dec Dec/Exec Exec/Mem Mem/WB IF:IFetchID:DecEX:ExecuteMEM: MemAccess WB: WriteBack System Clock Sign Extend
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Graphically Representing the Pipeline Can help with answering questions like: how many cycles does it take to execute this code? what is the ALU doing during cycle 4? ALU IM Reg DMReg
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Why Pipeline? For Throughput! I n s t r. O r d e r Time (clock cycles) Inst 0 Inst 1 Inst 2 Inst 4 Inst 3 ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg Once the pipeline is full, one instruction is completed every cycle Time to fill the pipeline
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Important Observation °Each functional unit can only be used once per instruction (since 4 other instructions executing) °If each functional unit used at different stages then leads to hazards: Load uses Register File’s Write Port during its 5th stage R-type uses Register File’s Write Port during its 4th stage °2 ways to solve this pipeline hazard. IfetchReg/DecExecMemWrLoad 12345 IfetchReg/DecExecWrR-type 1234
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Solution 1: Insert “Bubble” into the Pipeline °Insert a “bubble” into the pipeline to prevent 2 writes at the same cycle The control logic can be complex. Lose instruction fetch and issue opportunity. °No instruction is started in Cycle 6! Clock Cycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3Cycle 4Cycle 5Cycle 6Cycle 7Cycle 8Cycle 9 IfetchReg/DecExecWrR-type IfetchReg/DecExec IfetchReg/DecExecMemWrLoad IfetchReg/DecExecWr R-type IfetchReg/DecExecWr R-type Pipeline Bubble IfetchReg/DecExecWr
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Solution 2: Delay R-type’s Write by One Cycle °Delay R-type’s register write by one cycle: Now R-type instructions also use Reg File’s write port at Stage 5 Mem stage is a NOP stage: nothing is being done. Clock Cycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3Cycle 4Cycle 5Cycle 6Cycle 7Cycle 8Cycle 9 IfetchReg/DecMemWrR-type IfetchReg/DecMemWrR-type IfetchReg/DecExecMemWrLoad IfetchReg/DecMemWrR-type IfetchReg/DecMemWrR-type IfetchReg/Dec Exec Wr R-type Mem Exec 123 4 5
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Can Pipelining Get Us Into Trouble? °Yes: Pipeline Hazards structural hazards: attempt to use the same resource by two different instructions at the same time data hazards: attempt to use data before it is ready -instruction source operands are produced by a prior instruction still in the pipeline -load instruction followed immediately by an ALU instruction that uses the load operand as a source value control hazards: attempt to make a decision before condition has been evaluated -branch instructions °Can always resolve hazards by waiting pipeline control must detect the hazard take action (or delay action) to resolve hazards
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Structural Hazard °Attempt to use same hardware for two different things at the same time. °Solution 1: Wait Must detect hazard Must have mechanism to stall °Solution 2: Throw more hardware at the problem
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © I n s t r. O r d e r Time (clock cycles) lw Inst 1 Inst 2 Inst 4 Inst 3 ALU Mem Reg MemReg ALU Mem Reg MemReg ALU Mem Reg MemReg ALU Mem Reg MemReg ALU Mem Reg MemReg A Single Memory Would Be a Structural Hazard Reading data from memory Reading instruction from memory
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © How About Register File Access? I n s t r. O r d e r Time (clock cycles) add r1, Inst 1 Inst 2 Inst 4 add r2,r1, ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg Potential read before write data hazard
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © How About Register File Access? I n s t r. O r d e r Time (clock cycles) Inst 1 Inst 2 Inst 4 ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg Can fix register file access hazard by doing reads in the second half of the cycle and writes in the first half. add r1, add r2,r1, Potential read before write data hazard
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © °Read After Write (RAW) Instr J tries to read operand before Instr I writes it °Caused by a “Data Dependence” (in compiler nomenclature). This hazard results from an actual need for communication. Three Generic Data Hazards I: add r1,r2,r3 J: sub r4,r1,r3
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © °Write After Read (WAR) Instr J writes operand before Instr I reads it °Called an “anti-dependence” by compiler writers. This results from reuse of the name “r1”. °Can’t happen in MIPS 5 stage pipeline because: All instructions take 5 stages, and Reads are always in stage 2, and Writes are always in stage 5 I: sub r4,r1,r3 J: add r1,r2,r3 K: mul r6,r1,r7 Three Generic Data Hazards
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Three Generic Data Hazards Write After Write (WAW) Instr J writes operand before Instr I writes it. °Called an “output dependence” by compiler writers This also results from the reuse of name “r1”. °Can’t happen in MIPS 5 stage pipeline because: All instructions take 5 stages, and Writes are always in stage 5 I: sub r1,r4,r3 J: add r1,r2,r3 K: mul r6,r1,r7
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Register Usage Can Cause Data Hazards I n s t r. O r d e r add r1,r2,r3 sub r4,r1,r5 and r6,r1,r7 xor r4,r1,r5 or r8, r1, r9 ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg °Dependencies backward in time cause hazards Which are read before write data hazards?
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Register Usage Can Cause Data Hazards I n s t r. O r d e r add r1,r2,r3 sub r4,r1,r5 and r6,r1,r7 xor r4,r1,r5 or r8, r1, r9 ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg °Dependencies backward in time cause hazards Read before write data hazards
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Loads Can Cause Data Hazards I n s t r. O r d e r lw r1,100(r2) sub r4,r1,r5 and r6,r1,r7 xor r4,r1,r5 or r8, r1, r9 ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg °Dependencies backward in time cause hazards Load-use data hazard
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © stall One Way to “Fix” a Data Hazard I n s t r. O r d e r add r1,r2,r3 ALU IM Reg DMReg sub r4,r1,r5 and r6,r1,r7 ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg Can fix data hazard by waiting – stall – but affects throughput
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Another Way to “Fix” a Data Hazard I n s t r. O r d e r add r1,r2,r3 ALU IM Reg DMReg sub r4,r1,r5 and r6,r1,r7 ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg Can fix data hazard by forwarding results as soon as they are available to where they are needed. xor r4,r1,r5 or r8, r1, r9 ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Another Way to “Fix” a Data Hazard I n s t r. O r d e r add r1,r2,r3 ALU IM Reg DMReg sub r4,r1,r5 and r6,r1,r7 ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg Can fix data hazard by forwarding results as soon as they are available to where they are needed. xor r4,r1,r5 or r8, r1, r9 ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Forwarding with Load-use Data Hazards I n s t r. O r d e r lw r1,100(r2) sub r4,r1,r5 and r6,r1,r7 xor r4,r1,r5 or r8, r1, r9 ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg °Will still need one stall cycle even with forwarding
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Control Hazards °Caused by delay between the fetching of instructions and decisions about changes in control flow Branches Jumps
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Branch Instructions Cause Control Hazards I n s t r. O r d e r lw Inst 4 Inst 3 beq ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg °Dependencies backward in time cause hazards
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © stall One Way to “Fix” a Control Hazard I n s t r. O r d e r beq ALU IM Reg DMReg lw ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU Inst 3 IM Reg DM Can fix branch hazard by waiting – stall – but affects throughput
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pipeline Control Path Modifications °All control signals can be determined during Decode and held in the state registers between pipeline stages Control
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Speed Up Equation for Pipelining For simple RISC pipeline, CPI = 1:
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Performance °Speed Up Pipeline Depth; if ideal CPI is 1, then: CPU time= Seconds = Instructions x Cycles x Seconds Program Program Instruction Cycle CPU time= Seconds = Instructions x Cycles x Seconds Program Program Instruction Cycle °Time is measure of performance: latency or throughput °CPI Law:
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Other Pipeline Structures Are Possible °What about (slow) multiply operation? let it take two cycles ALU IM Reg DMReg MUL ALU IM Reg DM1Reg DM2 °What if the data memory access is twice as slow as the instruction memory? make the clock twice as slow or … let data memory access take two cycles (and keep the same clock rate)
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Sample Pipeline Alternatives (for ARM ISA) °ARM7 (3-stage pipeline) °StrongARM-1 (5-stage pipeline) °XScale (7-stage pipeline) ALU IM1 IM2 DM1 Reg DM2 IM Reg EX PC update IM access decode reg access ALU op DM access shift/rotate commit result (write back) ALU IM Reg DMReg SHFT PC update BTB access start IM access IM access decode reg 1 access shift/rotate reg 2 access ALU op start DM access exception DM write reg write
15-447 Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Summary °All modern day processors use pipelining °Pipelining doesn’t help latency of single task, it helps throughput of entire workload Multiple tasks operating simultaneously using different resources °Potential speedup = Number of pipe stages °Pipeline rate limited by slowest pipeline stage Unbalanced lengths of pipe stages reduces speedup Time to “fill” pipeline and time to “drain” it reduces speedup °Must detect and resolve hazards Stalling negatively affects throughput
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