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User- and Process-Driven Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling Bin Lin Arindam Mallik Peter Dinda Gokhan Memik Robert Dick Empathic Systems Project Department.

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Presentation on theme: "User- and Process-Driven Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling Bin Lin Arindam Mallik Peter Dinda Gokhan Memik Robert Dick Empathic Systems Project Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 User- and Process-Driven Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling Bin Lin Arindam Mallik Peter Dinda Gokhan Memik Robert Dick Empathic Systems Project Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Northwestern University

2 2 Summary User-Driven Frequency Scaling (UDFS) –Adjust CPU frequency according to satisfaction of individual user, exploiting variation in satisfaction among users Process-Driven Voltage Scaling (PDVS) –Adjust voltage at frequency and temperature based on profile of the individual processor, exploiting variation among processors ~50% power reduction on Windows tasks compared to Windows DVFS –User study, measured system power

3 3 Outline Summary User-Driven frequency scaling (UDFS) –User pessimism study –UDFS2 algorithm Process-Driven voltage scaling (PDVS) –PDVS profiling Evaluation of UDFS and PDVS Work in context Conclusion

4 4 User Satisfaction With CPU Frequency How satisfied are users of different applications at different clock frequencies? Earlier work suggests there will much variation User Study –8 users –3 frequencies + Windows XP DVFS –3 typical Windows apps Presentation, Animation, Game –Rate comfort on Leikert-like 1 to 10 scale

5 5 Dramatic variation in user satisfaction for fixed frequencies –And for DVFS Setting frequency for worse case user is pessimistic Setting it for an “average” user is also wrong Presentation Game

6 6 User-Driven Frequency Scaling (UDFS) Developed system to dynamically customize frequency to the individual user –Key idea: user feedback at run-time –User presses “irritation button” (F11) as input But not too often! –2 very simple learning algorithms UDFS1, UDFS2

7 UDFS2 Algorithm Goal: probe to find the lowest frequency level the user is comfortable at and stabilize there General idea: react additively to both passage of time and user irritation events; also update rate of reaction based on rate of user feedback –UDSF1, in contrast, is an additive increase/multiplicative decrease algorithm, analogous to TCP Reno congestion control 7

8 UDFS2 Algorithm Each frequency level r i has interval t i –t i = 10 seconds, initially –r i are frequencies in descending order User not irritated in current interval t i ? –Switch frequency to r i+1, interval t i+1 Let’s go slower in the next interval 8

9 UDFS2 Algorithm User irritated in current interval t i ? –t i-1 =  t i-1 (  We should spend more time at the next highest frequency –t k =  t k  k: k  i-1 (  We should spend less time at the other frequencies, including this one –Switch frequency to r i-1, interval t i-1  = 2.5,  =0.8 in our studies 9

10 UDFS2 in Action (User is playing a game) 10 Note Convergence

11 11 Outline Summary User-Driven frequency scaling (UDFS) –User pessimism study –UDFS2 algorithm Process-Driven voltage scaling (PDVS) –PDVS profiling Evaluation of UDFS and PDVS Work in context Conclusion

12 CPU Voltage Minimum voltage needed for CPU stability is a function of frequency and temperature Claim: function varies across individual parts for many interesting processors Hence, we can do better than the worst case (nominal) function –P  V 2 CF makes even small changes significant 12

13 Example 13 2.13 GHz Pentium M-770 in a Thinkpad T43p This processor can be run at lower voltages than specifications indicate

14 Process-Driven Voltage Scaling 14 Profiling System (Boot CD) –Workload generator –Temperature monitor –Frequency selector –Voltage selector –Watchdog timer For each frequency/temperature –Modulate workload to maintain temperature –Decrease voltage until watchdog timer fires and reboots machine Profiling system implemented by Nikolay Valtchanov and Matt Robben Profile: min_voltage(frequency, temperature) Any DVFS Scheme

15 15 Outline Summary User-Driven frequency scaling (UDFS) –User pessimism study –UDFS2 algorithm Process-Driven voltage scaling (PDVS) –PDVS profiling Evaluation of UDFS and PDVS Work in context Conclusion

16 Experimental Setup IBM Thinkpad T43p –2.13 GHz Pentium M-770 –1 GB RAM –Windows XP SP2 UDFS system (or Windows DVFS) runs online, adjusting CPU frequency as user interacts with the system and applications PDVS effects and power measurements/analysis are done offline, using logs from UDFS and user traces –System power measurement –CPU dynamic power via simulation 16

17 Application Tasks Use Microsoft Powerpoint 2003 to replicate a presentation while listening to background music with Windows Media Player 10 Watch 3D Shockwave animation with Microsoft Internet Explorer (locally stored animation) Play FIFA 2005 Soccer (first person shooter game) 17

18 Users 20 participants recruited from Northwestern population via IRB-approved methods Participants self-identified as “Power User”, “Typical User”, “Beginner” for each application, plus PCs and Windows A demographic mix 18

19 Study Process Fill out a questionnaire (2 minutes) Read a one page handout (2 minutes) Acclimatize to the performance of our machine by using the apps (5 minutes) Perform the following tasks for UDFS1 –Powerpoint (4 minutes) –3D Shockwave (4 minutes) –FIFA game (8 minutes) Repeat previous for UDFS2 19

20 Results Compared to Windows DVFS Unless Otherwise Noted Measured system power –UDFS1, UDFS2, UDFS1+PDVS, UDFS2+PDVS, Windows DVFS+PDVS Simulated CPU dynamic power –UDFS1, UDFS2, UDFS1+PDVS, UDFS2+PDVS, Windows DVFS+PDVS Measured mean and peak temperature –UDFS1, UDFS2, UDFS1+PDVS, UDFS2+PDVS User irritation event rate (UDFS1,2) Multitasking study 20

21 Measured System Power (PowerPoint, % improvement over Windows DVFS) 21 PDVS dominates gains for less interactive applications with little user-user variance

22 Measured System Power (FIFA, % improvement over Windows DVFS) 22 UDFS contributes significant gains for more interactive applications

23 Measured Temperature (PowerPoint) 23 Significant temperature reductions are possible using UDFS and PDVS

24 Measured Temperature (FIFA Game) 24 Significant temperature reductions are possible using UDFS and PDVS

25 User Irritation Button Presses Rate of user feedback can be low, and can decrease with time 25 First 4 minutesSecond 4 minutes

26 26 Outline Summary User-Driven frequency scaling (UDFS) –User pessimism study –UDFS2 algorithm Process-Driven voltage scaling (PDVS) –PDVS profiling Evaluation of UDFS and PDVS Work in context Conclusion

27 Work In Context of Power Management Efforts in the Empathic Systems Project ( A. Gupta, B. Lin, P. Dinda, Measuring And Understanding User Comfort With Resource Borrowing, HPDC 2004 –Opportunity paper: Identification of variance in user satisfaction with systems decisions P. Dinda, G. Memik, R. Dick, B. Lin, A. Mallik, A. Gupta, S. Rossoff, The User In Experimental Computer Systems Research, ExpCS 2007 –Position paper: overview of goals of project and advocacy for user-driven work A. Mallik, J. Cosgrove, R. Dick, G. Memik, P. Dinda, PICSEL: Measuring User-Perceived Performance to Control Dynamic Frequency Scaling, ASPLOS 2008 –Customize power management to user by observing output to him A. Shye, B. Ozisikyilmaz, A. Mallik, G. Memik, P. Dinda, R. Dick, A. Choudhary, Learning and Leveraging the Relationship between Architectural-level Measurements and Individual User Satisfaction, ISCA 2008 –Learn performance counter->user satisfaction and use in power management A. Shye, Y. Pan, B. Scholbrock, J. S. Miller, G. Memik, P. Dinda, R. Dick, Power to the People: Leveraging Human Physiological Traits to Control Microprocessor Frequency, MICRO 2008 –Measure user satisfaction using biometrics and use in power management [This paper] –Direct user feedback for power management + PDVS 27

28 Related Work DVFS in general –Gochman, et al [Intel Tech Journal], Broch, et al [SOC03], and many more… Dynamic Thermal Management –Liu, et al [IEEE JSSC-93], Brookes, et al [WCED00], Crusoe, Intel Pentium-M, etc… PDVS-related –Teodorescu, et al [ISCA08], Razor [Ernst, et al, MICRO03], Dhar, et al [ISLPED05], Intel Foxton, AutoDVS [EMSOFT05], etc… UDFS-related –Lorch, et al [UCB TR], Yan, et al [DAC05], Vertigo [OSDI02], Xu, et al [EMSOFT05], Ranga, et al [IEEE Computer-06], Anand, et al [MOBICOMM03], Theocharous, et al [Intel Tech Journal 06] 28

29 29 Conclusion User-Driven Frequency Scaling (UDFS) –Adjust CPU frequency according to satisfaction of individual user, exploiting variation in satisfaction among users Process-Driven Voltage Scaling (PDVS) –Adjust voltage at frequency and temperature based on profile of the individual processor, exploiting variation among processors ~50% power reduction on Windows tasks compared to Windows DVFS –User study, measured system power Variation is opportunity

30 30 For More Information Empathic Systems Project – Prescience Lab – Peter Dinda –

31 Measured System Power (Multitasking Study, % improvement over Windows DVFS)) 31 Multitasking appears to increase benefits Small additional study where user watched 3D animation while also listening to MP3s using Windows Media Player

32 Measured System Power (3D Shockwave, % improvement over Windows DVFS) 32 UDFS contributes significant gains for more interactive applications

33 Measured Temperature (3D Shockwave) 33 Significant temperature reductions are possible using UDFS and PDVS

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