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Prometheus Design Tool (CAFnE Extension) v0.1: WeatherApplication.pd PDT/CAFnE Workspace is organized into four main panes Component Descriptor pane contains.

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Presentation on theme: "Prometheus Design Tool (CAFnE Extension) v0.1: WeatherApplication.pd PDT/CAFnE Workspace is organized into four main panes Component Descriptor pane contains."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prometheus Design Tool (CAFnE Extension) v0.1: WeatherApplication.pd PDT/CAFnE Workspace is organized into four main panes Component Descriptor pane contains documentation (Design tab) and internal details (CAFnE tab) of a component. Diagram Display pane shows the diagram view of that selected from the Diagrams pane Diagram pane lists the four types of graphical representation of the application Entities pane lists all the components of the system.

2 Prometheus Design Tool (CAFnE Extension) v0.1: WeatherApplication.pd Application Domain Details shows Attributes and Steps used in the application Attributes are used to describe the environment and the internal beliefs of agents in the system. The user can add new Attributes and modify existing ones here. Steps are execution blocks that can be used in a plan. Steps are categorized into 5 groups. Actions represents the domain specific steps while the other 4 categories (belief, message, trigger and logical) are common to any agent application.

3 Prometheus Design Tool (CAFnE Extension) v0.1: WeatherApplication.pd System Overview Diagram shows the application at the inter-agent level. System overview shows the agent types, various messages passed between them and the external data (percepts) received by the system.

4 Prometheus Design Tool (CAFnE Extension) v0.1: WeatherApplication.pd Agent Overview Diagram shows the internal components of an Agent. By selecting components in the diagram, you can provide the internal details of the component in the Descriptor pane. Here it shows Attributes in the “ PressureDataValues ” event.

5 Prometheus Design Tool (CAFnE Extension) v0.1: WeatherApplication.pd Initialization Diagram shows the agent instances at the start of the application. Descriptor of the agent instance allows the initialization of it’s beliefs with data values. Agent Instances Agent Types By selecting the ‘Run start method’ the agent instance fires a ‘startAgent’ event at start up providing a means to run a bootstrap plan.

6 Prometheus Design Tool (CAFnE Extension) v0.1: WeatherApplication.pd Transform Utility is an integrated tool to generate, check errors, compile and run the system. These options provide a way to track the execution of selected components at runtime. Transform generates JACK code from the application model. Compile starts the compilation process of JACK code. Run starts the application

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