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Early Warning System Carolyn L. Stuart Director of Counseling

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Presentation on theme: "Early Warning System Carolyn L. Stuart Director of Counseling"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Engagement and Retention Workshop Cape Fear Community College June 17, 2008
Early Warning System Carolyn L. Stuart Director of Counseling Halifax Community College Weldon, NC

2 Early Warning System What an Early Warning System Is
What an Early Warning System is Not (c) CLStuart/HCC

3 Early Warning System Getting Started Develop Policies and Procedures
Guidelines to Follow Develop Tools Forms to Use Who to Involve Administration, Faculty, and Students How to Involve When to Implement (c) CLStuart/HCC

4 Early Warning System Student Responsibilities
Meet with Advisor, Faculty, or Staff Discuss Presenting Issue(s) Sign EAF Take Original Hard Copy to Counseling Department (c) CLStuart/HCC

5 Early Warning System Advisor, Faculty, and/or Staff Responsibilities
Meet with Student Discuss Presenting Issue(s) Discuss Any Other Pertinent Issue(s) Complete EAF in it’s Entirety Sign/Date Give Original Hard Copy to Student Instruct Student to take the Form to the Counseling Department (c) CLStuart/HCC

6 Early Warning System Counselors’ Responsibilities Meet with Student
Review EAF Discuss Presenting Issue(s) Collaboratively Develop Early Alert Success Plan Sign and Date Plan Provide Hard Copy of the Plan and the EAF to the Student (c) CLStuart/HCC

7 Early Warning System Upside Student Progresses Student Involvement
Student Responsibility Student Choice Increased Student/Faculty/Staff Interaction Strengthen Student/Faculty/Staff Relationships Downside Additional Paperwork Lack of Buy-In from Administration Lack of Buy-In from Faculty/Staff Lack of Buy-In from Student (c) CLStuart/HCC

8 Early Warning System Date
I write to advise that at the end of the spring 200? semester, you were placed on academic probation. Academic probation is based upon your cumulative grade point average (total average of all grades received since you began attending the college). This average can be found on your grade report and is listed under “Cumulative Grade Totals” as GPA. In order to remain in good standing, students must maintain the following overall grade point averages: 10-16 credit total hours attempted cumulative (total) grade point average. 17 credit hours or more cumulative (total) grade point average A registration hold has been placed on your record and you can not register for the upcoming semester. A Counselor is the only person who can remove the hold. The hold will remain in effect until you have met with your Advisor to complete an Early Alert Form (EAF). It is your responsibility to meet with your Advisor as soon as possible to complete the EAF. Once the EAF is completed you are responsible for taking the form to the Counseling Department located in Building ??, Suite ?? to meet with a Counselor and develop an Early Alert Success Plan. If the first initial of your last name begins with the letters A-N please contact Mr. Doe ( 7890). If the first initial of your last name begins with the letters M-Z, please contact Ms. Deer ( ). Only after both the EAF and Early Alert Success Plan are completed will a Counselor remove the hold from your record. Please have your EAF and Early Alert Success Plan completed one week prior to early registration (July ?? and July ??). If you need further assistance please contact your Advisor or a Counselor.  Sincerely, Registrar’s Office Staff (c) CLStuart/HCC

9 Early Warning System Forms
Early Alert Form (EAF) Student’s Name: ________________ ID Number: ______________________ Student’s Phone Number: _________ Address:____________________ Major: ________________________ Advisor: _______________________ Name of Course: ________________ Section Number: _____________ Course Instructor: ________________ Accommodations: _____Yes _____No  Reason(s) for Referral: __Medical __Personal __Social __Academic __Lack of Interest __Lack of Motivation __Employment Conflict __Financial Issues __ Lack of Transportation __Poor Attendance __Peer to Peer Conflict __Instructor/Student Conflict __Reading Ability __Math Ability __Poor Study Habits __Inattentive in Class __Fails to Complete Assignments __ Difficulty Understanding Course Content __Inappropriate Classroom Behavior __Progress Not Consistent with Ability  Prior Intervention(s): __Telephone Conference __Office Conference __ __USPS Mail __Classroom Notification __Referral (To whom?)__________ _Other (specify): __________________________  Department Referred To: __Counseling __Student Support Services __Admissions __Financial Aid __Dean of Students __Registrar __Dean of Curriculum __Enrollment Management __Other Student Signature: _______________________________Date: _/_/_ Faculty/Staff Signature: ___________________________Date: _/_/_ Counselor’s Signature: ____________________________Date: _/_/_ Disposition of Referral: _____________________________________ (c) CLStuart/HCC

10 Early Warning System Forms
Early Alert Success Plan Based on the referral submitted by ___________________________________________ dated ______________________________, an individualized Success Plan has been developed to assist and support you in your endeavor to be successful during your academic career at Halifax Community College. The following plan will be implemented and shall remain in effect from _______________________ until_____________________. The Success Plan will be reviewed weekly in the form of a face-to-face meeting attended by both the student and counselor, in the form of , USPS mail, fax, or telephone as needed during the period of improvement. The Counselor may deem it necessary to invite an Academic Advisor, Instructor, Student Services staff, Student Support Services staff, and/or other necessary HCC staff (e.g., financial aid, registrar) to attend a face-to-face meeting. The person making the referral will be notified of your progress toward fulfilling this contract. The signatures below signify that this Success Plan was developed collaboratively and that all parties are fully informed of the choices, rights, and consequences that may occur as the result of implementing this Success Plan. ______________________________________ ______________________________ Student Signature Date _____________________________________ ______________________________ Counselor’s Signature Date (c) CLStuart/HCC

11 Early Warning System Forms
EAF Mid-Semester Progress Report Dear , Your student, has made the following progress: ___Kept Scheduled Appointments ___Been Receptive to Feedback ___Followed Through With Recommendations ___Maintained Passing Grade ___Other (write comments) (c) CLStuart/HCC

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