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Tools to keep track of the literature Diego Mauricio Riaño-Pachón AG Mueller-Roeber University of Potsdam GabiPD team - MPIMP April 2008

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Presentation on theme: "Tools to keep track of the literature Diego Mauricio Riaño-Pachón AG Mueller-Roeber University of Potsdam GabiPD team - MPIMP April 2008"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools to keep track of the literature Diego Mauricio Riaño-Pachón AG Mueller-Roeber University of Potsdam GabiPD team - MPIMP April 2008

2 Thousands of papers in hundreds of journals Computers: literature mining Who reads all that? Humans: mmmm, not really. How to make it easier?

3 Interest Listen to science news (hot papers). Keep track of TOCs of several journals Read reviews on specific papers. Using the same keywords to search PUBMED >1 per month/week General Specific

4 Listening to science news e.g. Podcast: you can subscribe and be kept up to date. Nature Science

5 e-TOC, e-alert Electronic table of contents: get an e-mail with the TOC. List of titles.

6 RSS, feed, channel RSS feed: Very similar to e-TOC. Usually includes the abstract! Using a RSS reader (also for blogs): Google Reader

7 Google (RSS) Reader

8 Google (RSS) Reader Adding subscriptions: Look for the RSS feed in the web page of the journal and copy. Add to the reader. Go to gReader

9 Periodic searches PubCrawler Automatic search Medline with a predefined query

10 Periodic searches PubCrawler


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