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MAREN MOLTKE LYNGSGAARD UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN 1 Maren Moltke Lyngsgaard Marine biologist from Aarhus University PhD Project: Climate change impacts.

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Presentation on theme: "MAREN MOLTKE LYNGSGAARD UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN 1 Maren Moltke Lyngsgaard Marine biologist from Aarhus University PhD Project: Climate change impacts."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAREN MOLTKE LYNGSGAARD UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN 1 Maren Moltke Lyngsgaard Marine biologist from Aarhus University PhD Project: Climate change impacts on primary production dynamics in inner Danish waters July 2009 – July 2012 Supervisors: Katherine Richardson (University of Copenhagen) Michael Olesen (University of Copenhagen, Helsingor) Stiig Markager (National Environmental Research Institute) Torben Vang (Aarhus University)

2 MAREN MOLTKE LYNGSGAARD UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN 2 ECODYN: Participants: National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), Aarhus University (AU), Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), University of Copenhagen, DTU-Aqua Overall project title: Influence of ecological dynamics and climate change on the marine environment in Danish waters. My project title: The influence of climate change on primary production dynamics in inner Danish waters.


4 MAREN MOLTKE LYNGSGAARD UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN 4 August September Oxygen concentration in 2003 Oxygen concentration in 2100 2100-2003 difference: Hansen & Bendtsen 2006

5 MAREN MOLTKE LYNGSGAARD UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN 5 2003 2100 2100-2003 Difference Model results of a 30% reduction in the export of organic material to bottom waters predicts less oxygen Deficiency in the future. Strong relationship between export production and oxygen use. September Hansen & Bendtsen 2006

6 MAREN MOLTKE LYNGSGAARD UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN 6 This PhD project includes 2 leading questions: 1.Temperature sensitivity of subsurface photosynthesis. 1.Measure primary production dynamics in total watercolumn and subsurface peaks 2.Estimate biological export 2.Match-mismatch relationship between plankton groups. 1.Identify phytoplankton spring bloom kick off 2.Identify zooplankton kick off and a possible climate induced mismatch Time of year Abundance Phytoplankton Zooplankton

7 MAREN MOLTKE LYNGSGAARD UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN 7 Time series analyses Field Work/ survey What influences primary production in inner Danish waters? Do we see any climate related impact on primary production today? How big an influence does the methods used have on possible climate change signals? Detection of seasonal changes on primary production and export of organic material in the year 2010 Detection of phyto- and zooplankton kick off in spring time.

8 MAREN MOLTKE LYNGSGAARD UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN 8 Oxygen production Oxygen use Field work Achievements 2010 January February March April May June July August September October November December

9 MAREN MOLTKE LYNGSGAARD UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN 9 Gold: Improve model inputs On primary production dynamics Thanks for listening

10 MAREN MOLTKE LYNGSGAARD UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN 10 CTD profiles on water chemistry, physics and biology. This supplemented by fast repetition rate Fluorometry (FRRF) Station 1. Aarhus Station 2. Helsingor Remineralisation measurements or sediment traps?

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