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Flappers How do you know that the song Thoroughly Modern Millie is about flappers?

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Presentation on theme: "Flappers How do you know that the song Thoroughly Modern Millie is about flappers?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Flappers How do you know that the song Thoroughly Modern Millie is about flappers?

2 Listen to Thoroughly Modern Millie

3 Lyrics Clue1 ENSEMBLE MEN: There are those, I suppose Think we're mad, heaven knows The world has gone to rack and to ruin WOMAN 1: What we think is chic WOMAN 2: Unique WOMEN 3 &4: And quite adorable ENSEMBLE WOMEN: They think is odd and “Sodom and Gomorrah”-ble! MILLIE: But the fact is, Everything today is thoroughly modern Reference to Bible

4 4 references here ENSEMBLE: Check your personality MILLIE : Everything today makes yesterday slow ENSEMBLE : Better face reality MILLIE : It's not insanity Says Vanity Fair In fact, it's stylish to MILLIE AND ENSEMBLE WOMEN : Raise your skirts and bob your hair MILLIE: Have you seen the way they kiss in the movies ENSEMBLE MEN: Isn't it delectable?

5 3 more MILLIE AND ENSEMBLE WOMEN: Painting lips and pencil lining your brow Now is quite respectable MILLIE: Good-bye, good goody girl I'm changing and how ENSEMBLE: So beat the drums 'cause here comes Thoroughly Modern Millie now What we think is chic, unique and quite adorable They think is odd and "Sodom and Gomorrah"-ble! But the fact is Everything today is thoroughly modern ENSEMBLE MEN: Bands are getting jazzier ENSEMBLE: Everything today is starting to go

6 And finally… ENSEMBLE WOMEN: Cars are getting snazzier ENSEMBLE: Men say it's criminal what women'll do What they're forgetting is MILLIE: This is 1922! MILLIE AND ENSEMBLE: Good-bye, good goody girl I'm changing and how MILLIE: I'm changing and how! ALL: So beat the drums 'cause here comes thoroughly Hot off the press! One step ahead! Jazz age! Whoopee baby! We're so thoroughly modern MILLIE: Millie! ALL: Now!

7 Is this poster an accurate portrayal of a flapper?

8 Now look at the introduction to a film version To help you get a feel for the fashions etc

9 What other aspects of flapper life are shown in this 6 minute film?

10 For example

11 Mystery picture

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