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Dynamic Web Sites DECO 3001 Tutorial 6 – Form Presented by Ji Soo Yoon 30 April 2004 Slides adopted from

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1 Dynamic Web Sites DECO 3001 Tutorial 6 – Email Form Presented by Ji Soo Yoon 30 April 2004 Slides adopted from,,, and A Practical Guide To Active Server Pages 3.0 ©2000 Manas Tungare

2 Active Server Pages Revisited An Active Server Page is a text script with extension.asp An ASP typically contains HTML, client and server scripts  ASP code is bracketed in  Pre-processed (like SSIs) before the page is sent to the client  Statements in VBScript (similar to VB) or in JavaScript  Uses built-in ASP objects  Uses prewritten active server components (called COM objects stored in.dll or.exe files)  Can build new COM objects (harder)

3 “Hello World” Example <% Dim I ' declare our loop index variable %> <% For I = 1 To 5 Step 1 %> ” >Hello World <% Next ' bounce back to the top of the loop %>

4 Advantages Easier to code Faster execution with multiple hits  Each CGI program loads separate code  Two ASP pages can use the same.dll file which is loaded only once Expected availability of Microsoft and third party COM objects  Can be developed in (almost) any language Fostered by Microsoft

5 Disadvantages Evolving rapidly Hard to gain detailed information of different components Fostered by Microsoft

6 Intrinsic Objects ASP programs have access to intrinsic objects  Request  Response  Application  Session  Server Each of the objects has a set of collections, methods, properties and events which provide them with all their functionality

7 Request Object Information returned with the HTTP header (GET) or body (POST) Properties  TotalBytes (the size of data in HTTP header) Collections  ClientCertificate (for security)  Cookies  Form  QueryString  ServerVariables

8 Request.QueryString The information sent using GET Request.QueryString is everything after the ? Request.QueryString("name")  Gets value for  If this is from a form, it will be associated with an input box with NAME= name

9 Request.Form The information sent from a form via POST Request.Form(“name”) gets the value assigned to an input box with NAME= name

10 Request.ServerVariables Environment variables in HTTP header CGI equivalent: environment variables  See 2.cgi

11 Response Object Control over information sent to the client in the HTTP response: when, how, what Properties  Buffer, CacheControl, Charset, ContentType, Expires,... Collections  Cookies Methods  AddToHeader, AppendToLog, Clear, End, Flush, Redirect  Write (most frequently-used)

12 Other Intrinsic Objects Application  An application is all files that can be accessed through a directory and its subdirectories  Allows variables and objects with application-level scope  Application_OnStart event when first client requests a file Session  Tracks the current user’s info, Initialized via Session_OnStart Server  Properties: ScriptTimeout  Methods: CreateObject, HTMLEncode, MapPath, URLEncode Server.ScriptTimeout = 100 Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”))

13 Installable Components ASP programs have access to intrinsic objects (Request, Response, Application, Session, Server) Other objects can be “installed”  Standard library  Built for a particular application COM is the interface standard for these objects which have methods and properties Examples:  Collaboration Data Objects: CDONTS  ActiveX Data Objects: ADODB  Others: Ad Rotator, Content Linking, Content Rotator, Counters, File Access, Page Counter, Permission Checker

14 Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) CDO adds messaging functions to applications. CDONTS is a COM library for NT designed to send mail through SMTP To create the CDONTS object Dim objCDOMail 'The CDO object Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") This has Attributes: From, To, Subject, Body, Cc, Bcc, AttachFile,... Method: Send Procedure:  assign values to the attributes  apply Send

15 Sending a simple message Dim objCDOMail Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") objCDOMail.To = “Receiver Email Address” objCDOMail.From = “Sender Email Address” objCDOMail.Subject = “Subject” objCDOMail.Body = “Body” objCDOMail.Send Set objCDOMail = Nothing

16 File Access Access to a file system via the FileSystemObject  Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObjec t”) File system has folders, drives, files Methods: CreateFolder, CreateTextFile, DriveExists, DeleteFile, GetFile, OpenTextFile,... Text file methods: Read, ReadLine, Write,

17 ADO: Active Data Objects ADODB.Connection: to a data provider (db) ADODB.Recordset: the records returned from a query (or a whole table) ADODB.Field: a component in a recordset ADODB.Command: an SQL statement that returns a recordset ADODB.Parameter: holds parameters in an SQL statement ADODB.Error, ADODB.Property

18 Connection Object A connection to the database. Can be used for more than one query. Properties  ConectionTimeout  CommandTimeout  ConnectionString Methods  Open  Close

19 Example Set DataConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") DataConn.ConnectionTimeout = 15 'property DataConn.CommandTimeout = 30 ‘property Note, this has no connection to any data yet. DataConn.Open "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("database.mdb") & ";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DriverId=25; MaxBufferSize=8192; Threads=20;", "username", "password" An Access database, database.mdb on the default directory Fill in correct “username” and” password”

20 Recordset Object Records in a query or table from the connection It must be opened to have anything in it Properties  ActiveConnection: the current data source  Fields: in the table  BOF, EOF: of the recordset Methods  AddNew  Delete  MoveFirst, MoveNext, MoveLast  Open, Close

21 Command Object Not necessary (one can just type in when a recordset is opened), but a neat way to define and reuse commands Properties  CommandText  CommandType (adcmdText = SQL, adcmdTable = table name, Methods  Execute

22 File Access Access to a file system via the FileSystemObject  Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObjec t”) File system has folders, drives, files Methods: CreateFolder, CreateTextFile, DriveExists, DeleteFile, GetFile, OpenTextFile,... Text file methods: Read, ReadLine, Write,

23 More ADODB Major objects: Connection and Recordset Possible interfaces to a database  via a connection – previous slides  directly – slides to come Recordset Connection Recordset DB Recordset

24 Comparison Connection  Cleaner  Allows multiple recordsets without recreating and duplicating the connection  Easier to change in one place Just recordset  Less code to write (not a good reason)

25 Using a connection Set DataConn =Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") strConnString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver... DataConn.Open strConnString, strUserId, strPasswd Set rsObj = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") cmdSQL = “SELECT…” rsObj.Open cmdSQL, DataConn, CursorType, LockType,.. The first param is an SQL statement, a table, procedure name The second param is a connection object or string with connection text

26 Using a recordset: With intermediate variables: strConnString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access... Set rsObj= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsObj.Open cmdSQL, strConnString, … More confusing, put everything in the Open command: rsObj.Open “SELECT…”, "DRIVER={Microsoft Access…”, …

27 ASP Components Components (e.g. ADODB) have classes  e.g. Connection, Recordset, Field, Command,.. Classes have methods  e.g. Open, Close,.. The ADODB.dll is available to ASP pages and supports this component An object is created in an ASP page with the create method of Server  Server.CreateObject(“component_name.class_name”)  objDataConn =Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”) The object then has access to the methods of the class

28 Developing components Most easily built in VB. Ref: Shelly Powers. Open VB Select File/New Project/ActiveX DLL You get Project1 and a Class1 window Change Project1 name to NewCom in Project/Properties Change Class1 name to CLA in the window for Class 1 Build functions for AddNew, Remove, … in the (Code) window Public Function AddNew() --------- End Function Make/Project creates NewCom.dll regsvr32 NewCom.dll registers it objCLA = Server.CreateObject(“NewCOM.CLA”) creates an instance

29 ASP Learning and Code Sites ASP Lessons  ASP Tutorial  ASP Tips  ADO Connection String Samples  Microsoft’s ASP Site  Other ASP Sites 

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