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1 Ali Salehi,Karl Aberer,Manfred Hauswirth, Andreas Wombacher, Yongluan Zhou, Lei Shu, Antonio Aguilar,Gearoid Hynes, et al.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Ali Salehi,Karl Aberer,Manfred Hauswirth, Andreas Wombacher, Yongluan Zhou, Lei Shu, Antonio Aguilar,Gearoid Hynes, et al."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Ali Salehi,Karl Aberer,Manfred Hauswirth, Andreas Wombacher, Yongluan Zhou, Lei Shu, Antonio Aguilar,Gearoid Hynes, et al.

2 2 Today’s Isolated Sensor Networks: Set of nodes Ad-hoc routing One or more sink node Base computer Research focus:  Mote level, energy saving, routing, etc. Global Sensor Networks ?

3 3 Where is GSN? Sensor Network:  Sensing  In network Data/query Processing Filtering Aggregation Data Management:  Data: Management. Publishing. Expensive processing. Archives. Global Sensor Networks Data Management Sensor Network

4 4 Just reinventing the wheel ?  Different abstractions, hard to share.  Isolated networks, hard to republish. Global Sensor Networks

5 5 Global Sensor Networks Players: Web servers (IIS/…) Web documents. Contents: ASP/HTML/CSS/… Internet

6 6 Global Sensor Networks Sensor Internet Players: Sensor servers (GSN). Sensor networks. Contents: Virtual sensors.

7 7 IIS Server, container for HTML/ASP pages. GSN, container for virtual sensors. A virtual sensor, produces the content,  a real sensor, a wireless camera, a desktop computer, GPS sensor, network traffic, etc.  combination of other virtual sensors.  Logical view of the sensor network. Global Sensor Networks

8 8 5140 GSN Various Applications GSN Global Sensor Networks Apache server => Web applications. GSN server => Sensor network applications.

9 9 Global Sensor Networks Internet: Web pages. Web services composition. Sensor Internet: Streaming sensor data. Virtual sensor composition. Sensor Data Composition

10 10 Global Sensor Networks Sensor Data Composition

11 11 Integrity Service Access Control GSN/Web/Web-Services Notification Manager Query Processor Query Repository Storage Manager Virtual Sensor Manager Input Stream Manager Stream Quality Manager Life Cycle Manager Pool Of Sensing Devices Global Sensor Networks Sensor Server Processing and/or filtering. Storage, archive. Access to sensor network hardware. Easy setup, easy to change. Goal: Publishing streams generated by sensor networks. GSN: Reference Implementation

12 12  Virtual Sensor: Functional/non-function properties.  Storage, data integrity, filters, pre-processors,etc. Described in a XML file. Global Sensor Networks Source 1 Source 2 … Source n Application logic and processing Output Virtual Sensor

13 13 Global Sensor Networks BC143 room monitoring 9001 select * from WRAPPER <stream-source alias="temperature1“ storage-size="1m“ sampling-rate=“1”> temperature BC143-N select AVG(temp1) as T1 from WRAPPER <stream-source alias="temperature2“ storage-size="1m“> temperature BC143-S select AVG(temp2) as T2 from WRAPPER select cam.picture as image, temperature.T1 as temp from cam, temperature1 where temperature1.T1 > 30 AND temperature1.T1 = temperature2.T2

14 14 GSN, generic middleware for sensor networks Black box!  Produces streams.  Consumes control/feedback cmds. Inside sensor network:  In network processing (e.g.,TinyDB)  Any routing protocol.  Any MAC protocol. Global Sensor Networks Sensor Network Stream Control/ Feedback

15 15 Global Sensor Networks GSN Hardware Support: HTTP generic wrapper  devices accessible via HTTP GET or POST requests, e.g., the AXIS206W wireless camera Serial forwarder wrapper  enables interaction with TinyOS compatible motes (standard access in TinyOS) USB camera wrapper  local USB connection.  supports cameras with OV518 and OV511 chips. RFID wrapper  Texas Instruments Series 6000 S6700 multi-protocol RFID readers  Alien Technologies long range RFID reader 8950. Generic UDP wrapper  any device using the UDP protocol Generic serial/bluetooth wrapper  supports sensing devices which send data through the serial port, e.g., EPuck robots, etc.

16 16 Part 2: GSN and Sensor Map Together Global Sensor Networks MSR Sensor Map

17 17 Integration:  Goal 1: SensorMap, channel for finding virtual sensors. meta data and sensor description, location, type, etc. Global Sensor Networks MSR Sensor Map

18 18 Integration:  Goal 2: SensorMap, channel for accessing sensor data. Pulling for data from GSN servers. Global Sensor Networks MSR Sensor Map

19 19 Latest updates on integration:  Goal 1: Using sensor map for finding sensors. Automatic virtual sensor registration to sensor map. Tightly integrated with GSN configuration. Example: Global Sensor Networks

20 20 Latest updates on integration:  Goal 2: pulling for sensor data from GSN. GeoRSS interface for GSN/SensorMap. Using GSN as the data hub. Example: Global Sensor Networks

21 21 Sensor Map:  Portal for finding virtual sensors. meta data and sensor description, location, type, etc.  Pulling for data when needed. GSN:  Sensor data publishing.  Sensor data management and archival.  Expensive client-side data processing. Handling sophisticated visualizations. Global Sensor Networks

22 22 GSN Team (as of today)  Ali Salehi (PhD)  Prof. Karl Aberer  Prof. Manfred Hauswirth  Dr. Andreas Wombacher  Dr. Yongluan ZHOU  Oana Jurca (PhD)  Lei Shu (PhD)  Antonio Aguilar (PhD)  Gearoid Hynes (PhD)  Clement Beffa (MSc) Global Sensor Networks GSN  SensorMap Sensor data publishing. Data filtering/processing. Visualization. Data archival. Easy to setup and use. Looking up sensors. Meta data. Data aggregating.

23 23 GSN status as of today  8 releases, latest version 0.95  ~50K visitors.  downloads > 1K. Global Sensor Networks Users Community 3/5/2007-9/5/2007

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