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Robotic Football Group E1 Jesse Brawer Zach Eberbach Rob Mineo Laura Peveler Susan Sinclair.

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Presentation on theme: "Robotic Football Group E1 Jesse Brawer Zach Eberbach Rob Mineo Laura Peveler Susan Sinclair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robotic Football Group E1 Jesse Brawer Zach Eberbach Rob Mineo Laura Peveler Susan Sinclair

2 Introduction Our Focus: – Prototype both a quarterback and a receiver in order to complete an offensive passing play. Today’s Discussion: – Circuitry, programming, CAD.

3 Previous Week’s Action Items Item 1: Programming and Circuit Construction – Completed circuit diagrams and logic flowcharts for both robots.

4 Quarterback Circuit Diagram

5 Quarterback Logic Flowchart

6 Receiver Circuit Diagram

7 Receiver Logic Flowchart

8 Previous Week’s Action Items Item 1 (continued): Programming and Circuit Construction – QB throwing arm circuit designed and operational. – QB base and receiver circuits designed. – Have programs for each element, need to be debugged.

9 Quarterback Arm Circuit

10 Previous Week’s Action Items Item 2: Order Structural Components – HDPE and parts for throwing arm have been received. – CAD model for quarterback completed. – Receiver CAD model near completion – need to design brace for interrupter – Throwing arm shaft designed.

11 Quarterback CAD model


13 Receiver CAD model

14 Current Status of Concept Status of the Design – Prototype Development Phase – Behind schedule Hoping to use this week to catch up – Some show-stoppers Having some programming problems

15 Next Week’s Action Items Item 1: Construct Robot Bodies – Not including electronic components – Begin with quarterback Receiver construction will be simpler

16 Next Week’s Action Items Item 2: Complete Working Programs for each component. QB throwing arm – already completed. QB base. Receiver wheels and encoder. – Set circuits up on table.

17 Conclusion Important Points: – QB CAD model completed, receiver near completion. – QB throwing arm circuit and program operational. – Will construct both robot bodies and complete working programs this week.

18 Questions? Any questions?

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