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0 CCG Meeting Angaston 1 st April 2009. Mine Operation Update Eastern area  Shaping and topsoil addition continuing  Preparation for planting of trees.

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Presentation on theme: "0 CCG Meeting Angaston 1 st April 2009. Mine Operation Update Eastern area  Shaping and topsoil addition continuing  Preparation for planting of trees."— Presentation transcript:

1 0 CCG Meeting Angaston 1 st April 2009

2 Mine Operation Update Eastern area  Shaping and topsoil addition continuing  Preparation for planting of trees and grass  Continuing to crush on western side of eastern mound Western MPL  Topsoil removal continuing  Topsoil sample submitted for testing and sampling continuing  Jaeckeli Creek management and western Vegetation plan submitted to PIRSA Other  Dust suppressant trial  Tallow based product not optimum, penetration low.  Investigation of different product underway.  Two maintenance shutdowns on Aggregate Crushing plant  March 2 nd and 3 rd down 48hr  March 20 th down 12 hours  Rockbreaker hammer not working since the 24 th March. Mechanical repair waiting on damage assessment.  Osborne crushing plant not working 31 st March. Repair expected completion date 2 nd April  Front road pot holes repaired and graded  Fox baiting program commenced  Two mobile crushers decommissioned and removed– dust & noise emission initiative

3 Mine Operation Update Mobile Crusher Plant 24 hour trial  Conducted over 2 days 16 th and 17 th March  Noise, dust and light spillage monitored on both nights and crossed matched against weather station data oLight spillage – operation evident but no off site spillage oDust emmissions controlled oNoise levels recorded below EPA criteria  Trial successful from operational aspect  Three environmental complaints (noise, dust, hours of operations) received from second night of operation, no complaints from first night  No immediate plans for 24 hour operation

4 Mobile Crusher Plant 24 Hour Trial Noise Monitoring Results Date: Tuesday 17th March 2009 12.30am to 5.30am

5 Mobile Crusher Plant 24 Hour Trial Noise Monitoring Results Date: Wednesday 18th March 2009 12.30am to 4.30am

6 Noise Abatement Initiatives  Noise monitoring program at Penrice Rd residents  Trial delayed start Train loading – 0730am start Monday to Friday – 0800hrs start Saturday and Sunday  Two trains on Thursday 9 th and Friday 17 th for Easter and Vintage Festival  Two Mobile Crushers removed from site – one located Council Pit and one on Brighton Lite Hill  Sales Yard 2 day trial 2 nd & 3 rd April oNo trucks to enter site prior to 0600hrs oNo loaded truck to leave site prior to 0630am  Investigate possibility to preload Nexy trucks PM on site, store off site for delivery AM next day

7 Tarp survey Letters to freight companies issued requiring tarping compliance by 30 th April Tarping survey conducted of trucks exiting site on 30/03/09, it was found;  89% of the trucks used the truck wash.  Of the 310 trucks exiting the site 80% of them, 247 trucks, were fitted with tarps.  Of those 247 trucks 63% used there tarp.  37% of trucks that could tarp, didn’t. This is a vast improvement from the last survey conducted and with further implementation we shall see all trucks tarping. Freight companies were recorded and non compliant drivers have been notified of the requirements to tarp.

8 Tarp Letter TARPING OF TRUCKS LEAVING PENRICE MINE SITE An EPA licence condition for Penrice Quarry & Mineral (PQM) is for all truck movements leaving the Quarry to be tarped. Penrice is a community caring business and is committed to eliminating any dust issues that may impact our neighbours. The tarping of vehicles is seen to be a step that is required to eliminate dust emission from vehicles leaving the Quarry. It is now PQM policy for all vehicles fitted with a tarp to comply with this by the end of April 2009. Should a tarp need to be installed to a vehicle, PQM require this to be undertaken to comply with this policy by the 30th June 2009. Regards Penrice SODA PRODUCTS PTY LTD Andrew Maynard Sales Manager – Quarry & Mineral

9 8 Dust Improvements  New water delivery system to the site  Trial dust suppressant  Operator education on dust generation activities  Modifying operations on high wind conditions  New sprinklers on the truck wash  Recently removed mobile crushers from site  Tarping of exiting trucks

10 9 Dust Emission Reduction Initiatives

11 10 Possible Long Term Engineering Solutions  Potential options oDust extraction on all crusher transfer points. oEnclosing the conveyor belts. oNew crushing plant for glass grade limestone. oLufting at sand output conveyor. oWheel wash. oAuto bins aggregate plant for loading

12 11 Personal Dust Monitoring Personal Dust Monitoring Results from testing conducted by HSE & MAQUOSH March 18 th 2009

13 12 Subject #1 Subject #2 Subject #3 Subject #4 Subject #5 Subject #6 Subject #7 Subject #8

14 13

15 14 TSP & PM10 Dust Results March TSP Limits: 120 µg/m3 DateTSP (µg/m 3 )High wind Sp (km/h)Wind direction 2/03/20093657.9SSE 5/03/20097341.8NNW 8/03/20095767.6SSW 11/03/20095243.5SSW 14/03/20097977.2NNW 17/03/20095846.7SSW 20/03/20095048.3NNE 23/03/200911553.1SSW 26/03/200916575.6SSW 29/03/200910257.9SSW Average79 PM10 Limits: 50 µg/m3 DatePM10 (µg/m 3 )High wind Sp (km/h)Wind direction 2/03/20091557.9SSE 5/03/20091241.8NNW 8/03/20091267.6SSW 11/03/20092043.5SSW 14/03/20093177.2NNW 17/03/20091546.7SSW 20/03/2009Invalid airflow48.3NNE 23/03/2009Invalid airflow53.1SSW 26/03/20093275.6SSW 29/03/20092257.9SSW Average20 PM10 20/3/09, 23/3/09 : Airflow outside defined limits consider sample as invalid unit's air mass flow control meter was recalibrated

16 15 Site map Dust Monitoring TSP, PM10 North

17 16 Water Supply  Pit water supply critical – investigate alternatives

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