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Probabilistic Robotics: Review/SLAM

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1 Probabilistic Robotics: Review/SLAM
Advanced Mobile Robotics Probabilistic Robotics: Review/SLAM Dr. Jizhong Xiao Department of Electrical Engineering CUNY City College

2 Bayes Filter Revisit Prediction (Action) Correction (Measurement)

3 Probabilistic Robotics
Probabilistic Sensor Models Beam-based Model Likelihood Fields Model Feature-based Model

4 Beam-based Proximity Model
Measurement noise Unexpected obstacles zexp zmax zexp zmax Gaussian Distribution Exponential Distribution

5 Beam-based Proximity Model
Random measurement Max range zexp zmax zexp zmax Uniform distribution Point-mass distribution

6 Resulting Mixture Density
Weighted average, and How can we determine the model parameters? System identification method: maximum likelihood estimator (ML estimator)

7 Likelihood Fields Model
Project the end points of a sensor scan Zt into the global coordinate space of the map Probability is a mixture of … a Gaussian distribution with mean at distance to closest obstacle, a uniform distribution for random measurements, and a small uniform distribution for max range measurements. Again, independence between different components is assumed.

8 Likelihood Fields Model
Distance to the nearest obstacles. Max range reading ignored

9 Example Example environment Likelihood field
The darker a location, the less likely it is to perceive an obstacle P(z|x,m) Sensor probability Oi : Nearest point to obstacles O1 O2 O3 Zmax

10 Feature-Based Measurement Model
Feature vector is abstracted from the measurement: Sensors that measure range, bearing, & a signature (a numerical value, e.g., an average color) Conditional independence between features Feature-Based map: with i.e., a location coordinate in global coordinates & a signature Robot pose: Measurement model: Zero-mean Gaussian error variables with standard deviations

11 Probabilistic Robotics
Probabilistic Motion Models

12 Odometry Model Robot moves from to . Odometry information .
Relative motion information, “rotation”  “translation”  “rotation”

13 Noise Model for Odometry
The measured motion is given by the true motion corrupted with independent noise. How to calculate :

14 Calculating the Posterior Given xt, xt-1, and u
An initial pose Xt-1 A hypothesized final pose Xt A pair of poses u obtained from odometry Algorithm motion_model_odometry (xt, xt-1, u) return p1 · p2 · p3 odometry values (u) values of interest (xt-1, xt) Implements an error distribution over a with zero mean and standard deviation b

15 Application Repeated application of the sensor model for short movements. Typical banana-shaped distributions obtained for 2d-projection of 3d posterior. p(xt| u, xt-1) x’ x’ u u Posterior distributions of the robot’s pose upon executing the motion command illustrated by the solid line. The darker a location, the more likely it is.

16 Velocity-Based Model Rotation radius control

17 Equation for the Velocity Model
Instantaneous center of curvature (ICC) at (xc , yc) Initial pose Keeping constant speed, after ∆t time interval, ideal robot will be at Corrected, -90

18 Velocity-based Motion Model
With and are the state vectors at time t-1 and t respectively The true motion is described by a translation velocity and a rotational velocity Motion Control with additive Gaussian noise Circular motion assumption leads to degeneracy , 2 noise variables v and w  3D pose Assume robot rotates when arrives at its final pose

19 Velocity-based Motion Model
1 to 4 are robot-specific error parameters determining the velocity control noise 5 and 6 are robot-specific error parameters determining the standard deviation of the additional rotational noise

20 Probabilistic Motion Model
How to compute ? Move with a fixed velocity during ∆t resulting in a circular trajectory from to Center of circle: with Radius of the circle: Change of heading direction: (angle of the final rotation)

21 Posterior Probability for Velocity Model
Center of circle Radius of the circle Change of heading direction Motion error: verr ,werr and

22 Examples (velocity based)

23 Map-Consistent Motion Model
Obstacle grown by robot radius Map free estimate of motion model “consistency” of pose in the map “=0” when placed in an occupied cell Approximation:

24 Summary We discussed motion models for odometry-based and velocity-based systems We discussed ways to calculate the posterior probability p(x| x’, u). Typically the calculations are done in fixed time intervals t. In practice, the parameters of the models have to be learned. We also discussed an extended motion model that takes the map into account.

25 Probabilistic Robotics
Localization “Using sensory information to locate the robot in its environment is the most fundamental problem to providing a mobile robot with autonomous capabilities.” [Cox ’91]

26 Localization, Where am I?
Given Map of the environment. Sequence of measurements/motions. Wanted Estimate of the robot’s position. Problem classes Position tracking (initial robot pose is known) Global localization (initial robot pose is unknown) Kidnapped robot problem (recovery)

27 Markov Localization

28 Bayes Filter Revisit Prediction (Action) Correction (Measurement)

29 EKF Linearization First Order Taylor Expansion Prediction: Correction:

30 EKF Algorithm Extended_Kalman_filter( mt-1, St-1, ut, zt): Prediction:
Correction: Return mt, St

31 EKF_localization ( mt-1, St-1, ut, zt, m): Prediction:
Jacobian of g w.r.t location Jacobian of g w.r.t control Motion noise covariance Matrix from the control Predicted mean Predicted covariance

32 Velocity-based Motion Model
With and are the state vectors at time t-1 and t respectively The true motion is described by a translation velocity and a rotational velocity Motion Control with additive Gaussian noise

33 Velocity-based Motion Model

34 Velocity-based Motion Model
Derivative of g along x’ dimension, w.r.t. x at Jacobian of g w.r.t location

35 Velocity-based Motion Model
Mapping between the motion noise in control space to the motion noise in state space Jacobian of g w.r.t control Derivative of g w.r.t. the motion parameters, evaluated at and

36 EKF_localization ( mt-1, St-1, ut, zt, m): Correction:
Predicted measurement mean Jacobian of h w.r.t location Pred. measurement covariance Kalman gain Updated mean Updated covariance

37 Feature-Based Measurement Model
Jacobian of h w.r.t location Is the landmark that corresponds to the measurement of

38 EKF Localization with known correspondences

39 EKF Localization with unknown correspondences
Maximum likelihood estimator

40 EKF Prediction Step Initial estimate is represented by the ellipse centered at Moving on a circular arc of 90cm & turning 45 degrees to the left, the predicted position is centered at Small noise in translational & rotation High rotational noise High translational noise High noise in both translation & rotation

41 EKF Measurement Prediction Step
True robot (white circle) & the observation (bold line circle) Innovations (white arrows) : differences between observed & predicted measurements

42 EKF Correction Step Measurement Prediction Resulting correction
Update mean estimate & reduce position uncertainty ellipses

43 Estimation Sequence (1)
EKF localization with an accurate landmark detection sensor Dashed line: estimated robot trajectory Dashed line: corrected robot trajectory Uncertainty ellipses: before (light gray) & after (dark gray) incorporating landmark detection Solid line: true robot motion

44 Estimation Sequence (2)
EKF localization with a less accurate landmark detection sensor Uncertainty ellipses: before (light gray) & after (dark gray) incorporating landmark detection

45 Comparison to Ground Truth

46 UKF Localization Given Wanted UKF localization Map of the environment.
Sequence of measurements/motions. Wanted Estimate of the robot’s position. UKF localization

47 Unscented Transform Sigma points Weights
Pass sigma points through nonlinear function For n-dimensional Gaussian λ is scaling parameter that determine how far the sigma points are spread from the mean If the distribution is an exact Gaussian, β=2 is the optimal choice. Recover mean and covariance

48 UKF_localization ( mt-1, St-1, ut, zt, m):
Prediction: Motion noise Measurement noise Augmented state mean Augmented covariance Sigma points Prediction of sigma points Predicted mean Predicted covariance

49 UKF_localization ( mt-1, St-1, ut, zt, m):
Correction: The predicted robot locations are used to generate the measurement sigma points Measurement sigma points Predicted measurement mean Pred. measurement covariance Cross-covariance Kalman gain Updated mean Updated covariance

50 UKF Prediction Step High rotational noise
Moving on a circular arc of 90cm & turning 45 degrees to the left, the predicted position is centered at High translational noise High noise in both translation & rotation

51 UKF Measurement Prediction Step
Predicted Sigma points Measurement Prediction

52 UKF Correction Step Measurement Prediction Resulting correction

53 Estimation Sequence EKF UKF
Robot path estimated with different techniques, with UKF being slightly closer

54 Prediction Quality EKF UKF
Robot moves on a circle, estimates based on EKF prediction, & UKF prediction

55 Kalman Filter-based System
[Arras et al. 98]: Laser range-finder and vision High precision (<1cm accuracy) [Courtesy of Kai Arras]

56 Multi-hypothesis Tracking

57 MHT: Multi-Hypothesis Tracking filter
Localization With MHT MHT: Multi-Hypothesis Tracking filter Belief is represented by multiple hypotheses Each hypothesis is tracked by a Kalman filter Additional problems: Data association: Which observation corresponds to which hypothesis? Hypothesis management: When to add / delete hypotheses? Huge body of literature on target tracking, motion correspondence etc.

58 MHT: Implemented System (1)
Hypotheses are extracted from Laser Range Finder (LRF) scans Each hypothesis has probability of being the correct one: Hypothesis probability is computed using Bayes’ rule Hypotheses with low probability are deleted. New candidates are extracted from LRF scans. [Jensfelt et al. ’00]

59 MHT: Implemented System (2)
Courtesy of P. Jensfelt and S. Kristensen

60 MHT: Implemented System (3) Example run
# hypotheses P(Hbest) Map and trajectory #hypotheses vs. time Courtesy of P. Jensfelt and S. Kristensen

61 Probabilistic Robotics

62 SLAM Problem : Chicken or Egg
Fundamental problems for localization and mapping The task of SLAM is to build a map while estimating the pose of the robot relative to this map. Without a map, robot cannot localize itself Without knowing its location, robot cannot build a map Which needed to be done first? Localization or mapping?

63 The SLAM Problem Given: Estimate:
A robot is exploring an unknown, static environment. Given: The robot’s controls (U1:t) Observations of nearby features (Z1:t) Estimate: Map of features (m) Pose / Path of the robot (xt)

64 Why is SLAM a hard problem?
Uncertanties Error in pose Error in observation Error in mapping Error accumulated

65 Why is SLAM a hard problem?
SLAM: robot path and map are both unknown Robot path error correlates errors in the map

66 Why is SLAM a hard problem?
Robot pose uncertainty In the real world, the mapping between observations and landmarks is unknown Picking wrong data associations can have catastrophic consequences

67 Data Association Problem
A data association is an assignment of observations to landmarks In general there are more than (n observations, m landmarks) possible associations Also called “assignment problem”

68 Nature of the SLAM Problem
Continuous Location of objects in component the map Robot’s own pose Discrete Correspondence component reasoning Object is the same or not

69 SLAM: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
Full SLAM: Estimates Entire pose (x1:t) and map (m) Given Previous knowledge (Z1:t-1, U1:t-1) Current measurement (Zt, Ut) Estimates entire path and map!

70 Graphical Model of Full SLAM:
Compute a joint posterior over the whole path of robot and the map

71 SLAM: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
Online SLAM: Estimates Most recent pose (xt) and map (m) Given Previous knowledge (Z1:t-1, U1:t-1) Current measurement (Zt, Ut) Estimates most recent pose and map!

72 Graphical Model of Online SLAM:
Estimate a posterior over the current robot pose, and the map Integrations typically done one at a time

73 SLAM with Extended Kalman Filter
Pre-requisites Maps are feature-based (landmarks) small number (< 1000) Assumption - Gaussian Noise Process only positive sightings No landmark = negative Landmark = positive

74 EKF-SLAM with known correspondences
Correspondence Data association problem Landmarks can’t be uniquely identified True identity of observed feature Correspondence variable (Cit) between feature (fit) and real landmark Make correspondence variables explicit

75 EKF-SLAM with known correspondences
Signature Numerical value (average color) Characterize type of landmark (integer) Multidimensional vector (height and color)

76 EKF-SLAM with known correspondences
Similar development to EKF localization Diff  robot pose + coordinates of all landmarks Combined state vector (3N + 3) Online posterior

77 Iteration through measurements
Mean Motion update Covariance Test for new landmarks Initialization of elements Expected measurement Filter is updated Iteration through measurements

78 EKF-SLAM with known correspondences
Observing a landmark improves robot pose estimate eliminates some uncertainty of other landmarks Improves position estimates of the landmark + other landmarks We don’t need to model past poses explicitly

79 Example

80 EKF-SLAM with known correspondences
Example: Uncertainty of landmarks are mainly due to robot’s pose uncertainty (persist over time) Estimated location of landmarks are correlated

81 EKF-SLAM with unknown correspondences
No correspondences for landmarks Uses an incremental maximum likelihood (ML) estimator Determines most likely value of the correspondence variable Takes this value for granted later on

82 EKF-SLAM with unknown correspondences
Mean Motion update Covariance Hypotheses of new landmark


84 General Problem Gaussian noise assumption Unrealistic
Spurious measurements Fake landmarks Outliers Affect robot’s localization

85 Solutions to General Problem
Provisional landmark list New landmarks do not augment the map Not considered to adjust robot’s pose Consistent observation regular map

86 Solutions to General Problem
Landmark Existence Probability Landmark is observed Observable variable (o) increased by fixed value Landmark is NOT observed when it should Observable variable decreased Removed from map when (o) drops below threshold

87 Problem with Maximum Likelihood (ML)
Once ML estimator determines likelihood of correspondence, it takes value for granted always correct Makes EKF susceptible to landmark confusion Wrong results

88 Solutions to ML Problem
Spatial arrangement Greater distance between landmarks Less likely confusion will exist Trade off: few landmarks harder to localize Little is known about optimal density of landmarks Signatures Give landmarks a very perceptual distinctiveness (e,g, color, shape, …)

89 EKF-SLAM Limitations Selection of appropriate landmarks
Reduces sensor reading utilization to presence or absence of those landmarks Lots of sensor data is discarded Quadratic update time Limits algorithm to scarce maps (< features) Low dimensionality of maps harder data association problem

90 EKF-SLAM Limitations Fundamental Dilemma of EKF-SLAM
It might work well with dense maps (millions of features) It is brittle with scarce maps BUT It needs scarce maps because of complexity of the algorithm (update process)

91 SLAM Techniques EKF SLAM  (chapter 10) Graph-SLAM  (chapter 11)
SEIF (sparse extended information filter)  (chapter 12) Fast-SLAM  (chapter 13)

92 Graph-SLAM Solves full SLAM problem
Represents info as a graph of soft constraints Accumulates information into its graph without resolving it (lazy SLAM) Computationally cheap At the other end of EKF-SLAM Process information right away (proactive SLAM) Computationally expensive

93 Graph-SLAM Calculates posteriors over robot path (not incremental)
Has access to the full data Uses inference to create map using stored data Offline algorithm

94 Sparse Extended Information Filter (SEIF)
Implements a solution to online SLAM problem Calculates current pose and map (as EKF) Stores information representation of all knowledge (as Graph-SLAM) Runs Online and is computationally efficient Applicable to multi-robot SLAM problem

95 FastSLAM Algorithm Particle filter approach to the SLAM problem
Maintain a set of particles Particles contain a sampled robot path and a map The features of the map are represented by own local Gaussian Map is created as a set of separate Gaussians Map features are conditionally independent given the path Factoring out the path (1 per particle) Map feature become independent Eliminates the need to maintain correlation among them

96 FastSLAM Algorithm Updating in FastSLAM
Sample new pose update the observed features Update can be performed online Solves both online and offline SLAM problem Instances Feature-based maps Grid-based algorithm

97 Approximations for SLAM Problem
Local submaps [Leonard et al.99, Bosse et al. 02, Newman et al. 03] Sparse links (correlations) [Lu & Milios 97, Guivant & Nebot 01] Sparse extended information filters [Frese et al. 01, Thrun et al. 02] Thin junction tree filters [Paskin 03] Rao-Blackwellisation (FastSLAM) [Murphy 99, Montemerlo et al. 02, Eliazar et al. 03, Haehnel et al. 03]

98 Thank You

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