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MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 1 MICE CM 15 Collaboration meeting 8-11 June 2006 at Fermilab complete review of the project. today: -- reviews and.

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Presentation on theme: "MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 1 MICE CM 15 Collaboration meeting 8-11 June 2006 at Fermilab complete review of the project. today: -- reviews and."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 1 MICE CM 15 Collaboration meeting 8-11 June 2006 at Fermilab complete review of the project. today: -- reviews and progress -- new collaborators -- goals of the meeting thanks to Alan Bross, Malcolm Ellis, Jean-Sebastien Graulich and Jim Norem for organisation of the meeting and agenda

2 MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 2 MICE and the big picture There is a lot of discussion on neutrinos among the highest priorities in particle physics: Neutrino masses ARE new physics and desserve a dedicated programme Both the EP2010 and the CERN Council Strategy Document emphasize the need for 1. a coordinated accelerator neutrino oscillation programme at an intercontinental level. 2. (especially in the CERN report:) high priority for related R&D (i.e. 5th) -- LHC commission to design luminosity -- preparation for LHC upgrade -- CLIC -- high performance magnets -- a strong participation in the R&D towards a high intensity neutrino facility Of Course in MICE we are doing just that: R&D towards a high intensity neutrino facility at an international level.

3 MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 3 main news on reviews -- tracker review : 20 April 2006 good progress. Understanding of light loss at  10% level, procedures proposed to fix it and to implement quality control. Will go through construction of scintillating fiber planes and verify quality once the first one is ready (exp date: September) Pointed out the need for a good definition and methodology for MICE alignment. EXPECT TRACKER TO BE WELL ON TIME -- Beam line review: to take place at the MICE collab. meeting Monday 12 June -- Target review: to take place at the MICE collab. meeting Monday 12 June test was delayed to October 2006. This is only acceptable because start of MICE slipped… … no more slippage acceptable. -- Spectrometer solenoid review: to take place today SC wire has been purchased. Bids for construction of the magnet have been received. To be chosen by LBNL. Consistency of chosen offer with MICE requirements will be reviewed.

4 MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 4 D&S Reviews a very important process in MICE!

5 MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 5 -- PID: Test beam in Frascati July 2006! EMCal Kloe module in construction, more scintillator behind TOF TOF0 BC420 counters and lightguides are ready. (Cheaper Ukrainian scintillator will also be tested) Readout options 1) TDC+CF discriminator, 2) splitter+TDC +ADC ) will be tested. -- PID Downstream PID change request (no more CKOV2 -- size of TOF2/EMCAL?) CKOV1 proposal now ready -- DAQ: Readout in view of Frascati beam test in July 2006 on the longer run: use of ALICE framework (DATE)?

6 MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 6 New collaborators and funding news: Japanese bid (by Y. Mori U. Kyoto) was not approved for 2006 (tracker, L.H2 absorber) will re-apply next year. Italy: will be discussed after test beam if that is succesful (TOF, E-M-Cal) UK: MICE phase II bid in preparation

7 MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 7 MICE RF power station from CERN Request was submitted to CERN AB division and approved - 170kCHF and 3 man months response from CERN DG: Dear Steve, - MICE: your memo of 13 April 2006 Contribution to the refurbushing and commissioning of two 200 MHz high power RF amplifiers Agreement from the DG to use resources from CERN to the level of 3 man/month of CERN staff and 173 kCHF and only if UK is contributing for CLIC

8 MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 8 New collaborators and funding news (ctd): Better news: -- excellent report by MUTAC! -- DOE has agreed to 300k$ of supplemental funds for the MUCOOL Coupling Coil (CC) (still waiting for the answer of NSF on the CC request) New collaborators will apply to join MICE at the CM 15: -- New Hampshire (U. Bravar et al.) simulation, optics, analysis -- Cockcroft Inst.& Lancaster University (R. Seviour) RF cavity surface studies -- ICST Harbin in People’s Republic of China (Lin Jia, Li Wang)

9 MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 9 Dr Lin Jia Director Dr Li Wang Associate-Director Dr Lin Jia (also US passport) will be joining the collaboration meeting in Fermilab to apply to the MICE CB great credit to be given to Mike Green(LBNL) !

10 MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 10 funding and manpower for engineering is available, funding for construction will need to be submitted to government. expected time to completion ~18-24 mo. If this goes through, one of the main uncertainties for MICE phase II will have a solution in sight.

11 MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 11 PHASE II preparation Some key issues are -- LH2 R&D @ RAL (safety review was passed -- actions pending) -- MUCOOL RF cavity R&D @ FNAL construction of 200 MHz cavity and power up have been major milestones for MICE Operation of RF cavity in magnetic field is the most wide open scientific question in MICE RF noise, field emission, max field? we will hear more about this and possibly first measurement results? + simulation and analysis work (step III, and following ones)

12 MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 12 of MICE and MANX MANX LOI was submitted in may 2006 to Fermilab MANX is a cooling system based on a helicoidal focusing channel a very challenging magnet (3-5m long SC) around L.He. absorbers. Claim of 500% cooling (vs 10% for MICE) incl. long. emittance reduction. It is suggested that MANX can eventually be tested in the RAL muon beam, using the spectrometers and diagnostics of MICE Caveats: -- the matching of all this has not been completely demonstrated -- the gauge ‘how much beam is cooled’ may not be the same between MANX LOI and MICE -- re-acceleration of muons after such cooling requires matching to RF cavity modules such as those of MICE -- not demonstrated either -- MICE is an approved experiment (this was hard enough!) and will be completed as proposed Given these caveats, we certainly support MANX and wish it success, as a possible follow-up on MICE. Looking forward to fruitful collaboration (more on this in this meeting) « PHASE III: »

13 MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 13 NEWS since Osaka: The ISIS shut down has been delayed NEW « FIRST BEAM DATE » FOR MICE: 1 October 2007 (this is infortunate for outside university groups for whom summer is ’special’) 15 March: The IMC has agreed yesterday to start the long shutdown in December 2006. This means that there will be an extra cycle 2006/5 this year, starting on 14 November and ending on 18 December 2006. During the long shutdown, the new EPB to the second target station will be installed and the problems with some of the magnets in EPB1 will be addressed. This work and more will go on from January 2007 to August 2007. During September 2007 there will be commissioning of part of the EPB2 and TS1 with beam. The first user cycle 2007/1 is expected to start on 1 October 2007. Every effort should be made to carry out all proposals submitted & accepted in the current call before the end of 2006, so that we go with a clean slate into the long shutdown. There will be no Call for Proposals in October 2006. The proposal round in April 2007 with FAPs in June 2007 will determine the programme from October 2007 onwards. The user community will be informed of this in the current call for proposals.

14 MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 14 Thus we have *480* days to data taking However: this increases the pressure on us to do everyting swiftly once we have the beam: less time for phase I and II! Preparations (DAQ, reconstruction, Software, procedures and detectors) hace to be prepared longer in advance…

15 MICE CM15 Alain Blondel 8 June 2006 15 STEP I: 1 October 2007 = 480 days away! STEP II: soon after (a few months) PHASE I  MAIN GOAL of meeting: Understand where we stand in our preparations for Steps I and II. -- beam line: target, optics, tuning and correction abilities, diffuser -- TOF, Cherenkov1, EMCAL (size of shield&TOF2&EMCAL must be decided) -- tracker -- spectrometer solenoid -- installation and cabling -- controls and monitoring -- trigger, DAQ and event processing -- software: upstream and downstream particle ID, reconstruction of tracks -- analysis: form run plan, reconstruction of « beam», emittance, transmission

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