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B North East Region TDA-funded CPD Leadership Project Phase 2 Update - 22 April 2008.

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1 b North East Region TDA-funded CPD Leadership Project Phase 2 Update - 22 April 2008

2 b What has happened since our last update? CPD role profiles which came out of Phase 1 refined following consultation and now in useable format; Steering Group has met with independent consultants at regular intervals to provide guidance; CPD Flyer produced and sent to all LAs; LAs asked to identify staff to be trained as CPD Consultant Leaders; plan produced for the training of Cohorts 1-3; interim report to TDA at the end of February; following submission of report, region invited to bid to TDA for additional funding to develop further work on impact.

3 b Where are we now? Materials prepared for introductory event on 29 April and launch of role profiles; on-line forum set up and tested ready for 29 April; training package under development for June launch of CPD Consultant training, reflecting findings from Phase 1; steering group have received a preview of the CPD database, which will be available in CD and on-line formats; EI – based CPD Leader Competencies in first draft; LAs allocated places on Cohorts 1, 2 and 3.

4 b CPD Consultant Leader Training Cohort No. of Delegates DatesLAs Launch Event 455 JuneAll 115 9, 10 June 9 July Hartlepool, Stockton, Sunderland, Redcar & Cleveland and South Tyneside 215 23, 24 September 23 October Durham and Northumberland 3153, 4, 28 November Gateshead, North Tyneside, Middlesbrough, Newcastle and Darlington

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