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Baptism Chapter 7
When a person is baptized: Freed from sin Freed from sin Reborn as a son/daughter of God Reborn as a son/daughter of God Receives grace Receives grace Shares in God’s life Shares in God’s life Becomes part of the Body of Christ, the Church Becomes part of the Body of Christ, the Church Receives the fullness of the means of salvation from sin and death, and Receives the fullness of the means of salvation from sin and death, and For a share in the divine life of the Trinity For a share in the divine life of the Trinity (p. 124)
Three sacraments of Initiation Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation Celebrate a Christian’s transformation, entrance, and lifelong growth in the Church, the community of Jesus’ followers Celebrate a Christian’s transformation, entrance, and lifelong growth in the Church, the community of Jesus’ followers (p. 124)
Baptism celebrates five realities for the Christian: Being welcomed into the community of Jesus, the Church Being welcomed into the community of Jesus, the Church Beginning a lifelong conversion, turning away from sin to embrace the Christian way of life Beginning a lifelong conversion, turning away from sin to embrace the Christian way of life Being reborn to a new identity as a son/daughter of God Being reborn to a new identity as a son/daughter of God Sharing in the mission of Jesus, adopting it as one’s own purpose Sharing in the mission of Jesus, adopting it as one’s own purpose Receiving the gift of the Spirit of Jesus that enables the Christian to share in God’s life of love Receiving the gift of the Spirit of Jesus that enables the Christian to share in God’s life of love (p. 127)
Original Sin: The sin at the beginning of humankind The sin at the beginning of humankind The condition we inherit of tending to choose sin The condition we inherit of tending to choose sin Taken away by Baptism, but effects are not taken away (we still have the tendency to sin) Taken away by Baptism, but effects are not taken away (we still have the tendency to sin)
Baptism affects original sin: Takes original sin away Takes original sin away Forgives all personal sins and punishment due them Forgives all personal sins and punishment due them Gives grace to overcome the tendency to sin Gives grace to overcome the tendency to sin
Personal sin: Our own wrongful choices where we choose evil over good (p. 128) Our own wrongful choices where we choose evil over good (p. 128) Example of St. Therese of Lisieux – the “Little Way” to holiness Example of St. Therese of Lisieux – the “Little Way” to holiness
“Born Again” For non-Catholics, a one-time only event in which a person publicly proclaims Jesus as Lord and Savior For non-Catholics, a one-time only event in which a person publicly proclaims Jesus as Lord and Savior For Catholics, Baptism celebrates a process of dying and rising to new life within a community, a process that happens over and over in one’s lifetime. For Catholics, Baptism celebrates a process of dying and rising to new life within a community, a process that happens over and over in one’s lifetime. (p. 132)
Baptism is necessary for salvation: Baptism is the fullest means of salvation for those who have received the Gospel and have the opportunity to be baptized. Baptism is the fullest means of salvation for those who have received the Gospel and have the opportunity to be baptized. Non-Catholics, non-Christians who may not know or believe in Christ, but who seek the truth and try to do God’s will as they understand it can be saved Non-Catholics, non-Christians who may not know or believe in Christ, but who seek the truth and try to do God’s will as they understand it can be saved Baptism of water, desire, blood Baptism of water, desire, blood (p. 135)
Essential words & actions of Baptism: Pouring water over the person’s head, or immersion in water Pouring water over the person’s head, or immersion in water The Trinitarian formula: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” The Trinitarian formula: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Symbolic references to water in the Hebrew Scriptures: Genesis: God breathes on the waters to bring order to Creation Genesis: God breathes on the waters to bring order to Creation Genesis: Noah story – the world of sin is destroyed and washed clean through the flood Genesis: Noah story – the world of sin is destroyed and washed clean through the flood Exodus – Moses leads the Israelites from slavery to freedom through the Red Sea Exodus – Moses leads the Israelites from slavery to freedom through the Red Sea (p. 137)
Two anointings of oil: Before water ritual, anointing with oil on the breast or both hands: asking God for strength for the person Before water ritual, anointing with oil on the breast or both hands: asking God for strength for the person After water ritual, anointing on crown of head, signifies being chosen as Christ was chosen, to share in his risen life and receive the Spirit through him After water ritual, anointing on crown of head, signifies being chosen as Christ was chosen, to share in his risen life and receive the Spirit through him Diocesan Chrism Mass – annually in Holy Week Diocesan Chrism Mass – annually in Holy Week (p. 139)
Significance of white garment: New life in Christ New life in Christ New creation in Christ New creation in Christ Often a white ‘bib’ in Baptism today Often a white ‘bib’ in Baptism today (p. 139)
Lighted Candle given to newly baptized: Light is received from the Easter Candle, which signifies Christ, the light of the world Light is received from the Easter Candle, which signifies Christ, the light of the world Newly baptized person shares in the light of Christ, and is encouraged to walk as a child of the light Newly baptized person shares in the light of Christ, and is encouraged to walk as a child of the light Easter Candle is lit each year at the Easter Vigil Easter Candle is lit each year at the Easter Vigil
Who may be baptized: Anyone who has not been baptized before Anyone who has not been baptized before Usual minister is an ordained person – priest, deacon, bishop Usual minister is an ordained person – priest, deacon, bishop Emergency baptism Emergency baptism (p. 143)
Separation of anointing and laying on of hands: Increasing numbers of converts in Western church led to priest of the community to baptize with water, but save the anointing with oil for the bishop at a later date Increasing numbers of converts in Western church led to priest of the community to baptize with water, but save the anointing with oil for the bishop at a later date Eventually became two separate rites or sacraments, Baptism and Confirmation Eventually became two separate rites or sacraments, Baptism and Confirmation (p. 146)
Catechumenate in early Church: 2 – 3 year period of preparation A person desiring to become a Christian had to find a sponsor A person desiring to become a Christian had to find a sponsor Final preparation 40 days before baptism at Easter Vigil (this later evolved into Lent) Final preparation 40 days before baptism at Easter Vigil (this later evolved into Lent) Intensive instruction, prayer, fasting, special liturgies led by bishop Intensive instruction, prayer, fasting, special liturgies led by bishop Ritual bathing on Holy Thursday, two days of fasting, then initiation at Easter Vigil Ritual bathing on Holy Thursday, two days of fasting, then initiation at Easter Vigil (p. 145)
Role of godparents: Help support and encourage parents as they raise their child in faith Help support and encourage parents as they raise their child in faith Need to be baptized and firm believers in Christ Need to be baptized and firm believers in Christ Need to be confirmed, document their status as an active member of a Catholic faith community (parish) Need to be confirmed, document their status as an active member of a Catholic faith community (parish) No legal standing; not legal guardians No legal standing; not legal guardians
RCIA process: 4 stages (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Inquiry – leading to a decision to proceed Inquiry – leading to a decision to proceed Catechumenate (1 – 3 year period of study of the Catholic faith) Catechumenate (1 – 3 year period of study of the Catholic faith) Enlightenment or illumination: Lenten period of intensive preparation, rites, culminating with baptism at Easter Vigil Enlightenment or illumination: Lenten period of intensive preparation, rites, culminating with baptism at Easter Vigil Mystagogia – from Easter to Pentecost, a time of reflection and continued growth for the new Christian Mystagogia – from Easter to Pentecost, a time of reflection and continued growth for the new Christian p. 151-152
Confirmation: Chapter 8 Confirmation: Chapter 8 Second of three sacraments of Initiation Celebrates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on a baptized person Completes and strengthens the grace given by the Spirit in Baptism (p. 156)
Confirmation takes place: For those baptized as infants in the Catholic Church, any time after “age of discretion or reason” (age 7) For those baptized as infants in the Catholic Church, any time after “age of discretion or reason” (age 7) Typically, in adolescence Typically, in adolescence For adults, received at initiation (Baptism) with the Eucharist (R.C.I.A. process) For adults, received at initiation (Baptism) with the Eucharist (R.C.I.A. process) (p. 156)
Purpose of Preparation Program: To learn more about one’s faith To learn more about one’s faith To grow in the faith being affirmed and embraced To grow in the faith being affirmed and embraced (p. 161)
Bishop’s role in Confirmation: Apostolic succession: Bishops are the successors of the Apostles Apostolic succession: Bishops are the successors of the Apostles Confirmation by the Bishop is a sign of full incorporation into the church handed down from the time of Jesus (p. 161) Confirmation by the Bishop is a sign of full incorporation into the church handed down from the time of Jesus (p. 161)
Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom Wisdom Understanding Understanding Right Judgment (Counsel) Right Judgment (Counsel) Courage (Fortitude) Courage (Fortitude) Knowledge Knowledge Reverence (Piety) Reverence (Piety) Wonder and Awe in God’s presence Wonder and Awe in God’s presence (Fear of the Lord) (Words in parentheses are from the Catechism of the Catholic Church)
Two Models of Maturity: Destination Model: Maturity is the “end point” of the journey through adolescence Destination Model: Maturity is the “end point” of the journey through adolescence Journey Model: Life is a continuous process of growth, filled with straight paths and rough roads, dyings and risings. Maturing is a life-long process. The Journey Model is more consistent with the Christian vision of how we grow. (p. 163) Journey Model: Life is a continuous process of growth, filled with straight paths and rough roads, dyings and risings. Maturing is a life-long process. The Journey Model is more consistent with the Christian vision of how we grow. (p. 163)
Service Experiences: Most Confirmation preparation programs have a service component. Most Confirmation preparation programs have a service component. Service gives candidates the opportunity to live Jesus’ life of ministry to others Service gives candidates the opportunity to live Jesus’ life of ministry to others Service gives candidates the opportunity to discover their own gifts and discern how they might serve others in the future. Service gives candidates the opportunity to discover their own gifts and discern how they might serve others in the future. (p. 165)
Requirements for Confirmation: (for Baptized persons who have reached the age of discretion) Willing to profess the Catholic faith Willing to profess the Catholic faith Be in a state of grace Be in a state of grace Intend to receive the sacrament Intend to receive the sacrament Willing to take on the role of a disciple of Christ Willing to take on the role of a disciple of Christ (p. 165)
Essential symbolic actions and words of Confirmation: Bishop or priest’s laying on of a hand and anointing the person while saying: Bishop or priest’s laying on of a hand and anointing the person while saying: “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (p. 166) Ancient practice of laying on of hands refers to conferring power on a person. Ancient practice of laying on of hands refers to conferring power on a person. The bishop “lays hands on” all candidates together by extending his hands over the entire group. (p. 166) The bishop “lays hands on” all candidates together by extending his hands over the entire group. (p. 166)
Anointing with Chrism: An act of consecrating the person to share more completely in the mission of Jesus Christ and the church. An act of consecrating the person to share more completely in the mission of Jesus Christ and the church. Bishop dips his right thumb in the chrism, puts his hand on the person’s head, and makes the sign of the cross on the forehead, saying, “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (p. 167) Bishop dips his right thumb in the chrism, puts his hand on the person’s head, and makes the sign of the cross on the forehead, saying, “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (p. 167)
Separation of sacraments: Increase in new Christians led to more baptisms by the local priest in each community, as there were not enough bishops available to perform the anointing with chrism. Increase in new Christians led to more baptisms by the local priest in each community, as there were not enough bishops available to perform the anointing with chrism. The priests performed the water ritual, and the bishops visited later to “confirm” the baptisms. The priests performed the water ritual, and the bishops visited later to “confirm” the baptisms. Eventually, the two rituals were completely separate, and became two different sacraments. (p. 171) Eventually, the two rituals were completely separate, and became two different sacraments. (p. 171)
Catholic debate about sacraments of initiation: Original Sequence: Baptism, Confirmation, First Eucharist, should be restored Original Sequence: Baptism, Confirmation, First Eucharist, should be restored Delayed: Put Confirmation off until the person is old enough to understand the work of the Spirit within, later than the age at which First Eucharist was received. Delayed: Put Confirmation off until the person is old enough to understand the work of the Spirit within, later than the age at which First Eucharist was received. (p. 172)
Eucharist: Chapter 9 Eucharist is the third sacrament of initiation. Eucharist is the third sacrament of initiation. It is the ultimate sign of Christ’s presence. It is the ultimate sign of Christ’s presence. Vatican II: Eucharist is the “source and summit of the Christian life.” Vatican II: Eucharist is the “source and summit of the Christian life.” (p. 176) Eucharist derived from a Greek word meaning “thanksgiving.” Eucharist derived from a Greek word meaning “thanksgiving.” Christians celebrate Eucharist in the context of a sacred meal, thanking and praising God for all the good he has done for them. (p. 179) Christians celebrate Eucharist in the context of a sacred meal, thanking and praising God for all the good he has done for them. (p. 179)
Banquet symbolism and Eucharist: Jesus often used the symbol of a banquet to describe sharing in the Kingdom of God. Jesus often used the symbol of a banquet to describe sharing in the Kingdom of God. A meal was one significant setting Jesus used to communicate what God’s love was like. (p. 179 – 180) A meal was one significant setting Jesus used to communicate what God’s love was like. (p. 179 – 180) Christians are invited to bring their everyday life to the “table of the Lord” and unite that life with Jesus’ sacrifice. (p. 180) Christians are invited to bring their everyday life to the “table of the Lord” and unite that life with Jesus’ sacrifice. (p. 180)
Eucharist: Celebration of Past, Present and Future Eucharist recalls Jesus’ sacrifice, but celebrates more than past deeds. Eucharist recalls Jesus’ sacrifice, but celebrates more than past deeds. It is a memorial meal, but brings about a present reality – Jesus gives of himself to us in the here and now, bringing new life to us in the process It is a memorial meal, but brings about a present reality – Jesus gives of himself to us in the here and now, bringing new life to us in the process Eucharist looks forward to the future beyond time when all God’s people will be united in love through Jesus in the “heavenly banquet” of God’s kingdom (p. 180) Eucharist looks forward to the future beyond time when all God’s people will be united in love through Jesus in the “heavenly banquet” of God’s kingdom (p. 180)
4 Ways Jesus is present in the Eucharist: In the person of the minister, the presiding priest, through whom Jesus offers himself In the person of the minister, the presiding priest, through whom Jesus offers himself In the word of God, the Scripture being proclaimed and preached In the word of God, the Scripture being proclaimed and preached In the people gathered to celebrate by praying and singing In the people gathered to celebrate by praying and singing Especially in the eucharistic species, the bread and wine that are consecrated as Jesus’ body and blood Especially in the eucharistic species, the bread and wine that are consecrated as Jesus’ body and blood
“Transubstantiation” The bread and wine are more than symbols of Jesus’ presence: The bread and wine are more than symbols of Jesus’ presence: Through the consecration, they have become Jesus present. (p. 181-182) Through the consecration, they have become Jesus present. (p. 181-182) We are challenged not only to receive the body of Christ, but to be the body of Christ in our everyday life. (p. 184 -185) We are challenged not only to receive the body of Christ, but to be the body of Christ in our everyday life. (p. 184 -185)
Contradiction in Meaning of the Eucharist: Strangers or outsiders may feel unwelcome in our communities; Eucharist is about coming to the table of the Lord as a community; Strangers or outsiders may feel unwelcome in our communities; Eucharist is about coming to the table of the Lord as a community; We may not reach out to reconcile with people with whom we have a conflict, creating genuine peace with them; We may not reach out to reconcile with people with whom we have a conflict, creating genuine peace with them; We may not be “breaking bread” outside of Mass, sharing what we have with others, nurturing and sacrificing for one another. We may not be “breaking bread” outside of Mass, sharing what we have with others, nurturing and sacrificing for one another. In summary, we do not always strive to be the Christ we receive. (p. 186) In summary, we do not always strive to be the Christ we receive. (p. 186)
4 Essential actions essential to every Eucharist: Proclaiming the word of God of the Scriptures Proclaiming the word of God of the Scriptures Expressing thanksgiving to God Expressing thanksgiving to God The words of consecration by the priest to change the bread and wine into Christ’s body and blood by the power of the Holy Spirit The words of consecration by the priest to change the bread and wine into Christ’s body and blood by the power of the Holy Spirit The receiving of Communion by the assembly The receiving of Communion by the assembly
A Communion Service: Is not a Mass because it lacks a presiding priest who leads the people in offering the Eucharistic prayer; Is not a Mass because it lacks a presiding priest who leads the people in offering the Eucharistic prayer; The essential action of the consecration is not included. The essential action of the consecration is not included. Those who receive Communion at such a service truly receive the body of Christ, but have not participated in the whole action of the Eucharist, the Mass. Those who receive Communion at such a service truly receive the body of Christ, but have not participated in the whole action of the Eucharist, the Mass. At a Communion Service, a Deacon or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion will distribute previously consecrated hosts that have been on reserve in the tabernacle. (p. 190) At a Communion Service, a Deacon or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion will distribute previously consecrated hosts that have been on reserve in the tabernacle. (p. 190)
Readings at a Sunday Eucharist, in general, come from: The Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) The Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) Letters of Paul or other apostolic writers (Epistles, Acts of the Apostles, Revelation) Letters of Paul or other apostolic writers (Epistles, Acts of the Apostles, Revelation) The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) (p. 192) This part of the Mass is known as the Liturgy of the Word. This part of the Mass is known as the Liturgy of the Word.
Bread & Wine - symbols for Eucharist: Bread is appropriate because it was the most basic and essential food in Jesus’ culture; often represented life. It is still a basic food for many, and is closely associated with God’s and nature’s bountifulness. (p. 192) Bread is appropriate because it was the most basic and essential food in Jesus’ culture; often represented life. It is still a basic food for many, and is closely associated with God’s and nature’s bountifulness. (p. 192) Wine is appropriate because drink is necessary for survival; it is also a sign of celebration and as such is an awesome symbol for the blood that Christ willingly shed to free humanity from sin and death. (p. 196) Wine is appropriate because drink is necessary for survival; it is also a sign of celebration and as such is an awesome symbol for the blood that Christ willingly shed to free humanity from sin and death. (p. 196)
Jewish roots of Liturgy of the Eucharist and Liturgy of the Word: Liturgy of the Eucharist: Jewish community meals, especially the Passover seder Liturgy of the Eucharist: Jewish community meals, especially the Passover seder Liturgy of the Word: Jewish synagogue services at which the Torah was read Liturgy of the Word: Jewish synagogue services at which the Torah was read (p. 197-198)
Shift from Eucharist as community meal to elaborate ceremony of sacrifice: As church became more of a “hierarchy,” the role of the clergy became more elaborate. As church became more of a “hierarchy,” the role of the clergy became more elaborate. By the Middle Ages, the priests were “saying” Mass, while the people watched in silence. By the Middle Ages, the priests were “saying” Mass, while the people watched in silence. People participated less and less. (p.200) People participated less and less. (p.200)
Changes in the Mass as a result of Vatican Council II (1965): Altar facing the wall once again became a table set in the midst of, or closer to, the people, with the priest facing the people; Altar facing the wall once again became a table set in the midst of, or closer to, the people, with the priest facing the people; Latin language, used for centuries at Mass, was replaced by the “vernacular,” the common language of the people where the Mass was being celebrated; Latin language, used for centuries at Mass, was replaced by the “vernacular,” the common language of the people where the Mass was being celebrated; Prayers and responses were spoken by the people, not just the altar servers; Prayers and responses were spoken by the people, not just the altar servers; The altar rail that separated the congregation from the sanctuary was removed; The altar rail that separated the congregation from the sanctuary was removed; Kneeling to receive Communion was replaced by the earlier custom of standing, to express joy and thanksgiving; Kneeling to receive Communion was replaced by the earlier custom of standing, to express joy and thanksgiving; People were invited to receive Communion bread in their own hands, and to chew the bread; People were invited to receive Communion bread in their own hands, and to chew the bread; Wine and bread were offered to the congregation; Wine and bread were offered to the congregation; Singing and “active participation” were encouraged; Singing and “active participation” were encouraged; Prayers of petition were added (Prayer of the Faithful) Prayers of petition were added (Prayer of the Faithful) Lay people, including women, were invited to participate in special roles (lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, members of the offertory procession) (p. 200 – 201) Lay people, including women, were invited to participate in special roles (lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, members of the offertory procession) (p. 200 – 201)
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