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Photosynthesis. Check These Out!!! danimals/photosynthesis/index.weml

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Presentation on theme: "Photosynthesis. Check These Out!!! danimals/photosynthesis/index.weml"— Presentation transcript:

1 Photosynthesis

2 Check These Out!!! danimals/photosynthesis/index.weml danimals/photosynthesis/index.weml autumnleaves/index.weml autumnleaves/index.weml

3 Photosynthesis The process plants use to trap the sun’s energy and build carbohydrates (glucose) 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O  C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 6 carbon dioxides + 6 waters  glucose + 6 oxygens

4 Where does photosynthesis occur? Remember the Elodea lab? In Chloroplasts

5 Why are plants green? –Chlorophyll pigments in the thylakoid cannot absorb green light –All nongreen colors are absorbed and green is reflected

6 Two Types of Photosynthesis Reactions: 1. light dependent reactions 2. light independent reactions

7 Light Dependent Reaction Requires sunlight Traps sun’s energy and converts to electrons –Splits water to oxygen and hydrogen –Makes ADP to ATP

8 Light Dependent Reaction cont’d See fig.9.6b (pg.233) “Electron Transport Chain”

9 Shall we take a break here? YES NO

10 Light Independent Reaction Does not require light Uses carbon dioxide to make glucose

11 Photosynthesis Light Dependent Light Independent

12 Assignment Read pg 231-236 Make a picture flow chart on Photosynthesis (3 per group) –Must include sun, CO 2, H 2 O, glucose, O 2, chloroplast, thylakoid, chlorophyll, electron transport chain, ADP, ATP, NADP +, NADPH, light dependent/independent reaction Answer study guide questions #’s 4-20

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