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50 Nifty & their State Songs A Lesson designed by Andrea Pintarro for the 5 th grade music classes at Lake Delton and Neenah Creek Elementary Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "50 Nifty & their State Songs A Lesson designed by Andrea Pintarro for the 5 th grade music classes at Lake Delton and Neenah Creek Elementary Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 50 Nifty & their State Songs A Lesson designed by Andrea Pintarro for the 5 th grade music classes at Lake Delton and Neenah Creek Elementary Schools

2 This lesson was designed to be done in 5 30 min. music classes.

3 OBJECTIVE Integrate the Geography of the 50 states with Music by learning and presenting the state songs- incorporating them into Animoto to make a video of all the 50 states songs.

4 Learn to sing the “50 Nifty United States” song in our textbook. Each student will get 2 or 3 states to research. Everyone will research their states in the computer lab, listening to the state songs for each state. Each student will learn how to sing the state songs for their state. Everyone will have a partner that they will teach their state song to and then the both of you will present it to the class. Every state needs to have the state song lyrics, a state map, and the state’s name posted on a piece of construction paper to present to the class when they are presenting their song. The Plan

5 Assessment is..... 1. Participation 2. Directions 3. How well they performed the requirements.

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