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Introduction to Robotics (ES159) Advanced Introduction to Robotics (ES259) Spring Ahmed Fathi

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2 Introduction to Robotics (ES159) Advanced Introduction to Robotics (ES259) Spring 2010 Ahmed Fathi

3 Personnel Instructor: Me TFs: ES159/ES259

4 Texts Primary: M. Spong, S. Hutchinson, and M. Vidyasagar, “Robot Modeling and Control”, Wiley Secondary: Li, Murray, Sastry, “A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation”, CRC Press ES159/ES259

5 Course outline First 2/3: traditional analysis of robotic manipulators
Homogeneous transforms Forward/inverse kinematics Velocity kinematics, dynamics Motion planning Control Final 1/3: introduction to special topics Sensors and actuators Mobile agents, SLAM Computer vision MEMS, microrobotics Surgical robotics, teleoperation Biomimetic systems ES159/ES259

6 Introduction Historical perspective Science fiction
The acclaimed Czech playwright Karel Capek ( ) made the first use of the word ‘robot’, from the Czech word for forced labor or serf. The use of the word Robot was introduced into his play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) which opened in Prague in January In R.U.R., Capek poses a paradise, where the machines initially bring so many benefits but in the end bring an equal amount of blight in the form of unemployment and social unrest. Science fiction Asimov, among others glorified the term ‘robotics’, particularly in I, Robot, and early films such as Metropolis (1927) paired robots with a dystopic society Formal definition (Robot Institute of America): "A reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through various programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks". ES159/ES259

7 Common applications Industrial Commercial Military Medical
Robotic assembly Commercial Household chores Military Medical Robot-assisted surgery Congressional act: more autonomous military vehicles/agents ES159/ES259

8 Common applications Planetary Exploration Undersea exploration
Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control Mars rover Undersea exploration Finding the titanic using the first underwater robot ES159/ES259

9 01_01 Industrial robots High precision and repetitive tasks
Pick and place, painting, etc Hazardous environments 01_01.jpg Industrial robot movie. Use industrial robots as a basis for analysis. ES159/ES259

10 01_03 Representations For the majority of this class, we will consider robotic manipulators as open or closed chains of links and joints Two types of joints: revolute (q) and prismatic (d) 01_03.jpg ES159/ES259

11 Definitions End-effector/Tool Configuration State space Work space
Device that is in direct contact with the environment. Usually very task-specific Configuration Complete specification of every point on a manipulator set of all possible configurations is the configuration space For rigid links, it is sufficient to specify the configuration space by the joint angles State space Current configuration (joint positions θ) and velocities Work space The reachable space the tool can achieve Reachable workspace Dextrous workspace Talk about the number of DOFs in terms of workspace reachability and redundancy. Rigid body has 6DOF ES159/ES259

12 Common configurations: wrists
01_06 Common configurations: wrists Many manipulators will be a sequential chain of links and joints forming the ‘arm’ with multiple DOFs concentrated at the ‘wrist’ 01_06.jpg ES159/ES259

13 Workspace: elbow manipulator
01_10 Workspace: elbow manipulator 01_10.jpg ES159/ES259

14 Common configurations: Stanford arm (RRP)
01_12 Common configurations: Stanford arm (RRP) Spherical manipulator (workspace forms a set of concentric spheres) 01_12.jpg ES159/ES259

15 Common configurations: SCARA (RRP)
01_14 Common configurations: SCARA (RRP) 01_14.jpg ES159/ES259

16 Common configurations: cylindrical robot (RPP)
01_15 Common configurations: cylindrical robot (RPP) workspace forms a cylinder 01_15.jpg ES159/ES259

17 Common configurations: Cartesian robot (PPP)
01_16 Common configurations: Cartesian robot (PPP) Increased structural rigidity, higher precision Pick and place operations 01_16.jpg ES159/ES259

18 01_17 Workspace comparison (a) spherical (b) SCARA (c) cylindrical
(d) Cartesian 01_17.jpg ES159/ES259

19 Parallel manipulators
01_18 Parallel manipulators some of the links will form a closed chain with ground Advantages: Motors can be proximal: less powerful, higher bandwidth, easier to control Disadvantages: Generally less motion, kinematics can be challenging 6DOF Stewart platform 01_18.jpg ES159/ES259

20 Simple example: control of a 2DOF planar manipulator
01_19 Move from ‘home’ position and follow the path AB with a constant contact force F all using visual feedback 01_19.jpg ES159/ES259

21 Coordinate frames & forward kinematics
01_20 Coordinate frames & forward kinematics Three coordinate frames: Positions: Orientation of the tool frame: 1 2 1 2 01_20.jpg ‘0’ is the base frame, ‘2’ is the tool frame. The orientation of the tool frame is the projection of the tool frame onto the base frame (i.e. dot product) ES159/ES259

22 01_21 Inverse kinematics Find the joint angles for a desired tool position Two solutions!: elbow up and elbow down 01_21.jpg These are simple examples… this becomes more complex for higher DOFs ES159/ES259

23 Velocity kinematics: the Jacobian
01_23 Velocity kinematics: the Jacobian State space includes velocity Inverse of Jacobian gives the joint velocities: This inverse does not exist when q2 = 0 or p, called singular configuration or singularity 01_23.jpg Give an example of a human arm fully extended ES159/ES259

24 01_24 Path planning In general, move tool from position A to position B while avoiding singularities and collisions This generates a path in the work space which can be used to solve for joint angles as a function of time (usually polynomials) Many methods: e.g. potential fields Can apply to mobile agents or a manipulator configuration 01_24.jpg Potential fields: create a topological map of the environment to account for obstacles (i.e. obstacles would be surrounded by ‘high’ potential fields) and take the path of lowest energy ES159/ES259

25 01_24 Joint control Once a path is generated, we can create a desired tool path/velocity Use inverse kinematics and Jacobian to create desired joint trajectories desired trajectory controller error system dynamics 01_24.jpg measured trajectory (w/ sensor noise) actual trajectory ES159/ES259

26 General multivariable control overview
joint controllers motor dynamics manipulator dynamics desired joint torques state estimation sensors estimated configuration inverse kinematics, Jacobian desired trajectory ES159/ES259

27 Sensors and actuators sensors motors/actuators
Motor encoders (internal) Inertial Measurement Units Vision (external) Contact and force sensors motors/actuators Electromagnetic Pneumatic/hydraulic electroactive Electrostatic Piezoelectric Basic quantities for both: Bandwidth Dynamic range sensitivity We will form a matrix for both sensors and actuators to describe some common configurations as well as discuss active research in both these areas ES159/ES259

28 Next class… Homogeneous transforms as the basis for forward and inverse kinematics Come talk to me if you have questions or concerns! ES159/ES259

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