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Computing in the Life Sciences Stephen Emmott Microsoft Research Cambridge.

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Presentation on theme: "Computing in the Life Sciences Stephen Emmott Microsoft Research Cambridge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computing in the Life Sciences Stephen Emmott Microsoft Research Cambridge

2 Context:

3 ‘New kinds’ of science

4 What we are doing:

5 Inventing and building new kinds of tools pioneering new kinds of science

6 Integrate theoretical, experimental, computational science

7 1:Revolutionising biological modelling

8 Codification of biology: 4 letters [genome] > 20 letters +3D position [proteome] > networks [pathways] > processes [e.g. immune system]

9 Process calculi:  -calculus: Tool=SPiM

10 Compositionality, parallelism, abstraction: a language for programming biology

11 P-system models, beta-binders [apoptosis]

12 Artificial biochemistry > library of gene gates > artificial complex biological systems: Enabling new kind of in-silico biology

13 2:Advancing immunology

14 MHC Antigen presentation

15 3:Understanding Earth’s life Support System

16 Integrating climate models, oceanography, biodiversity science, theoretical ecology

17 [Building blocks of] New kinds of computing:

18 Lessons from Nature: biochemistry, proteins, immunology, morphogenesis...

19 Other / New projects:

20 MToR, Food-webs, Highly novel bio-energetic models, Molecular computing:‘informed matter’

21 Conclusions: just beginning, exciting times



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