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Lecture Seven European Integration 1993-2007 European Constitutionalism and its Critics.

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1 Lecture Seven European Integration 1993-2007 European Constitutionalism and its Critics

2 First Essay Questions Why did the USA abandon the divided sovereignty established by the Articles of Confederation in favor of the unitary sovereignty of the 1787 Constitution? To what extent (if any at all) does the failure of the Articles of Confederation carry lessons for the project of European integration?

3 What is sovereignty? Why does it matter? And to what extent (if any at all) does European integration (project, process, and product) demonstrate the contemporary obsolescence of sovereignty?

4 What is the justification (if any at all) for any further form of European Enlargement? To what extent is “the widening” of the European Union compatible with “the deepening” of the European Union?

5 How do eurosceptics and postsovereignists expect to solve Europe’s security problems? How plausible are their solutions?

6 Does democratic government presuppose a nation-state? To what extent can the European Union (i) do without the traditional elements of the nation-state; and (ii) manufacture replacements for these elements?

7 After Maastricht 1993 (i) Growing popularity problems. (ii) Germany’s economic problems. (iii) From EMU to the Euro. (iv) European Enlargement. (v) European Constitutional Convention 2003. (vi) European Constitutional Referendums 2005.

8 Three Positions on European Project --a Europe of Nation-States. --a Postsovereign Europe (a Federal Europe) --a European Superstate (a Federal Europe)

9 Three Positions on European Product -- Preserve the Intergovernmental Status Quo (“if ain’t broke, don’t fix it”) --Preserve the Constitutional Status Quo (“we are in the promised land) --Forward March (“onwards and upwards”)

10 Three Positions on the European Process Intergovernmental Agreements Neo-functionalism (“Monnet method”— financial and monetary integration; environmental/energy/global warming coordination; foreign, security, and defense policy coordination) Direct/Indirect Democratic Control

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