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Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes Data Analysis Skills Assessment Introduction,

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes Data Analysis Skills Assessment Introduction,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes Data Analysis Skills Assessment Introduction, access and how to use DASA

2 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes 2 DASA provides an online self-assessment tool that helps teachers to: – evaluate how they use data tools for teaching and learning – create a personal log of evidence of data analysis skills capability – identify aspects of their practice for further professional learning.

3 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes You access DASA through the DET Portal Click on the “My applications” tab Click on the link to DASA

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5 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes The home screen gives you information about DASA

6 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes The data framework underpins all of DASA. The framework identifies different elements involved in using data effectively. The framework has 8 domains (or areas of practice) and four phases of knowledge and skills development.

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8 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes 8

9 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes Every DASA screen has a help file

10 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes To select your school, first click on the Select button, type the first few letters in your school name, and then click Search. If you are teaching in a Primary School, you will have the option to select the Preschool or ES1-S3 radio buttons, if you are teaching in a High School, you will be asked to select your KLA. Then click on Save. If you are in a regional or state office please type ‘consultants’ into the search box then choose your region or ‘state office’.

11 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes 11

12 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes Down the right-hand side you will see the 8 domains. You can work through these domains in any order. You don’t have to complete any, or all, the domains at once. Your data will be saved for the next time you want to come back to it. Responding to all of the statements in DASA may take 20 minutes to an hour.

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14 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes Each domain has 4 statements and you are asked whether and how often you do these things in your teaching practice. If you click on Regularly, you are given the opportunity to enter evidence of your skills in this area. New Scheme teachers have found this particularly helpful when gathering evidence for accreditation with the NSW Institute of Teachers.If you click on Sometimes or Never, the item gets added to your Learning Plan. If you are unsure about what the statement means, you can click on ‘Show me’ for a very brief text explanation.

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16 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes When you have completed DASA (or as much as you want to at a particular time), you can view a number of different reports. For example, the Graph report shows you which phase you have been placed at for each of the framework domains The personalised summary is a summary of your evidence in DASA.

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18 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes Please read this help file for the Learning Plan before using this page

19 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes The learning plan is the record of those practices that you have identified that you sometimes or never participate in. If you click on the ‘Phase pathways’ button at the top (see next screen), you are taken to a range of professional learning resources to help you build knowledge and skills in this area. You can undertake the learning activities that seem most interesting and relevant to you and enter them into your learning plan.

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21 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes 21 DASA : – allows for the aggregation of school, region and state data – can help to target the data professional learning for the school – does not identify individual teachers.

22 Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Better informed, better positioned, better outcomes 22 For all enquires please contact:

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