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A High Statistics Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering Experiment in the NuMI Beam at Fermilab Jorge G. Morfín Fermilab Illinois Institute of Technology 29 August.

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Presentation on theme: "A High Statistics Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering Experiment in the NuMI Beam at Fermilab Jorge G. Morfín Fermilab Illinois Institute of Technology 29 August."— Presentation transcript:

1 A High Statistics Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering Experiment in the NuMI Beam at Fermilab Jorge G. Morfín Fermilab Illinois Institute of Technology 29 August 2002

2 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 2 OUTLINE  Facility: Beam  Facility: Expected Event Rates  Facility: MINOS Near Detector Hall  Detector Concept  Physics Topics to be Studied

3 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 3 NuMI Beamline on the Fermilab Site

4 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 4 NuMI Beamline Geometry  Target-Horn Chase: 2 parabolic horns. 50 m  Decay Region: 1m radius decay pipe.675 m  Hadron Absorber: Steel with Al core 5 m  Muon range-out: dolomite (rock). 240 m  Near Detector Hall 45 m

5 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 5 NuMI Neutrino Beam Configurations  Horn 1 position fixed - move target and horn 2 to change mean energy of beam.  Three “nominal” configurations: low-, medium-, high energy.  In addition, “pseudo-me” and “pseudo- he” beams. Horns left in le configuration and only target moved.  MINOS will run with a combination of configurations. It will be heavily weighted toward lower energy but also involve pme- and phe-beam running.

6 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 6 Neutrino Event Energy Distributions and Statistics  Reasonably expect 2.5 x 10 20 pot per year of NuMI running.  le-configuration: Events- (E  >0.35 GeV) E peak = 3.0 GeV, = 10.2 GeV, rate = 200 K events/ton - year.  me-configuration: Events- E peak = 7.0 GeV, = 8.5 GeV, rate = 675 K events/ton - year pme rate = 540 K events/ton - year.  he-configuration: Events- E peak = 12.0 GeV, = 13.5 GeV, rate = 1575 K events/ton - year phe rate = 1210 K events/ton - year. With E-907 at Fermilab to measure particle spectra from the NuMI target, expect to know neutrino flux to better than ± 5%.

7 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 7 MINOS Parasitic Running: Event Energy Distribution  MINOS oscillation experiment uses mainly le beam with shorter pme and phe runs for control and minimization of systematics.  An example of a running cycle would be: t 12 months le beam t 3 months pme beam t 1 month phe beam  Approved for 2 such cycles (3 year run) with 2.5x10 20 protons/year: 860 K events/ton. = 10.5 GeV t DIS (W > 2 GeV, Q 2 > 1.0 GeV 2 ) : 0.36 M events / ton. t Quasi elastic: 0.14 M events / ton. t Resonance + “Transition”: 0.36 M events / ton

8 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 8 MINOS Parasitic Running: x, Q 2 and W 2 Events / ton elastic + resonance

9 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 9 Prime User: he Event Energy Distribution  Run he beam configuration only! = 13.5 GeV  For example, 1 year neutrino plus 2 years anti-neutrino would yield: 1.5 M - events/ton 0.9 M - events/ton  DIS (W > 2 GeV, Q 2 > 1.0 GeV 2 ): 0.85 M events / ton 0.35 M events / ton t Shadowing region (x < 0.1): 0.3 M events/ton

10 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 10 he- beam: x, Q 2 and W 2 Events / ton-year

11 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 11 NuMI Near Hall: Dimensions & Geometry ≈ 100 m underground Length: 45m - Height: 9.6m - Width: 9.5m Length Available for New Detector: 26 m Incoming angle: beam: 58 mr.

12 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 12 NuMI Beam Interacts Off-Module-Center Wonderful - inviting - spot for a new detector which could use MINOS near detector as part of a muon ID/spectrometer!

13 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 13 A First Significant Step…Block Diagram MINOS Near Detector Scintillator Strips Planes of C, Fe, Pb 2.5 cm thick iron plates alternating with scintillator strips 15 ton fiducial volume Recycler (permanent) Magnets Side  ID spectrometer Forward  ID Spectrometer Magnet Coil

14 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 14 Detector: Conceptual Design ANL: John Arrington, Roy Holt, Dave Potterveld and Paul Reimer - FNAL: JGM Fermilab Bright Booster Study - Spring 2001  2m x 2 cm x 2cm scintillator (CH) strips with fiber readout.  Fiducial volume: r =.8m L = 1.5: 3 tons of scintillator  Downstream half: pure scintillator  Upstream half: scintillator plus 2 cm thick planes of C, Fe and W. t 11 planes C = 1.0 ton (+Scintillator) t 3 planes Fe = 1.0 ton (+MINOS) t 2 planes Pb = 1.0 ton  Readout: mainly VLPC, perhaps also multi-anode PMT for TOF.  Use MINOS near detector as muon identifier / spectrometer.

15 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 15 Example of Event Profiles in Scintillator Detector David Potterveld - ANL CC: E = 4.04 GeV, x =.43, y =.37 “Elastic”: E = 3.3 GeV, x =.90, y =.08 CC: E = 11.51 GeV, x =..34, y =.94 NC: E = 29.3 GeV, x =..25, y =.46

16 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 16 Detector: Side  -ID/Spectrometer  Without the side  ID/Spectrometer we would lose 19 % of he-events and 25% of MINOS-parasitic events.  The E  of lost events has ≈ 50% below 2 GeV. The for these events ranges from 1.0 GeV for the le-beam to 1.6 GeV for the he-beam  We can use permanent magnets to ID and measure P of the  B = 3.8 KG. 6” x 4” x 1” cost $5.00!  These side detectors also function as a calorimeter for particles leaking out the side.

17 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 17 Scintillator/Fiber & VLPC R&D at Fermilab Scintillation detector work at Fermilab Scintillation Detector Development Laboratory Extruded scintillator Fiber characterization and test Thin-Film facility Fiber processing: Mirroring and coatings Photocathode work Diamond polishing Machine Development Diamond polishing Optical connector development High-density Photodetector packaging (VLPC) Triangles:1 cm base and transverse segmentation. Yields about 1 mm position resolution for mips From D0 pre-shower test data PolymerDopant Scintillator Cost < $ 5 / kg Continuing development of D0 VLPC readout with $750K grant. Produced D0-type arrays for detailed device analysis at low cost compared to D0 Goal: Demonstrate X10 cost reduction for VLPC.

18 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 18 New K2K Near Detector: Similar Concept 2 cm 1cm 3m Particle identification using dE/dx information.

19 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 19 Off-axis Near Detector - Univ. of Rochester  Would be “near detector” for an off-axis neutrino oscillation experiment.  Lower and narrower peaked E distribution yields x10 less events.  Main physics goal is to measure composition of neutrino beam and low-energy CC and NC cross-sections.  Proposed detector is constructed of scintillator bars (2 cm x 2 cm) in a 2m x 2m x 3m yielding a 1.9 m 3 fiducial volume. Surrounded by 1m iron/scintillator sandwich on four sides and 2.4 m downstream muon ID/spectrometer.  Requires civil-construction to build “hall” off NuMI facility and extensive iron handling. About x10 cost of this experiment.

20 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 20 Add a Liquid H 2 /D 2 Target H_2/D_2 MINOS Near Fid. vol: r = 80 cm. l = 150 cm. 350 K CC evts in LH 2 800 K CC evts in LD 2 per year he- running. Technically easy/inexpensive to build and operate. Meeting safety specifications the major expense.

21 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 21 Detector: Event Rates; CC - E  > 0.35 GeV Event rates (2.5 x 10 20 protons per year) Parasitic Running Prime User Prime User (3 years) (1 year, he- ) (2 year, he - ) CH2.60 M4.80 M 2.70 M C0.85 M1.60 M 0.90 M Fe0.85 M1.60 M 0.90M Pb0.85 M1.60 M 0.90 M LH 2 0.35 M 0.20 M LD 2 0.80 M 0.45 M

22 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 22 Rough Costs  Scintillator(12.5 K channels)$50 K  Fibers (12.5 K channels) $50 K  Permanent Magnet Material (35 cm thick) $70 K  VLPC t Boeing Tax$250 K t VLPC $50/channel$625 K* t Electronics $40/channel$500 K t Cryogenics$200 K t SUM$1575 K  SUM = $1750 K x 2 (assembly) $ 3.5 M

23 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 23 -Scattering Physics Topics with NuMI Beam Energies and Statistics Measure during initial MINOS exposure  Quasi-elastic neutrino scattering and associated form-factors.  Spin of the strange quark through elastic scattering. Far more accurate with many fewer assumptions than charged lepton results for  s.  Nuclear effects involving neutrinos. Need antineutrinos for (maximal) physics output  sin 2  W via the ratio of NC / CC ( as well as d  /dy from -e scattering) to check the recent surprising NuTeV result.  Nuclear effects for valence and sea quarks.  Parton distribution functions (pdf), particularly in the high-x Bj region.  Leading exponential contributions of pQCD.  Charm physics including the mass of the charm quark m c (improved accuracy by an order of magnitude, V cd, s(x) and, independently, s(x.). Need excellent particle identification  Strange particle production for V us, flavor-changing neutral currents and measurements of hyperon polarization.  Resonance production region (very poorly studied up to now).

24 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 24 (Quasi-)elastic Scattering  World sample is still fairly miserable statistics!  Garvey et al showed that +p elastic scattering quite sensitive to the spin carried by s within proton.  Measure  s cleanly in  scattering  Radiative corrections small.  Past experiments (BNL, LSND)  We can significantly reduce systematic errors by measuring the ratio: +p +p +n  +p

25 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 25 Measuring  s -- J. Arrington, R. Holt, D. Potterveld and P. Reimer - ANL C. Horowitz and R. Tayloe - Indiana U. Status  s ≈ - 0.12 ± 0.03, BUT: Large x --> 0 extrapolation and one has to assume SU(3) symmetry Neutrino NC Scattering yields  s directly Measure R to ± 0.03 yields  s to ± 0.02 R. Holt - ANL

26 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 26 Measurement of the Axial Form Factor  Needed to control systematic errors for extraction of  s.  Accurate determination of M A possible with charged current quasi-elastic events.  Search for non dipole behavior? Look at large Q 2 range: 0.2 - 6+ GeV 2.

27 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 27 Is Neutron Background in the NuMI near hall a problem? Particle Flux (10 -5 cm -2 ) --------------------------------------------------- Eth (MeV) LE ME HE --------------------------------------------------- n 0 11.560 29.130 76.320 0.1 2.447 5.613 13.000 1 1.745 3.812 8.404 20 1.088 2.490 4.551 100 0.472 1.112 1.992 --------------------------------------------------- h ± 0.2 0.537 1.234 3.118 20 0.529 1.105 2.938 100 0.395 1.078 2.454 ---------------------------------------------------  0.2 38.010 80.690 204.600 20 2.557 4.472 12.570 100 0.913 1.304 4.208 --------------------------------------------------- e+- 0.2 3.340 4.880 12.540 20 1.246 2.144 4.921 100 0.403 0.703 2.209 ---------------------------------------------------  0.2 3.542 6.753 11.740 20 3.450 6.690 11.580 100 3.448 6.560 11.320 ---------------------------------------------------  Using MARS Monte Carlo. M. Kostin and N. Mokhov determined flux of non- particles at site of new detector.  Multiply the relevant number by fiducial volume to determine total track length within fid. vol.  For example: for neutrons E > 100 MeV with the le- beam, 14 cm of track length in fiducial volume per spill.  Need to fold E p from n+p n+p with incoming neutron spectrum. Further reduction by surrounding detector with neutron absorbing material and making kinematic cuts possible.

28 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 28 Studying Charged-Current Resonant Processes  Data from a number of experiments exists t Pure I=3/2 channel ~solid t Agreement less than spectacular for mixed isospin channels  Description by Rein-Sehgal model  Nuclear effects: t Axial form-factor? t Nuclear medium effects on  t Delta inelastic scattering t Pion final state reactions? n  – p  0 n  – n  + p  – p  +

29 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 29 Studying Neutral Current Resonant Processes The World’s sample!!  ANL t p  n  + (7 events) t n  n  0 (7 events)  Gargamelle t p  p  0 (178 evts) t p  p  0 (139 evts)  BNL t p  p  – / p  p  +  K2K t Starting a careful analysis of single  0 production.  0 angle P  0 ( MeV/c) K2K Preliminary 1-kton, single  0 ’s

30 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 30 Studying Nuclear Effects with Neutrinos  F 2 / nucleon within a nucleus changes as a function of A.  Nuclear effects measured (with high statistics) in  -A not in   From low-to-high x Bj go through: shadowing, anti-shadowing, “EMC” effect, Fermi motion.

31 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 31 Are Nuclear Effects the SAME for and e/  Scattering  Shadowing with NOT the same as with charged leptons. t Axial vector component of current t Shadowing off valance quarks different than off sea quarks????  No reason to expect the EMC effect to be the same with axial vector current involvement. Particularly if pion cloud is responsiblefor the effect  All such IVB effects are contained in nuclear parton distribution functions (Kumano, Eskola et al.) for parton level interactions.

32 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 32 Any Indication of a Difference in Nuclear Effects of Valence and Sea Quarks?  Nuclear effects similar in Drell-Yan and DIS for x < 0.1.  Then no “anti-shadowing” in D-Y a (E906 will yield improved statistics) while “anti-shadowing” seen in DIS (5-8% effect in NMC).  Indication of difference in nuclear effects between valence & sea quarks? a hep-ex/9906010

33 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 33 Nuclear Parton Distribution Functions  Nuclear effects similar in Drell-Yan and DIS for x < 0.1. Then no “anti- shadowing” in D-Y a while “anti- shadowing” seen in DIS (5-8% effect in NMC). Indication of difference in nuclear effects between valence & sea quarks?  This quantified by: t K.J. Eskola b et al within LO DGLAP using initial nuclear distributions from CTEQ4L and GRV-LO and assume scale evolution of nuclear parton densities is perturbative. t S. Kumano et al c hep-ph/0103208 plus a talk at this workshop b hep-ph/9807297 c hep-ph/0103208

34 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 34 A Specific Look at Scattering Nuclear Effects: Shadowing Q 2 = 15 GeV 2 S.A.Kulagin has calculated shadowing for F 2 and xF 3 in -A interactions based on a non-perturbative parton model. Shadowing in the low Q 2 (A/VMD dominance) region is much stronger than at higher Q 2.

35 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 35 Predicted  Scattering Nuclear Effects compared to e/  Scattering hep-ph/9812532

36 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 36 Experimental Results in Scattering: Nuclear Effects? Bubble Chamber: Ne/D 2 FNAL E-545 CERN BEBC

37 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 37 Goals in Study of Nuclear Effects with  scattering  Overall Goal: Measure nuclear effects across full x Bj range in  scattering off a variety of targets.  Goal: Measure nuclear effects separately for F 2 and xF 3. What are the nuclear effects for valence quarks alone ? Use as input to global nuclear PDF’s  Long-term Goal: High statistics  scattering  experiment on H 2 and D 2 as well as heavy nuclei to extract all six structure functions on nucleons as well as within nuclei.

38 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 38 Examples: Expected Statistical Errors-MINOS Parasitic ( running only) Ratio Fe/C: Statistical Errors x B j MINOSMINOS 2-cycle DIS 0.0 -.011.8 % xxx.01 -.02 1.4 10 %.02 -.03 1.3 6.03 -.04 1.2 4.04 -.05 1.13.05 -.06 -.07 1.02.3

39 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 39 Examples: Expected Statistical Errors - he Running Ratios (he, 1 year, DIS): Statistical Errors x B j Fe/ LD 2 Fe/C.01 -.02 11%9 %.02 -.0365.03 -.044 3.04 -.053 2.05 -.062 1.7.06 -.071.7 1.4 High x Bj (he, 1 year, DIS): Statistical Errors x B j CHLH 2 LD 2.60 -.65 0.6 % 2 % 1.4 %.65 -.70 0.7 3 1.7.70 -.75 1.0 4 2.75 -.80 1.3 5 3.80 -.85 2 7 5.85 -.90 3 11 7.90 -.95 5 17 11.95 - 1.0 7 25 16 Taking ratios: most beam systematics cancel. Assume relative target systematics are the same as Tevatron Muon Expt. O (1 %). Ratios (he, 1 year  2 year, DIS): Statistical Errors No optimization of  implies very conservative errors

40 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 40 Another Open Nuclear Effects Question: Behavior of F 2 as x --> 1.0 in Nuclear Environment  Need to add more than Fermi gas model to simple nucleon model to reproduce behavior of F 2 at high x in nucleus.  Few-nucleon-correlation and multi-quark models allow quarks to have higher momentum ---> high x tail with F 2  e - ax.  Analyses by SLAC, BCDMS, CEBAF and CCFR with values of a varying 7 < a < 17 in various kinematical regions and targets.  BCDMS and CCFR are in similar kinematical regions: BCDMS (  + C): a = 16.5 ± 0.5 CCFR ( + Fe): a = 8.3 ± 0.7 ± 0.7(syst.)  Is a dependent on nucleus?  Is a dependent on  vs.   Recent* e + Fe from Jlab: a = 16! hep-ex/9905052

41 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 41 Extracting Parton Distribution Functions: What Can We Learn With All Six Structure Functions?  Does s = s and c = c over all x?  If so..... Using Leading order expressions: Recall that Neutrinos  have the ability to directly resolve flavor of the nucleon’s constituents:  interacts with d, s, u, and c while  interacts with u, c, d and s.

42 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 42 Six Structure Functions for Maximal Information on PDF’s X = 0.1 - 0.125 Q 2 = 2 - 4 GeV 2 + y 2 F L

43 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 43 The Ultimate NuMI Neutrino Scattering Facility Nickolas Solomey Scintillator Strips MINOS Near H_2/D_2 Additional Scintillator Tracking Side Muon ID (Steel + Scintillator) TOF Magnet Electromagnetic Calorimeter Muon ID Steel + Scint

44 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 44 Proposal for a Study of -Nucleus Scattering in the NuMI Beam  Collaboration of nuclear and particle physics communities.  Currently indicating interest in this experiment: t Argonne National Lab, Colorado, Ecole Polytechnique, Fermilab, Illinois, IIT, Indiana, Los Alamos National Lab, Marsseilles, Rutgers, Tuft - (Athens, BNL, College de France, Pittsburgh)  Goal is to sign up many MINOS collaborators and add more NP.  Submit EOI/LOI to the Fermilab PAC in late 2002.  Start running parasitically with MINOS in 2005 time scale. t Neutrinos only  Run as prime users starting as early as 2008.  Higher Energy running with and 

45 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 45 Summary  NuMI Beam is Intense: t yielding ≈ 860 K events/ton during MINOS approved run* t yielding ≈ 1.6 M events/ton-year in the he-mode.  NuMI Near Hall: t space for new detector(s) with w(x) ≤ 6 m, h(y) ≤ 4 m, (sum) L ≈ 25 m.  NuMI Near Hall Physics: t cross section measurements including quasi-elastic neutrino scattering and associated form-factors. t spin contribution of strange quark  nuclear effects of  different than e  Nuclear effects on valance- different than sea-quarks  sin 2  W via the ratio of NC / CC t PDFs particularly high-x, study of leading exponentials of pQCD t strange particle production  NuMI Near Hall Detector studies underway: t “solid scintillator” + planes of A: 3 - 5 ton fiducial volume - cost O($3M) t liquid H 2 / D 2 (bubble chamber): large target technically feasible - safety requirements….?  Can study all of the listed physics topics during MINOS run and/or in a 3 years (  + ) he run  Real and growing interest from both the NP and EPP communities,

46 NuMI Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín 46 INVITATION! JOIN THE FUN!!

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