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Introduction to R A. Di Bucchianico. Introduction to R2 Types of statistical software command-line software –requires knowledge of syntax of commands.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to R A. Di Bucchianico. Introduction to R2 Types of statistical software command-line software –requires knowledge of syntax of commands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to R A. Di Bucchianico

2 Introduction to R2 Types of statistical software command-line software –requires knowledge of syntax of commands –reproducible results through scripts –detailed analyses possible GUI-based software –does not require knowledge of commands –not reproducible actions hybrid types (both command-line and GUI)

3 Introduction to R3 Well-known statistical software SAS SPSS Minitab Statgraphics S-Plus R …

4 Introduction to R4 R free language almost the same as S maintained by top quality experts available on all platforms continuous improvement Available through

5 Introduction to R5 Contents Basic operations Data creation + I/O Component extraction Plots Basic statistics Libraries Regression analysis Survival analysis

6 Introduction to R6 Basic operations assignment operation: a <- 2+sqrt(5) help function: –help(pnorm) –“normal distribution”) probability functions: –d (density): dgamma(x,n,  ) –p (probability=cdf): pweibull(x,3,2) –q (quantile): qnorm(0.95) –r (random numbers): rexp(10,  )

7 Introduction to R7 Data creation + I/O create –vectors: c(1,2,3) –matrices: matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6),2,3,byrow=T) (2=#rows) –list patterns: –“:” (1,2,3) = 1:3 –seq (1,2,3) = seq(1,3,by=1) working directories and files: –setwd –getwd –attach read data –from file: read.table(“file.txt”,header=TRUE) –from web:

8 Introduction to R8 Component extraction d[r,]: rth row of object d d[,c]: cth column of object d d[r,c]: entry in row r and column c of object d length(d): length of d d[d<20]: extract all elements of d that are smaller than 20 d[“age”]: extract column “age” from object d

9 Introduction to R9 Plots plot: both 1D and 2D plots hist: histogram qqnorm: normal probability plot (“quantile- quantile” plot) Save graphics by choosing File -> Save as

10 Introduction to R10 Basic statistics summary mean stdev t.test boxplot

11 Introduction to R11 Packages specialized functions available through packages and libraries in Windows interface choose Packages -> Load Packages examples of packages: –qcc (quality control) –survival

12 Introduction to R12 Functions Analyses that have to be performed often can be put in the form of functions Example: simple <- function(data,mean=0,alpha=0.05) {hist(data),t.test(data,conf.level=alpha,mu= mean,alternative=“two-sided”)} simple(data,4) uses the default value 0.05 and test the null hypothesis mu=4.

13 Introduction to R13 Regression analysis general command: lm (linear model) requires data to be available in the form of a data frame –more general than matrix because columns need not have same length ) –use command data.frame for conversion other types of regression also possible (see also dedicated packages)

14 Introduction to R14 Survival analysis through library Surv of survival Cox proportional hazards: coxph

15 Introduction to R15 Useful web sites http://www.uni- html/shelp.html intro.html

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