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Demonstration and Evaluation of Integrated Crop Scouting on Pumpkins in Southern NJ Sally Walker Rutgers Cooperative Extension Vegetable IPM Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Demonstration and Evaluation of Integrated Crop Scouting on Pumpkins in Southern NJ Sally Walker Rutgers Cooperative Extension Vegetable IPM Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demonstration and Evaluation of Integrated Crop Scouting on Pumpkins in Southern NJ Sally Walker Rutgers Cooperative Extension Vegetable IPM Program

2 Investigators Joe Ingerson-MaharVegetable IPM Coordinator Kris Holmstrom IPM Program Associate Michelle Infante-CasellaGloucester County Ag Agent Ray Samulis Burlington County Ag Agent Bill Sciarappa Monmouth County Ag Agent Steve Johnston Specialist in Vegetable Pathology Frank Spieker Garden State Pest Management

3 Objectives On-farm demonstration Evaluate jack-o-lantern pumpkins (powdery mildew susceptible and resistant varieties) Test and compare the North Jersey IPM scouting protocol vs. grower’s usual practices

4 5 farms, 6 comparison blocks/fields (Cumberland, 2-Gloucester, Burlington, Monmouth) Methods IPM - pest management based on field scouting information Control - grower follows normal practices Evaluate yields and field pest levels

5 Field Layout Control IPM 1.5 acres 1.8 acres 2.5 acres 0.4 acres 2.3 acres 0.5 acres

6 Control IPM 4.8 acres 4.5 acres 2.0 acres 2.9 acres 1.8 acres

7 Methods Scout twice a week from emergence to start of fungicide schedule 2 leaves, 5 plants, 10 locations –Insects, mites –Foliar and fruit diseases –Weeds, other problems noted

8 Scouting Form

9 Cucumber Beetles Threshold: >2 per 6 sites

10 Aphids Spider Mites Squash Bug Threshold: >20 leaves w/colony Threshold: 1 nymph group/plant Threshold: increasing # leaves infested

11 Powdery Mildew Threshold: 1 lesion/50 mature leaves

12 Phytophthora Threshold: Presence of disease

13 Downy Mildew Threshold: Presence of disease or Disease forecasted for our region (Cucurbit Downy Mildew Forecast)

14 Bacterial Spot Threshold: Presence of disease

15 Virus Watermelon mosaic virus 2 Potyvirus

16 Protocol for IPM fields Admire at planting or scout for cuke beetles and treat as needed Initiate fungicide treatments at powdery mildew threshold (1 lesion/50 mature leaves) –Bravo+Nova alt. Quadris 7-10 day schedule Modify schedule based on scouting results –Add insecticide if needed –Modify fungicide if needed






22 Marketable Yield

23 Average Fruit Weight

24 Results LocationVarietyPlot # Foliar Fungicides # Foliar Insecticides Glouc 1Merlin Control88 IPM76 Glouc 1 Autumn King Control88 IPM76 Burl Magic Lantern Control32 IPM32 Glouc 2Howden Control63 IPM61 CumbHowden Control62 IPM62 MonmouthHowden Control40 IPM40

25 Fungicide Reduction LocationVariety Fungicide Reduction Compared to Standard Rec (vine run) Glouc 1Merlin13 Glouc 1 Autumn King 13 Burl Magic Lantern 01 Glouc 2Howden02 CumbHowden02 MonmouthHowden04

26 Insecticide Reduction LocationVariety Insecticide Reduction Compared to Scouting Results Glouc 1Merlin26 Glouc 1 Autumn King 26 Burl Magic Lantern 00 Glouc 2Howden12 CumbHowden02 MonmouthHowden00

27 Bottom Line Pesticide Costs:Potential Savings: Fungicides: 1-2 applications each: $17 - BravoOR= $17-$34 $27 - Bravo+Nova = $27-$54 $31 - Quadris = $31-$62 Insecticides/Miticides:2 applications: $7-10/acre/appl.= $14-$20 Scouting costs: $25 per acre

28 Conclusions Disease scouting worked well for timing and choice of fungicide Potential for pesticide reduction and cost savings: –1-4 fungicide applications –2+ insecticide applications Overall grower response has been positive

29 Plant & Pest Advisory Vegetable Crops Edition Stay informed of insect and disease advisories Reduce costs through IPM and more effective use of pesticides New info each week Available by mail or fax subscription Visit the Vegetable IPM Program booth for subscription forms


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