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GTA GroupWare Task Analysis n Task analysis concepts n GTA -Task analysis in design of complex systems n Methods of task knowledge collection n GTA conceptual.

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Presentation on theme: "GTA GroupWare Task Analysis n Task analysis concepts n GTA -Task analysis in design of complex systems n Methods of task knowledge collection n GTA conceptual."— Presentation transcript:

1 GTA GroupWare Task Analysis n Task analysis concepts n GTA -Task analysis in design of complex systems n Methods of task knowledge collection n GTA conceptual framework n Representations and tools n Sources

2 Task analysis concepts n Complex tasks and goals (n to 1) hierarchies, flow, multiple processes n users’ unit tasks (Card, Moran & Newell) & n systems’ basic tasks (Tauber) n primary tasks & n secondary tasks n actions, communication acts

3 GTA -Task analysis in design of complex systems n Complex systems: multiple users who interact / collaboratemultiple users who interact / collaborate with / through technologywith / through technology n “Phases” in iterative design analysisanalysis specificationspecification evaluationevaluation

4 GTA -Task analysis in design of complex systems n iterative design analysis specification implementation evaluation

5 GTA -Task analysis in design of complex systems n analysis Task model 1: current task world Task model 2: envisioning the future

6 Methods of task knowledge collection Knowledge sources: domain experts / (future) usersdomain experts / (future) users observation of expert behaviorobservation of expert behavior documentsdocuments interaction in situationinteraction in situation Task model 1: current task world

7 Methods of task knowledge collection n domain experts / (future) users knowledge elicitation: knowledge elicitation: e.g. Sebillotte / Graesser question method e.g. Sebillotte / Graesser question method Question: explain as detailed and complete as possible how you … Answer: “… X and therefor Y” “…X because of Y” “…X because of Y” Additional questions: Why X? / How X?

8 Methods of task knowledge collection n Interaction in situation (people, artifacts, history) Ethnographic methods, e.g. Ethnographic methods, e.g. interaction analysis (Jordan, Henderson) interaction analysis (Jordan, Henderson) Identify “hot spots” video - content log - review with actors - generate hypothesis - compare with alternative records - identity patterns video - content log - review with actors - generate hypothesis - compare with alternative records - identity patterns

9 Methods of task knowledge collection Task model 2: envisioning the future Knowledge sources: task model 1 (needs, inconsistencies, conflicting goals) client (requirements, standards, law) technology (constraints, possibilities and expectations, challenges)

10 GTA conceptual framework Complementary viewpoints, redundant descriptions and cross references: n Agents n Work n Situation

11 GTA conceptual framework n Agents actors (individual humans, institutes and groups, machines, systems) with attributesactors (individual humans, institutes and groups, machines, systems) with attributes roles, defined with tasks and object relationsroles, defined with tasks and object relations organization (structure of actors, allocation of roles, delegation and mandates)organization (structure of actors, allocation of roles, delegation and mandates)

12 GTA conceptual framework n Work task / goal structure / actions (related to roles)task / goal structure / actions (related to roles) task descriptions (objects and situation)task descriptions (objects and situation) hierarchical decompositionhierarchical decomposition temporal structure and triggeringtemporal structure and triggering protocols and (expert) strategies - situatedprotocols and (expert) strategies - situated

13 GTA conceptual framework n Situation objects in object structure (type relations, semantic relations)objects in object structure (type relations, semantic relations) environmentenvironment history of situationhistory of situation

14 Representations and tools n GTA representations conceptual entitiesconceptual entities structuresstructures media registrationsmedia registrations

15 Representations and tools n Conceptual entities relation to other entitiesrelation to other entities template format for different conceptstemplate format for different concepts –Task, Object, Role, Agent, Event

16 Task Template

17 Object Template

18 Role Template

19 Agent Template

20 Event Template

21 Representations and tools n Structures, relation between entities of a type: type hierarchies (“is a”)type hierarchies (“is a”) decomposition treesdecomposition trees semantic relations (“contains”)semantic relations (“contains”) flow (of data, of control, triggering relations)flow (of data, of control, triggering relations)

22 Representations and tools n Media registrations video clipsvideo clips sound tracksound track picturepicture

23 Representations and tools n Tools: a design environment for collaborative design EUTERPE editors for representation typeseditors for representation types a repository of task model elementsa repository of task model elements representations as a view on the databaserepresentations as a view on the database tools for analysis and reasoningtools for analysis and reasoning translation to HTMLtranslation to HTML

24 Task World Ontology Task Agent Role Event Object name(string) goal(string) start_condition(string) stop_condition(string) initial_state(string) final_state(string) duration(integer) frequency(string) type(enum) user_actions(string) system_operations(string) name(string) skills(string) attitude(string) miscellaneous(string) name(string) goal(string) name(string) attribute(Name,Value)* action(Name)* name(string) description(string) Contains Responsible Performed_by PlaysTriggers Subtask Uses Triggers Used_by Subrole Is Performed_by

25 Sources n Http:// literature on GTAliterature on GTA EUTERPE toolEUTERPE tool examplesexamples

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