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Director of Open Media Unit Andrew Law. Blessed with product…

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Presentation on theme: "Director of Open Media Unit Andrew Law. Blessed with product…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Director of Open Media Unit Andrew Law

2 Blessed with product…

3 Blessed with Data …

4 +300million 7-8m 0.25m RetainConvertAwareEngage Supported / Accredited Courses Other Product Fee Free Absence of ‘strategy’…

5 Strategy – purpose

6 Strategy – purpose and KPIs

7 How are we performing (does size matter)?

8 Does Size Matter?

9 Does Size Matter … looking at trends?

10 Demanded more clarity on purpose (KPIs for channels) Demanded more uniform comparisons (single dashboard) Led to investment (money and attention) Led to further enhancement of successful features Has data had impact?


12 Open Media – Performance Improvement


14 Served management interests Will it serve user interests? Recommendation services Follow this... try this Reputation/Credibility services Follow me... trust me Where next with data?

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