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SWCD Boards 3 Duties and 8 Functions Spring Workshops 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "SWCD Boards 3 Duties and 8 Functions Spring Workshops 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWCD Boards 3 Duties and 8 Functions Spring Workshops 2007

2 All boards have 3 basic duties Duty of Care Duty of Loyalty Duty of Compliance

3 Duty of Care Act as an ordinary, prudent person would in like circumstances. This requires diligent, attentive, and informed participation.

4 Duty of Loyalty Act in good faith, in the best interest of the SWCD

5 Duty of Compliance Act to ensure the SWCD operates in keeping with the laws and rules governing its formation and status as a public body

6 8 Functions of a SWCD Board Program Planning Financial Management Financial Development Human Resources Marketing Information Board Affair

7 Program Includes needs assessments, program planning, program management, and evaluation

8 Minimum SWCD responsibilities a. Understand each program and how it implements the mission of the SWCD b. Approve Annual Plan of Work c. Agree on methods for program evaluation d. Oversee program progress and accomplishments

9 Planning This is the act of defining a desired future and the means to bring it about

10 a.Decide what results the SWCD exists to achieve and for whom b.Select the general business/specific programs the SWCD will do to achieve those results. c.Design the structure and functions necessary to carry out the business and its programs effectively and efficiently Central steps in planning

11 Minimum SWCD Responsibilities: a. Establish the values that guide the SWCD b. Ensure there is a SWCD vision for the long term future c. Ensure there is a clear SWCD mission d. Ensure there is a clear definition of the ultimate result the SWCD wants to achieve

12 Planning Responsibilities e. Ensure there are long range goals to guide/focus the SWCD over the next 3-5 years f. Ensure there is an APW g. Ensure there is an adequate budget to complete the APW h. Monitor and oversee the APW progress

13 Financial Management Includes responsibility for financial planning, budgeting, accounting, payroll, taxes,

14 annual government filings, internal controls, financial analysis, cash management, and risk management

15 Minimum SWCD Responsibilities: a.Approve an annual budget b.Monitor the budget through fiscal reports and ensure a balanced budget c.Obtain and accept an annual audit d.Oversee investments e.Ensure legal compliance f.Practice internal controls

16 Financial Development Includes financial development planning, and all categories of fundraising including grants, individual contributions, special events, membership campaigns, capital management, and in-kind contributions

17 Minimum SWCD Responsibilities: a.Establish a financial development plan that meets the needs of the long range plan b.Monitor plan accomplishments

18 Human Resources Includes paid staff and volunteers. Covers personnel policies, affirmative action policies, record keeping, legal compliance, …

19 …selection of personnel, organizational charts, job design, compensation, motivation, supervision, performance appraisal, career and professional development, diversity, and labor relations.

20 Minimum SWCD Responsibilities: a.Determine need for staff positions b.Develop job descriptions c.Hire staff d.Supervise staff e.Ensure compliance with laws regarding employees f.Approve affirmative action and personnel policies g.Monitor adherence to and effectiveness of policies

21 Marketing Includes research, planning, product/service development, packaging and distribution, pricing, promotions, sales, communications, and public relations.

22 Minimum SWCD Responsibilities: a.Know the SWCD markets b.Know how effective and efficiently the SWCD is reaching these markets c.Link the SWCD to external markets d.Authorize spokespersons e.Ensure an annual report is prepared and published

23 Information Includes establishing a management information system and technology and software to support it.

24 Minimum SWCD Responsibilities: a.Determine what information is needed, in what form, when and FOR WHOM! b.Utilize the above information with oversight, decision making, and planning

25 Board Affairs Includes roles and responsibilities, functions, relationships to staff, and organization of the board

26 Minimum SWCD Responsibilities: a.Define the board b.Ensure the continuity of the board c.Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the board and take actions to improve it.

27 For more information, contact your Regional Representative

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