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Agenda for Tuesday 2/20/09 Unit 1: Class 3 Emic and Etic Perspectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda for Tuesday 2/20/09 Unit 1: Class 3 Emic and Etic Perspectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda for Tuesday 2/20/09 Unit 1: Class 3 Emic and Etic Perspectives

2 Goals for today Develop a rhetoric for writing in the public interest Consider ways in which we can begin to enter into communities as outsiders Prime yourselves for your first meetings with community organizations

3 Develop a rhetoric for writing in the public interest Scan the reading from chapter #1 and your notes Pull from this two new vocabulary words or words of interest to you We’ll collect these on the board and develop group definitions for them

4 Methods for entering into communities What research methods are used to move from and etic to an emic perspective? What problems, questions, challenges might you anticipate in using these methods? How might we address these?

5 Model of First Meeting Introduce yourself and why you’re interested in working with them Show that you’ve done initial leg work in getting to know them. Clarify their needs, clients, and missions. Describe your skills and hopes. Ask for any other materials they can offer that help you understand them.

6 Model of First Meeting, cont.’ Tips: –Make sure to stay within time limit –Try not to get too detailed or ahead of yourselves –Resist the desire to promise the moon!! –Dress like you mean business but are approachable –Leave contact information of point person

7 Model of First Meeting, cont.’ Gathering data and reflecting –After the meeting make sure to have time with the group or individually to make notes, make copies of documents, and compare observations and reflections –Note your personal ease, troubles, concerns in your fieldnotes. –List questions you have for specific people

8 Readying the first meeting In your groups, develop a plan for your first meeting with your organization –What will this first meeting accomplish? –Logistics (Who makes the meeting time? When? LN needed?) –Duties for the group members? –How will you gauge success?

9 Fieldnotes: A Template Names of those present Contact Information Date/Duration of meeting Observations Artifacts and Descriptions Questions/Concerns

10 Checklist: A Template In this meeting we hope to accomplish: Introductions Reaffirm their understanding of the class Gather a clearer sense of their goals Explain of our goals Gather artifacts that help prompt our memory of the meeting and help develop our understanding of the group Affirm a follow-up time/day

11 Homework Make sure to read the next set of readings: Tools for Engagement modules 3 &4. And Chapter 2 (skim samples) Please complete the exercise in Box 4 on page 73 given anything you know about your organization. Make sure to meet with your organization by 1/27 Make sure to post your notes and checklist to Angel

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