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Labadmin Monitoring System Final Presentation Supervisor: Victor Kulikov Studnets: Jameel Shorosh Malek Zoabi.

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Presentation on theme: "Labadmin Monitoring System Final Presentation Supervisor: Victor Kulikov Studnets: Jameel Shorosh Malek Zoabi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Labadmin Monitoring System Final Presentation Supervisor: Victor Kulikov Studnets: Jameel Shorosh Malek Zoabi

2 Outline Project Goals Background & Motivation Technology Overview Project Design Supported Statistics Integration with Labadmin Summary Bibliography

3 Project Goals The main goal is to create a web based application which performs various statistics on Labadmin system. The statistics application performs statistics over students, projects and supervisors in all the laboratories in Labadmin System. Show the statistics in two different ways, Graphs and Reports.

4 Project Goals cont. Learning and Implementation of Web based information system. The system implementation is based on.NET technology (ASP.NET), C# programming language and MS SQL Server (ADO.NET)

5 Background & Motivation The Labadmin System is a web application for projects registration and managing in the EE laboratories. There is a need for Monitoring System for Labadmin that gives the ability to view and save statistical information including comparison between semesters, supervisors and laboratories.

6 Technology Overview.NET Framework Microsoft's programming framework for developers..NET Framework class library provides the foundation services, including ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Web Forms (for building GUIs).

7 Technology Overview cont. ASP.NET A programming framework that runs on a Web server to dynamically produce and manage Web Forms pages. ADO.NET provides access to data sources such as Microsoft SQL Server to retrieve, manipulate and update data.

8 Project Design N – tier model GUI Layer Data Access Layer Database Layer Presentation Layer in order to show the result of the statistics chosen by the user Using ADO.NET to access and retrieve the required data from the Database Layer The statistics is based on the data of Labadmin tables

9 Database Layer

10 Data Access Layer Retrieving the data from the DB using ADO.NET Work with SqlDataAdapter class to get the data in the containers DataTable,DataSet… Work in disconnected mode Define classes in hierarchal structure (inheritance) in order to get the relevant data Every class is responsible to get some kind of data.

11 Data Access Layer – Class Diagram Base Class for all the statistics classes. It manages the connection to the DB and defines some “select” methods that runs quires in the DB. Base Class for all the classes which perform statistics. It defines common statistics methods. This class is responsible of performing various statistics on students. This class is responsible of performing various statistics on projects.

12 GUI Layer This layer defines the screens that enables the user to do some kinds of actions. kinds of screens: Generating graph screen Generating report screen Resulted report screen Resulted graph screen

13 GUI Layer- Generating graph screen

14 GUI Layer- Resulted graph screen

15 GUI Layer- Generating report screen

16 GUI Layer- Resulted report screen There is an option to save the resulted report as Excel, PDF or Doc file in addition to the printing option.

17 Supported Statistics Graph Statistics Students 2 Labs per year Students 2 Labs per Semester Projects 4 Labs per year Projects 4 Labs per semester Students 2 Lab per years Students 2 Lab per semesters Projects 2 Lab per years Projects 2 Lab per semesters Students per supervisor per semester/s Students per Supervisor per year/s

18 Supported Statistics cont. Report Statistics Students per labs per semester Students per supervisor per semester Students per supervisor per year Students per year Projects per lab per semester

19 Integration with Labadmin Labadmin Statistics is embedded with Labadmin system as a new tab. The Statistics web application is implemented as a user control in Labadmin system. The Statistics system layout suits Labadmin layout using the same CSS (cascade style sheet)

20 Summary Labadmin statistics system is a user friendly application which provides many statistics options. User can use it to compare different statistics in the same laboratory in different periods. User can use it to compare different statistics between some laboratories or supervisors. User can save or prints the reports/graphs.

21 Summary What have we learned ? Working with.Net Framework C# Programming language ADO.NET ASP.NET Web Programming HTML Working with MS-SQL Server

22 Bibliography Web Resourses

23 Thank you End

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