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Transactions. Definitions Transaction (program): A series of Read/Write operations on items in a Database. Example: Transaction 1 Read(C) Read(A) Write(A)

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Presentation on theme: "Transactions. Definitions Transaction (program): A series of Read/Write operations on items in a Database. Example: Transaction 1 Read(C) Read(A) Write(A)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transactions

2 Definitions Transaction (program): A series of Read/Write operations on items in a Database. Example: Transaction 1 Read(C) Read(A) Write(A) Read(B) Write(B) Write(C) Items= A, B, C R 1 (C) R 1 (A) W 1 (A) R 1 (B) W 1 (B) W 1 (C) operations = Read(A),…

3 Definitions Schedule: The order of execution of operations of 2 or more transactions. Read(A) Read(C) Write(A) Read(B) Write(C) Read(B) Write(B) Transaction1Transaction2 R 1 (A) R 2 (C) W 1 (A) R 1 (B) W 2 (C) R 2 (B) W 2 (B) W 1 (B) Schedule S1

4 Example Transaction T1: R 1 (A), R 1 (B), W 1 (B), W 1 (A) Transaction T2: R 2 (A), W 2 (B), R 2 (B), W 2 (A) Possible Schedule of T1,T2: R 1 (A), R 1 (B), R 2 (A), W 2 (B), R 2 (B), W 1 (B), W 1 (A), W 2 (A) NOT a schedule of T1,T2: R 1 (B), W 1 (B), R 2 (A), W 2 (B), R 2 (B), R 1 (A), W 1 (A), W 2 (A)

5 Definitions Serial Schedule: A schedule in which the transactions are performed one after the other in a serial manner. Read(A) Write(A) Read(B) Write(B) Read(C) Write(C) Read(B) Write(B)

6 Schedules A schedule is “correct” if it gives the same result as a serial schedule for any calculation. Why is this a “wrong” schedule? Read(A) Write(A) Read(B) Write(B) Read(B) Write(B) Perform A=A+100 and write A In total A was raised by 100 instead of 200 !

7 Schedules Example for a “correct” schedule: Read(A) Read(C) Write(C) Write(A) Read(B) Write(B) Read(B) Write(B) Read(A) Write(A) Read(B) Write(B) Read(C) Write(C) Read(B) Write(B) Will always give the same result as And this will never cause an interleaving problem

8 Schedules are View Equivalent if: 1.They consist of the same transactions. 2.If T k reads an initial value for A in S1, then T k will also read an initial value for A in S2 (initial=A has not been written to yet). 3.If T k reads a value of A written by T i in S1, then T k will also read a value of A written by T i in S2. 4.If T i writes a final value for A in S1, then T i writes a final value for A in S2. R 1 (A) R 2 (C) W 2 (C) W 1 (A) R 1 (C) W 1 (C) R 3 (C) W 3 (C) R 2 (B) W 2 (B) Schedule S1 T1 T2 T3 R 1 (A) W 1 (A) R 1 (C) W 1 (C) R 2 (C) W 2 (C) R 2 (B) W 2 (B) R 3 (C) W 3 (C) Schedule S2 T1 T2 T3

9 R 1 (A) R 2 (C) W 2 (C) W 1 (A) R 1 (C) W 1 (C) R 3 (C) W 3 (C) R 2 (B) W 2 (B) Schedule S1 T1 T2 T3 R 1 (A) R 2 (C) W 2 (C) W 1 (A) R 1 (C) W 1 (C) R 2 (B) W 2 (B) W 3 (C) R 3 (C) Schedule S2 T1 T2 T3 Are these schedules View-Equivalent?

10 R 2 (C) W 2 (C) R 1 (A) W 1 (A) R 1 (C) W 1 (C) W 3 (C) R 3 (C) R 2 (B) W 2 (B) Schedule S1 T1 T2 T3 R 1 (A) R 2 (C) W 2 (C) W 1 (A) R 1 (C) W 1 (C) R 2 (B) W 2 (B) W 3 (C) R 3 (C) Schedule S2 T1 T2 T3 Are these schedules View-Equivalent?

11 R 1 (A) R 2 (C) W 2 (C) W 1 (A) R 1 (C) W 1 (C) R 3 (C) W 3 (C) R 2 (B) W 2 (B) Schedule S1 T1 T2 T3 R 1 (A) R 2 (C) W 2 (C) W 1 (A) R 2 (B) W 2 (B) R 3 (C) R 1 (C) W 1 (C) W 3 (C) Schedule S2 T1 T2 T3 Are these schedules View-Equivalent?

12 R 1 (A) R 2 (C) W 2 (C) W 1 (A) R 1 (C) W 1 (C) R 3 (C) W 3 (C) R 2 (B) W 2 (B) Schedule S1 T1 T2 T3 R 1 (A) R 2 (C) W 2 (C) W 1 (A) R 1 (C) W 1 (C) R 2 (B) W 2 (B) W 3 (C) R 3 (C) Schedule S2 T1 T2 T3 Are these schedules View-Equivalent?

13 View-Equivalence If 2 schedules are view-equivalent: –The same transactions will read the same values in both schedules –Therefore, they will also write the same values –This is true for any calculation

14 Definitions A schedule is View-Serializable if it is View-Equivalent to some Serial schedule. Read(A) Read(C) Write(A) Read(B) Write(C) Write(B) Read(B) Write(B) Read(A) Write(A) Read(B) Write(B) Read(C) Write(C) Read(B) Write(B) S1 S2 Schedule S1 is view-equivalent to a serial schedule (S2), so it is View-Serializable

15 What is the Serial Schedule that S1 is equivalent to? W(B) R(A) W(A) R(A) R(B) R(C) W(B) W(C) R)C( S1 S2 R(A) W(A) R(C) W(C) R)C( W(B) R(A) R(B) W(B)

16 What is the Serial Schedule that S1 is equivalent to? R(A) W(A) R(A) R(C) W(A) W(C) R)A( S1 There is no Serial Schedule that S1 is view equivalent to. In other words, S1 is not View-Serializable

17 We already said that for any equivalent S1, S2: If T k reads a value of A written by T i in S1, then T k will also read a value of A written by T i in S2. In simpler words: If in S1 there is Read(A) in T 1, “lower” than Write(A) in T 2, then this has to hold in S2 too. And in a picture: What about Write(A) which is “lower” than Read(A)? And Write(A) which is “lower” than Write(A)? Do these also have to hold in an equivalent schedule? W(B) R(A) W(A) R(A) R(B) S1 Lower = later

18 Blind Write: A transaction performs a Blind Write of A if it writes A without reading it before. Assuming there are no Blind Writes, and S2 is an equivalent serial schedule : 1.If T k writes a value of A which was previously read by T i in S1, then this will happen in S2 too. 2.If T k writes a value of A which was previously written by T i in S1, then this will happen in S2 too. Read(A) Write(A) Read(C) Write(B) Blind Write

19 We want to show that if Write(B) in T i is “lower” than Read(B) in T k then this has to happen in any equivalent serial schedule. Suppose this is the case: So, suppose this is the case: R(B) W(B) S1 R(B) W(B) R(B) W(B) R(B) W(B) R(B) W(B) R(B) Blind write! S2 S1

20 R(B) R)B( W(B) R(B) W(B) Why is the No Blind Writes demand Necessary? R(B) W(B) R(B) W(B) S1 S2 R(B) W(B) R(B) Blind write! R(B) W(B) R)B( W(B) R(B) S1 S2 No Blind write Bottom line: if there are no blind writes, If T k writes a value of A which was previously read by T i in S1, then this will happen in any equivalent serial schedule

21 This can also be shown for two Write operations in the same way. This leads us to the following definition: There is a Conflict between 2 operations in different transactions, if at least one of them is a Write, and they are performed on the same item A. According to what we showed, the direction of the conflict (arrow) has to be kept in any equivalent serial schedule ! So is there a view-equivalent serial schedule to S1? R(A) W(A) R(A) R(B) W(B) R)C( S1 Find the conflicts…

22 We can now define equivalence between schedules according to their conflicts: Schedules S1, S2 are Conflict Equivalent if they consist of the same transactions and the conflict arrows have the same directions. R(A) W(A) R(A) R(B) W(B) R)C( S1 R(A) W(A) R(A) R(B) W(B) R)C( S2 Conflict - Equivalent:

23 Lemma: Conflict Equivalence => View Equivalence (this is true even if there are Blind Writes!) Proof: We assume S1 and S2 are Conflict Equivalent. We need to prove 1-4 from above. Schedules are View Equivalent if: 1.They consist of the same transactions. 2.If T k reads an initial value for A in S1, then T k will also read an initial value for A in S2 (initial=A has not been written to). 3.If T k reads a value of A written by T i in S1, then T k will also read a value of A written by T i in S2. 4.If T i writes a final value for A in S1, then T i writes a final value for A in S2. Schedules are Conflict Equivalent if: 1.They consist of the same transactions. 2.The conflict arrows have the same directions.

24 Schedule S1 is Conflict Serializable if it is Conflict- Equivalent to some serial schedule S2. Conflict Serializable => View Serializable (directly from the Lemma). The other direction is not necessarily true if there are Blind Writes: T 1 T 2 T 3 R(A) W(A) T 1 T 2 T 3 R(A) W(A) S1 S2 There is no serial schedule which is conflict- equivalent to s1 But S2 is serial and is view- equivalent to S1

25 The precedence graph R(A) W(A) R(A) R(B) W(B) R)C( S1 T2T1 T1T1 T2T2 S1 is conflict-serializable iff its precedence graph doesn’t contain a circular path Node for each transaction Edge from T1 to T2 if there is a conflict between T1 and T2 in which T1 occurs first

26 Which is conflict-Serializable? W(B) R(A) W(A) R(A) R(B) R(C) W(B) W(C) R)C( W(B) R(A) W(B) R(A) R(B) R(C) W(C) R)C( R(C) R(A) W(A) W(B) R(A) R(B) W(B) R)C(

27 Locks Used in order to allow only serializable schedules. The principle: before performing a write/read on item A, a transaction asks for a lock on A. Only after getting the lock from the lock-manager can the transaction perform the read/write. 2 kinds of locks: 1.Shared lock: many transactions can hold a shared lock on the same item at the same time. 2.Exclusive lock: only one transaction can hold an exclusive lock on an item at any given time. –In order to Read, a Shared Lock is needed. –In order to Write, an Exclusive Lock is needed.

28 2-Phase Locking (2PL) A protocol (set of rules) which uses locks to ensure only serializable schedules. The only additional rule: after a transaction has freed a lock it cannot get any new lock. This means every transaction will perform 2 phases: getting locks, and then releasing locks. 2PL => conflict equivalence T3T3 T2T2 T1T1 R/W(A) R/W(B) R/W(C) At least one end of each arrow is a ‘Write’

29 Recovering from crashes Up until now we ignored the possibility of a crash of a transaction. To handle such a case we remember Commit and Rollback. Consider this schedule: W(B) R(A) W(A) R(A) R(B) R(C) W(B) W(C) R)C( T1 T2 T1 finished so it commits Crash!! Problem: T1 read a value which T2 wrote, and committed. The schedule is called “Not Recoverable” T2 rolls back Notice that this schedule is Conflict Serializable!

30 Recovering from crashes Solution: Commit only after all transactions which you have read from have committed (assuming your are a transaction). Even more strict solution: Read an item only after all transactions which write this item have committed This leads to a new protocol: Strict 2PL: Same rules as 2PL with the addition that a transaction releases its locks only after it has committed. Strict 2PL ensures recovering. Why? Good luck!

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