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2 Eyjafjallajökull Reykjavík
3 www.menntamalaraðun Some facts about Iceland Iceland is an Island of 103.000 Population 317.600 (decline first time since end of 19 th Century) Icelandic is the mother-tongue (North/Germnanic origin) Homogeneous culture and history since 874 AD Immigrants were 2% in 1996, over 6% now Job activity is very high, but unemployment around 9% since 2008
4 www.menntamalaraðun Some facts about Iceland-2 GDP high although the crises in 2008 struck the country very hard Vegetation 24% - Wasteland + glac. 76% Sea area within fishing limits 758.000 Annual fish catch ca. 1,5 million tonnes Important sources of income: Production and selling of energy, fishing, industry, tourism Reykjavík- Paris 2200 - New York 4200 km
5 THE ICELANDIC SCHOOL SYSTEM 6 16 20 Age Higher Education (112% increase in n. of stud. since 1997) School year Upper Secondary Schools Not obligatory (95% attend) Most schools are mixed general and vocational Most use unit-credit system Specilalised vocational and art schools 14 Compulsory Schools Primary and lower secondary education Single structure system - No streaming or selection by ability 10 Pre-schools (Not obligatory, 95% of children 2-5 attend) Open access Access to a specific study programme / school, subject to specific requirements 1
7 The Education and Training Service Centre
8 Establishment 20th of December 2002 Established by The Icelandic Federation of Labour and the Confederation of Icelandic Employers. The form is a Corporation. Non-profit. Contract with the Ministry of Educationa from 2003.
9 The whole labor market In May 2010 the ordinance and membership of the organisation was changed to also include: Federation of State and Municipal Employees The Association of Local Authorities in Iceland Ministry of finance
10 Law on Adult Education Approved at 22nd of March Adopted 1. October 2010 Education fund established The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture The Icelandic Confederation of Labor Confederation of Icelandic Employers Federation of State and Municipal Employees The Association of Local Authorities in Iceland Ministry of finance Ministry of Social Affairs, (The labor market) The Association of Upper Secondary Schools
11 Contract with the Ministry of Education ETSC is a collaborative forum of the owning parties for adult education and vocational training The Centre is publicly financed based on a contract with the Ministry of Education The main target group is adults that have not finished Upper Secondary School i.e. have neither formal Vocational Training nor Matriculation examination.
12 Contract with the Ministry of Education To develop, increase and improve Educational and Training offers for the target group. Accredited on Upper Secondary Level. To develop workplace guidance for the target group. Has proven to be important for the validation of prior learning. To assist The Ministry of Education in building up an Validation system for non- formal and informal education and training and work experience.
13 Who are the players? LLL center LLL centers Mímir-símenntun Centers of the manual trades Vocational Funds
14 What have we done? 27 educational opportunities – described in a curriculum and validated with regard to upper secondary schools – published – LLL centres Teacher training to increase quality Quality standards Information material – Gátt – Web - brochures Counselling in the Workplace – LLL centres Validation of prior learning – Pilot projects- proposals to the Ministery of Education – The centres of manual trades. Leonardo project – Validation of Work experience - REVOW
15 EQF / NQF tenging fullorðinsfræðslu við rammann. REVOW) European Guidelines for validation of formal and informal learning (CEDEFOP) Active in development LdV, LLL,
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