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Budget Office Division of Business and Finance DEVELOPING A UNIVERSITY-WIDE BUDGET An Overview of the External Budget Development Process
Total Current Funds - Unrestricted and Restricted At USC, this includes funds: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, S, R & RP Excludes funds: T, V, W, X, Y & Z At the state level, our funds are: General Funds (state appropriations) Other Funds (also called earmarked funds) Restricted Funds What is the University-Wide Budget?
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA – COLUMBIA ONLY Summary of Current Funds Revenue 1996-2006 10 Year Growth in Current Funds Revenue 74.3%
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA – COLUMBIA ONLY Summary of Current Funds Revenue FY2006 Budget *Does not include School of Medicine
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA – COLUMBIA ONLY Summary of Current Funds Expenses 1996-2006 10 Year Growth in Current Funds Expenditures 71.3%
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA – COLUMBIA ONLY Summary of Current Funds Expenses FY2006 Budget *Does not include School of Medicine
USC Campuses USC ColumbiaUSC Aiken USC LancasterUSC Beaufort USC SalkehatchieUSC Upstate USC SumterUSC Union Senior and Regional Campuses account for over $200M (24%) of the Total Current Funds of USC Enrollments on these campuses are 30% of USC’s total student count
External Budget Development & Execution Budget Development Commission on Higher Education Governor General Assembly Budget Execution Budget & Control Board State Treasurer Comptroller General
The South Carolina Commission on Higher Education (CHE) operates pursuant to South Carolina Code of Laws (Title 59, Chapter 103) to serve as the coordinating board for South Carolina’s 33 public institutions of higher education. The major functions are: advocacy and coordination, information services, accountability, and administration. The CHE is organized into four divisions: Academic Affairs and Licensing, Finance, Facilities and Management Information Services, Student Services, and Access and Equity. Mission Resource Requirements Model Performance Funding Reporting Below the Line Requests Capital Budget Requests Access & Equity Funding Academic Endowment Incentive Lottery Funds – Scholarships Commission on Higher Education
Sector I – Research Institutions USC Columbia (includes School of Medicine) Clemson MUSC Sector II – Teaching Institutions The CitadelLander Coastal CarolinaSC State College of CharlestonUSC Aiken Francis MarionUSC Beaufort USC UpstateWinthrop Sector III – Regional Campuses USC LancasterUSC Sumter USC SalkehatchieUSC Union Sector IV – Technical Colleges (16) Commission on Higher Education – Public Institutions South Carolina’s 33 higher education institutions are split into four sectors
Act 359 passed in 1996 gave authority to the CHE to submit the annual budget request for all of higher education and to establish the funding methodology for all institutions based on the institution’s achievement of performance funding standards. As part of the implementation of performance funding, the CHE designed the Mission Resource Requirements (MRR) to provide an estimate of the budget needs of all public institutions. Commission on Higher Education Performance Funding & Mission Resource Requirements
The MRR is a 10 step model: Step 1: Instruction: Three year average credit hour production by discipline Pre-determine student/faculty ratio Pre-determine faculty salary average Allowance for fringes Step 2: Research Calculated at 30% of sponsored research expenditures Step 3: Public service Calculated at 25% of sponsored public service and non-general fund public service expenditures Step 4: Libraries Prior year’s expenditures per FTE inflated by HEPI Step 5: Student Services Prior year’s expenditures per headcount inflated by HEPI Mission Resource Requirements
Step 6: Physical Plant Calculated by five formulas for general services, building maintenance, custodial services, grounds maintenance and utilities Step 7: Administration Calculated at 25% of Steps 1-6 Step 8: Total Education & General Cost Sum of Steps 1-7 Step 9: Revenue Deduction Target revenue based on 50% of in-state undergraduate student revenue and 100% of out- of-state undergraduate revenues Actual fee revenues are deducted for graduate students Medical students are calculated at 30% in-state and 75% out-of-state Step 10: State Support Needs Amount Step 8 less Step 9 Mission Resource Requirements – continued
FY 2005-2006 Mission Resource Requirements
Mission Resource Requirements – FY 2005-2006 All South Carolina Public Institutions
USC Columbia’s performance funding score is consistently one of the highest in the state with a “substantially exceeds requirements” rating – but no new funds are currently tied to performance funding. USC Columbia Mission Resource Requirements – FY 2005-2006
Change in State Appropriations - Columbia Campus (excludes School of Medicine) USC ColumbiaFY 1996FY 2006 State Appropriations $132,913,554$138,481,591 % of Total Current Fund Revenue 37.2%22.1% *Does not include School of Medicine Reduction in State Appropriations FY2001 to FY 2006 - over $45,000,000
State Funding Changes – Columbia Campus (excludes School of Medicine) New state funding is for designated purposes, not for general operations These new funds do not offset the over $45M reduction in state funding Pay package increases require a commitment of University dollars as the state covers approximately two-thirds of the increase For FY2005 the USC amount of the 3% pay package was $1,483,041 For FY2006 the USC amount of the 4% pay package was $2,457,957
USC Columbia State Appropriations - Below-the-Line and Special Funding
Columbia Campus State Appropriations and Tuition & Fees
USC Columbia Campus Enrollment Headcount History
State Detail Budget Submission - “Line-item” Budget Report three years each fall: actual for fiscal year just ended, update current year for legislative changes, and plan next fiscal year Establish spending authority for all unrestricted and restricted funds Governor’s Submissions Operating & capital requests and provisos Agency Activity Inventory New for FY2007 – Agency Accountability Report based on Baldrige criteria (in conjunction with Institutional Planning and Assessment) Fiscal Impact Statements Throughout legislative session, complete fiscal statements with USC impact from various legislation Budget & Control Board - Office of State Budget
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