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1 CS 603: Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems Spring 2002 Professor Chris Clifton.

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1 1 CS 603: Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems Spring 2002 Professor Chris Clifton

2 2 CS 603 Spring 2002 Course Goal: Be able to understand and develop distributed computing systems Build Distributed Systems that are: –correctly functioning –performance-oriented –reliable and –secure Design principles of distributed systems and their application to the modern networked environment Understand fundamental distributed systems theory Develop for web-based environments using tools such as Java and XML

3 3 Application CS 603Spring 2002 Server Application Server Middleware

4 4 CS 603 Spring 2002 Course Topics Principles of naming and location Atomicity Resource sharing Concurrency control / synchronization Deadlock detection and avoidance Distributed data access and control Distributed systems design Consistency control Fault tolerance

5 5 CS 603 Spring 2002 Course Topics (cont.) Communication Mechanisms and Protocols –TCP/IP –ODBC/JDBC/DCOMM/etc. –Middleware (e.g., CORBA) Networked file systems Replication and distributed caching Distributed application security

6 6 CS 603 Spring 2002 Grading Midterm Exam25% –Session ? Final Exam35% –comprehensive Projects (4-5) 40% (includes programming and analysis/design components)

7 7 CS 603 Spring 2002 Contact Information Chris Clifton – Course Link –

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