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Central Michigan University Athletics Department Compliance Meeting May 5, 2009 1
Coaches Recruiting Exam Wednesday, June 10 @ 10:00 – IAC Computer Lab Tuesday, June 17 @ 10:00 – IAC Computer Lab All coaches, director of operations, graduate coaches, volunteer coaches are required to take recruiting test during these 2 times! RSVP to Sue King for the exam and the review sessions Permitted to use both new legislation sheet and NCAA Manual REVIEW SESSIONS: Thursday, May 27 @ 9:00 – IAC Meeting Rooms Tuesday, June 9 @ 9:00 – IAC Meeting Rooms 2
Updated Recruiting Calendar Recruiting Calendar — May/June/July Men’s Basketball: May 1 - May 20 / May 31 – July 5= QUIET PERIOD May 21 – May 30 = DEAD PERIOD Women’s Basketball: May 1 – July 5 = QUIET PERIOD Football: April 27 – May 23: (No Sundays!) Evaluation Period / May 24 – July 31 = QUIET PERIOD Softball: May 1 – May 25 / June 4 (12:01 pm) – July 31 = CONTACT PERIOD / May 26 – June 4 (noon) = DEAD PERIOD Baseball : May / June / July = CONTACT PERIOD Track: /May – June 9 = CONTACT PERIOD / June 10-14 = DEAD PERIOD Gymnastics / Field Hockey / Wrestling / Soccer: June/July = CONTACT PERIOD Volleyball: May 1 – May 21 = QUIET PERIOD / May 22 – July 31 = CONTACT PERIOD 3
Summer Financial Aid The bill for all summer school classes (including session II) is due on June 1 st (if registered in phase I – Feb – April 23) If the tuition is not paid in full by June 1, the student will receive a $100 Non Payment of Tuition charge. In addition, the student will also be charged the $30 late fee. Classes that were registered for in phase II (May 11), will be billed on June 1. This bill will be due on July 1. If the tuition is not paid in full by July 1, the student will receive a $100 Non Payment of Tuition charge. In addition, the student will also be charged the $30 late fee. If a student-athlete is receiving only a partial scholarship, you must pay your portion of the balance due, including past due charges, to avoid the late fees. Recommendation is that if a student is uncertain, they should pay for the class in full to be safe… If a student-athlete is eligible for a PELL, it will be disbursed after July 1 st – encourage all incoming SA’s to complete FAFSA’s ASAP! 4
Twitter Talk to Josh regarding “do’s and dont’s” You cannot post information about recruits (names, schools, etc.), and the information has to be “general” in nature. For example, you could post things like “we had a great practice today, everyone is focused”, or “check out our 2009 schedule, it’s tough!” Twitter does have some instant-messaging (direct message) like features in which you cannot use when communicating with recruits (remember, no instant messaging, posting information on web sites for recruits). The bottom line here is that there is never any direct communication with prospects in using Twitter, people are simply subscribing to your blog. NCAA: Twitter allows users to receive updates via text message to a mobile device; however, this is just an option the user may select. The user may also select an option to receive email updates about their existing or new friends. This appears to be no different than other programs that permit the user to select how they receive the information, as opposed to being determined or controlled by the sender. In such cases, we have said that if a prospect chooses to receive information via text message, the coach has not committed a violation if they originally intended the information to be a permissible form of communication (e.g., email). However, if a coach knowingly uses certain technology to circumvent the text messaging restrictions then it becomes impermissible. 5
2008-12: Off-campus recruiters – basketball only (Effective immediately) Intent: In basketball, to specify that during the July evaluation periods, a coach replaced for the purpose of off-campus recruiting activities is not required to return to the institution's campus before engaging in additional recruiting activities, provided no more than three coaches engage in off-campus recruiting activities each day. Rationale: During the July evaluation periods, basketball coaches travel the country in order to identify prospective student-athletes. Only three of the four coaches are permitted to recruit at any one time, and this is regulated by requiring a coach who comes "off the road" to return to campus before being permitted to resume recruiting activities. Due to the intense nature of the July evaluation periods, it is preferable that the three-coach limit be regulated by permitting only three coaches to engage in off-campus recruiting each day, and by permitting a coach who is replaced as an off-campus recruiter to resume recruiting without returning to campus first. This proposal would allow three coaches to evaluate while the fourth coach travels from one certified event directly to the location of another. Under the current rule, coaches must take turns flying back to campus, creating needless expenses and using valuable time. Off-campus recruiting - basketball 6
Prize Money – Individual sports and summer vacation 2007-13-B– Prize Money – Individual sports summer vacation period (Effective immediately) Intent: In individual sports, to permit a student-athlete to accept prize money based on his or her place finish or performance in an open athletics event (an event that is not invitation only), provided the competition occurs outside the institution's declared playing and practice season during the institution's summer vacation period and the prize money does not exceed actual and necessary expenses and is provided only by the sponsor of the open event. In individual sports only, this allows for a current SA to receive prize money (not to exceed actual and necessary expenses) from the sponsor of the open event 7
Voluntary Summer Workouts 2008-29 – Voluntary Summer workouts – sports other than football and basketball (Effective immediately) Intent: In sports other than football and basketball, to specify that a prospective student-athlete may engage in voluntary summer workouts conducted by an institution's strength and conditioning coach with department-wide duties and may receive workout apparel (on an issuance and retrieval basis), provided he or she is enrolled in the institution's summer term prior to the student's initial full-time enrollment at the certifying institution; further, to specify that an institution may finance medical expenses for a prospective student-athlete who sustains an injury while participating in such workouts. Rationale: Current legislation permits football and basketball prospective student- athletes to participate in voluntary conditioning activities during the summer with the institution's strength and conditioning coach, provided the prospective student-athletes are enrolled in the institution's summer term. This proposal extends the same opportunity to incoming student-athletes in all other sports. Currently, incoming student- athletes in other sports who elect to enroll in summer school prior to initial full-time enrollment may not work out with their future teammates and are forced to lift weights and condition on their own, and in some cases, without proper guidance from a skilled strength and conditioning coach. This proposal will allow all incoming student-athletes the opportunity to receive proper instruction and to work with their future teammates. 8
Track safety exception 2008-57 – Track and Field – Safety Exception – Hurdles and steeplechase (Effective immediately) Intent: Intent: To specify that a coach may be present during voluntary individual workouts in the institution's regular practice facility (without the workouts being considered as countable athletically related activities) when the student-athlete is engaged in jumping hurdles or the jumping element of the steeplechase. Safety Exception – Track and Field: A coach may be present during voluntary individual workouts in the institution's regular practice facility (without the workouts being considered as countable athletically related activities) when the student-athlete is engaged in field events, jumping hurdles or the jumping element of the steeplechase. The coach may provide safety or skill instruction but may not conduct the individual's workouts. 9
Football Recruiting 2008-20-A– Football Recruiting (Effective 8/1/09) Intent: In football, to specify that live athletics evaluations are permissible at events organized and conducted solely by the applicable state high school athletics association, state preparatory school association or state or national junior college athletics association; further, to specify that institutional staff members shall not attend a recruiting event in which information (e.g., athletics or academic credentials, highlight video) related to prospective student-athletes is presented or otherwise made available. (c) Events that are organized and conducted solely by the applicable state high school athletics association, state preparatory school association or state or national junior college athletics association. Other Evaluation Events. In football, institutional staff members shall not attend a recruiting event (other than those permitted pursuant to Bylaw in which information (e.g., athletics or academic credentials, highlight or combine video) related to prospective student-athletes is presented or otherwise made available. 10
Benefits – Fruit and Bagels 2008-43– Awards/Expenses – Fruits, nuts, and bagels (Effective 8/1/09) Intent: To specify that an institution may provide fruit, nuts and bagels to student-athletes at any time. Rationale: Current legislation allows for an institution to provide student- athletes with energy bars, carbohydrate/electrolyte drinks, and carbohydrate boosters, but does not allow them to provide actual food items, such as fruits, nuts, or bagels. Dietitians working with student- athletes work to convince student-athletes and coaches that nutrition can have a very big impact on his or her athletics performance, and to convince them that they are not immune to the same types of health risks that nonathletes face. Additionally, many permissible nonmuscle-building nutritional supplements may not be as healthy as they seem. Many contain high-fructose corn syrup, which has raised concern among nutritional experts because of the way it is broken down in the body. Excessive amounts of fructose have been theorized to be one of the contributors to the obesity epidemic. Fructose has also been linked, through research, to an increased risk for heart disease and accelerated bone loss. 11
Initial Eligibility – Submission of Transcript 2008-75- Initial Eligibility – Submission of Transcript (Effective 8/1/09) Intent: Intent: To specify that if a student-athlete is certified as a qualifier pursuant to the early academic certification exception and his or her initial full- time collegiate enrollment occurs at the certifying institution during the first term of the academic year, the institution shall ensure submission of his or her final high school transcript (official or unofficial) to the NCAA Eligibility Center by February 1 following the student-athlete's initial full-time enrollment; to specify that if a student-athlete is certified as a qualifier pursuant to the early academic certification exception and his or her initial full-time collegiate enrollment occurs at the certifying institution after the conclusion of the first term of the academic year, the institution shall ensure submission his or her final high school transcript (official or unofficial) to the Eligibility Center by February 1 of the following academic year; further, to specify that a violation of this provision shall be considered an institutional violation, however, the student-athlete's eligibility shall not be affected. If a prospect is a early qualifier (after 6 semesters), CMU must confirm that a final transcript is sent to the NCAA Eligibility Center ASAP. Rationale: NCAA research purposes – right now 40% of final transcripts not being submitted ! 12
Recruiting Materials – Institutional Postcard 2008-22– Institutional Postcards (Effective 8/1/09) Intent: To specify that an institutional postcard may be provided to a prospective student-athlete, his or her parents or legal guardians, his or her coach or any other individual responsible for teaching or directing an activity in which a prospective student-athlete is involved, provided its dimensions do not exceed 4 1/4 by 6 inches, it contains only the institution's name and logo or an athletics logo on one side when produced and it includes only handwritten information, (e.g., words, illustrations) on the opposite side when provided to a prospective student-athlete. (k) Institutional Postcards The dimensions of an institutional postcard may not exceed 4 1/4 by 6 inches. In addition, a postcard may contain only the institution's name and logo or an athletics logo on one side when produced and may include only handwritten information, (e.g., words, illustrations) on the opposite side when provided to prospective student-athletes. 13
Awards – Complimentary Tickets 2008-42– Complimentary Tickets to postseason events (Effective 8/1/09) Intent: Intent: To specify that an institution may provide each student-athlete who participates in or is a member of a team participating in a postseason event (e.g., conference championship, NCAA championship, National Invitation Tournament, bowl game) with six complimentary admissions to all intercollegiate athletics events at the site at which the student (or team) participates. 4 tickets to regular season games, 6 to postseason competitions! 14
Basketball camps reminder! In basketball, to specify that an institution shall not employ (either on a salaried or a volunteer basis) an individual who is involved in coaching PSAs or is associated with a PSA as a result of the PSA's participation in basketball as a speaker or presenter at any athletically related events or activities (e.g., camps or clinics, booster club functions, as outside consultant). Still permissible to employ high school coaches, however they cannot speak other than in a skill instruction capacity 15
Walk-ons and electronic communication Electronic communication – walk-ons After May 1 of a PSA's senior year in high school, there shall be no limit on the forms of electronically transmitted correspondence that may be sent by an institution to the PSA, provided the institution has received his or her room or tuition deposit in response to the institution's offer of admission. No text messages to walk-ons until you have confirmed with Compliance that orientation fee has been paid. 16
Summer Medical Policy Summer Medical Policy: First Time Participants: In order for first time participants to participate in open gyms or in workout sessions supervised or conducted (all sports if enrolled) by the strength coach, or to utilize the safety exception (wrestling, field events, gymnastics) the participants must undergo a medical exam by a doctor within 6 months of initial participation: Also will need to complete: Medical History Form Informed Consent & Release Form (on intranet) Returning Student-Athletes: Must complete an Informed Consent & Release Form if they want to use facilities for open gym workouts. IAC will have list of SA’s cleared. 17
Summer Medical Policy Summer Issues Tab on Intranet Informed Consent and Release Waiver List of every prospect who signed a NLI and/or open facility waiver Identification of prospects who completed physicals within 6 months and submitted medical history forms Section will clearly state what the prospect is eligible for during the summer 2009 Coaches are required to notify Compliance / sports medicine / strength staff of any prospects that plan on using CMU facilities!!! 18
Outside Athletically Related Income Outside Athletically Related Income (July 2008 – June 2009) Sports Camps / Clinics Country Club Benefits Speaking Engagements Endorsement or consultation contract Everyone in the athletic department (except OP’s) will be required to complete year-end record of any outside CMU athletic income All income > $1000 must receive Presidential pre-approval All income <$1000 must be summarized Reminder: All outside camp employment must be pre-approved by compliance! 19
Fresno State University Major Infraction – April 2006 – Phone Calls The vast majority of the violations in this case consisted of 457 impermissible phone contacts with prospective student-athletes made by the former head coach and members of his staff from April 2002 through October 2004. Among other violations, the coaches made multiple weekly calls during recruiting periods when only one call was allowed per week, phoned a potential transfer 12 times without obtaining permission from his institution, called high school prospects prior to June 21 of their junior year and called prospects more than once per week during the July evaluation period. NCAA: The institution demonstrated a lack of institutional control in that it failed to monitor the telephone calls made by the men's basketball program from April 2002 through October 2004. Recent Update from NCAA: Committee on Major Infractions is not giving coaches the benefit of the doubt. If you don’t have detailed phone records, it will be processed as a violation. 20
Recruiting Records At the hearing, the former head coach explained that he did not consider a call to have been made unless he had actual contact with the prospect. He claimed to not understand that return calls, calls in which he only talked to parents and calls in which "non-recruiting information" was discussed counted as the one permissible call per week. He blamed the violations on four factors: 1) poor record keeping; 2) poor communication among the members of the coaching staff; 3) a misunderstanding of the contact rule; and 4) a bad habit he brought with him from his previous institution. Penalties: The men's basketball program ended its 2005-06 season after its last regularly scheduled game and did not participate in postseason play; Official recruiting visits for the men's basketball program will be reduced by 50 percent, 33 percent reduction in the recruiting-day limitation, other self-imposed penalties, CMU’s Internal Audit will be auditing all recruiting records this summer - KEEP DETAILED NOTES!!!!! (e.g., message calls) 21
Recruiting Records Recruiting Record Policy– Make sure you and your staff record all contacts / evaluations / phone calls / ALWAYS RECORD MESSAGE CALLS Each coaching staff member should be clearly marked on records for calls / evaluations / contacts Final Audit -- Will be reviewed this summer! Will request a complete set of records by the end of June (July 2008 – June 2009 recruiting cycle) Warning: Expense Vouchers & Mileage Reimbursement Requests that claim “recruiting expenses” should have supporting contact or evaluation records – WE DO AUDIT THESE RECORDS! 22
Have a great summer!! 23
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