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1. Third wave stalled and may be entering reverse wave. 1. Freedom House 2009 Report: 1.89 countries “free” (46%) 2.58 countries “partly free” (30%) 2.

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2 1. Third wave stalled and may be entering reverse wave. 1. Freedom House 2009 Report: 1.89 countries “free” (46%) 2.58 countries “partly free” (30%) 2. Democracy eroding in more countries than progressing. 3. More countries entering “not free” (non-dem) status than entering “free” (dem) status.

3 1. Main problem is democratic regimes facing serious challenges to depth or quality of democracy. 1. More and more hybrid regimes with formal institutions of democracy (esp. elections) alongside undemocratic practices. 2. Question of international normative context if US in decline. 3. Clear need for us to improve our understanding of new hybrid regime types.


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