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Presentation on theme: " Work in Progress Report - Subject Centric IT in Local Government Gabriel Hopmans, Peter-Paul Kruijsen Morpheus Software TMRA 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work in Progress Report - Subject Centric IT in Local Government Gabriel Hopmans, Peter-Paul Kruijsen Morpheus Software TMRA 2005

2 2 Introduction Presentation of ongoing work in ON-TOP project Collaboration between BCT and Morpheus BCT offers CORSA –Document Management System –Deployed at local governments, hospitals, etc. Morpheus offers Topic Maps implementations –Implementation partner of Ontopia Collaboration to –Combine Corsa and Topic Maps –Allow a Dynamic Information Facility (DIF)

3 3 Current vs improvement Current situation –CORSA is a well-built DMS, used extensively –Data storage is application centric Morpheus was asked to –Provide intuitive interfaces to data... –For various target group users... –Without knowing user requirements... –And possibility to chain with other processes / organisations Morpheus’ approach –Make data storage subject centric –Allow sharing with applications (CORSA,...) –Provide a framework for user modeling Rather than explicit programming efforts

4 4 Step 1: Upconversion From a database delivery –Scripts were written to convert DB to TM –Based on Ontopia’s upconversion tools An application was built to enable –User friendly mapping from DB to TM –A mapping tool is presented to users –To map fields in tables to ontology concepts This all results in a Topic Maps representation of existing data sets enabling –Intuitive browsing via Omnigator –Removal of duplicates –Enrichment with extra domain information

5 5 DB-ONTO-mapping screenshot

6 6 Step 2: Visualisation The Topic Maps representation of the original database is visualised –In an ‘Omnigator-like’ interface –Subject-centric-ness is key issue –Display all information per subject User’s searches are directed by –Search entries as starting points –Navigation paths towards actual information

7 7 Visualisation screenshot

8 8 Step 3: Restrictions (ACL) A generic model was developed that –Defines navigation steps from topic (type) to topic (type) through association (types) –Restricts occurrences (types) for topics (types) for certain target groups This model is filled for specific target groups to –Present navigation paths through data for civilians who do not (have to) know the actual data structure –Hide certain information from certain employees –Aggregate information for managers

9 9 Navigation model

10 10 Restriction screenshot

11 11 Step 4: Restriction manager A management interface is (being) set up to fill the navigation model –Based on the ontology –Allows users to fill the model –For one or more target groups Results in an interface in which end users –Define the behaviour of a full web application –Allows building Topic Maps based web portals –Without any need for programming

12 12 Step 5: Chaining The current work involves assignment of PSI’s –Data from CORSA provides good concepts –Broader scope towards local governments When applied, chaining can be achieved –First only between different CORSA applications –Later on between various applications in the domain of (local) governments –Touches upon other initiatives like ADNOM

13 13 Future developments More / better search entries –Based on personal info / settings Aggregating data –Needed for proper reporting Integration with other applications –other than CORSA Towards a full framework –Specific page / topic layout Towards Neo for Topic Maps

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