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Mobility Management in Wisconsin Ingrid Koch Wisconsin Department of Transportation New Freedom Program Manager.

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1 Mobility Management in Wisconsin Ingrid Koch Wisconsin Department of Transportation New Freedom Program Manager

2 Evolution of mobility management in Wisconsin n Formation of Wisconsin’s Interagency Council on Transportation Coordination (ICTC) in October, 2005 n One of the 11 priorities of the 2006 Coordinated Public Transit - Human Services Transportation Plans n Statewide ICTC Conference - April, 2007 n Two NTI sessions “Coordinated Mobility” - June, 2007 n WI New Freedom program development DVR rural transportation funding pilotDVR rural transportation funding pilot n Promotion by WisDOT staff n Put into practice by mobility managers

3 Mobility managers - 2008 n n 29 mobility managers throughout the state 16 hired - first New Freedom application cycle for projects implemented in 2008 9 funded by JARC / WETAP (Wisconsin Employment Transportation Assistance Program) 4 funded by STRAP (Supplemental Transportation Rural Assistance Program)

4 Who employs them?   Aging and Disability Resource Centers / Departments and Commissions on Aging   Cities, Counties / Transit Commissions   United Way / Women’s Employment Center   Independent Living Centers   Community Action Coalitions / Programs / Service Agencies   Economic Opportunity Councils   Care management agencies   Development groups

5 Training program initiative n n RFQ for contracted services with a national consultant to provide: formal training and expert guidance what’s working elsewhere – best practices national resources n n Annual program with continuation based on need

6 The who and what n n Training participants mobility managers those intending to apply for funding for mobility management projects n n Curriculum The “big picture” – what is mobility management Resources to assist in achieving transportation coordination Building relationships with community partners n n Development of a strong peer network

7 The components n n Four workshops (1-1/2 to 2 days each) Training provided by McLary Management Local success stories and best practices Strong emphasis on peer networking n n Monthly teleconferences facilitated by consultant n n Two Google groups public – general discussion, information sharing private – communication between WisDOT and mobility managers n n 20 mobility managers are fully sponsored to attend this conference

8 What’s it costing? n n New Freedom admin $25,000 - contracted services $25,000 - workshop logistics $30,000 - conference n n RTAP scholarships $2,500 - attendee travel to workshops

9 What are the results? n Increased effectiveness of programs with faster implementation through use of best practices and others’ lessons learned n Increased education and awareness of resources n Increased knowledge about funding sources n Increased coordination resulting in more rides for more people

10 What do participants have to say ? “My binder is my mobility management bible that I use on a daily basis.” Mark. E. “…formula for success…” Mark. E “…helped me to learn mobility management skills that I did not have before…” Denise L. “…has allowed us to learn about solutions that ultimately move people.” Patti F.

11 Projects in place in 2008 n 3 regional mobility management projects one includes 11 countiesone includes 11 counties two adjacent regions cover 21 counties n 10 car loan programs n 7 projects offering new service n 5 voucher programs n 4 vehicle repair programs

12 2008 projects in place (cont’d.) n 3 car pool programs n 3 rideshare programs n 3 shuttle programs n 3 travel training programs n 3 volunteer driver program n 1 “bus buddy” program

13 More information n Public Google group “Mobility Management Forum” n WisDOT New Freedom information sit/newfreedom.htm sit/newfreedom.htm sit/newfreedom.htm n Transportation Coordination sit/transportationcoordination.htm sit/transportationcoordination.htm sit/transportationcoordination.htm n Ingrid Koch 608.266.1379608.266.1379

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