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Team: Risk © Concept Demo. Demo Time! “How to Survive Project Hell” How to Survive Project HellHow to Survive Project Hell.

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Presentation on theme: "Team: Risk © Concept Demo. Demo Time! “How to Survive Project Hell” How to Survive Project HellHow to Survive Project Hell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team: Risk © Concept Demo

2 Demo Time! “How to Survive Project Hell” How to Survive Project HellHow to Survive Project Hell

3 Requirements To build an entertaining game in which the player must make choices in specific scenarios involving a deficient project manager To build a game in which some choices result in success, while others end in failure To build a game that will be accessible in most modern browsers.

4 Completed Tests Make sure all demo links are live and pointing somewhere Make sure each scenario has one success option and one failure option Make sure the game is accessible via the web in Firefox and Microsoft IE Make sure the uniform server is running correctly in primary and backup locations

5 Shrike Site Team Site Team Site –Hosted on DePaul’s Shrike Servers –Groupware on Yahoo Groups Yahoo GroupsYahoo Groups

6 UniServer PROS Pre-integrated Web server, DB, and programming languages (Mostly) Pre-configured CompactPortableCONS Limited to PHP and Perl (With which our team has very little experience) Support is “Community- based” Configuration changes or added functionality could be problematic

7 Why C#/ Has good library support (.Net framework) Can interact with other languages: (ex. J# or XML-based configuration Team members have good C# experience Provides WebUI building blocks Good integration with MS SQL Server and can be used with other DB servers

8 Real Application Proposals 1. Dating Service 2. Car Restoration Resource Site 3. Emergency/Catastrophe Planning 4. Retail Store – generic 5. Beer Ordering & Delivery Service

9 Time to: VOTE!


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