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Mental Health Planning in Queensland. Dr Aaron Groves Director of Mental Health. 08/04/2011.

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1 Mental Health Planning in Queensland. Dr Aaron Groves Director of Mental Health. 08/04/2011

2 Second Stage of the Queensland Plan for Mental Health 2012 –2017

3 Best made plans

4 Queensland Mental Health Natural Disaster Recovery Plan 2011-13 During summer 2010-11, Queensland experienced unprecedented devastation as a result of floods and Cyclone Yasi. In recognition of the significant immediate and long-term mental health needs of Queenslanders as a result of the severe weather events, the Queensland Mental Health Natural Disaster Recovery Plan 2011-2013 has been developed to provide a blueprint for government, non- government and community mental health disaster recovery responses.

5 Queensland Mental Health Natural Disaster Recovery Plan 2011-13 WHO predicts that in the 12 months post emergency, prevalence of severe mental disorder (such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), psychosis, severe depression and severe disabling anxiety) will increase by 1%, and mild or moderate mental disorder ( PTSD, depression and anxiety) will increase in prevalence by between 5 and 10%. Progress towards the Plan’s targets for improved mental health of Queenslanders will be significantly challenged by the effects of the natural disasters. A significant increase in demand for public mental health services in Queensland over the next 12-24 months is predicted.

6 Queensland Mental Health Natural Disaster Recovery Plan 2011-13 QH has developed a model which uses population data, flood and cyclone maps, expert advice and best available evidence to make predictions as to the likely impacts of the natural disasters on the mental health of Queenslanders and estimate the level of public mental health resources needed to provide a recovery response.

7 Queensland Mental Health Natural Disaster Recovery Plan 2011-13 The model estimates the number of community mental health positions needed to work in Mental Health Trauma Recovery Services (MHTRS) in the 10 Health Service Districts most affected by the natural disasters. A clinical model of service delivery for MHTRS has been developed. The model assumes a similar expansion in the provision of primary mental health care. Additional resources to respond to the challenge of the natural disasters will ensure that services can continue to meet the needs of current consumers and that progress towards addressing unmet needs is not impacted.





12 A framework for the development and implementation of practice that guides continuous quality improvement in mental health services PRIORITY 5 Workforce, information, quality and safety Initiatives under this priority area include: Implementation of the revised National Standards for Mental Health Services 2010 Recruitment –  Established 3 Undergraduate Support Officer positions to market mental health careers.  Expanded medical trainee support  Developed a suite of marketing and promotional materials

13 Dual Diagnosis Clinical Guidelines The Dual Diagnosis Clinical Guidelines and Clinican Tool Kit will guide MHS and ATODS clinicians in the provision of safe, effective and holistic care for people with dual diagnosis.


15 15 Policy is easy, the trick is in the implementation The first 25 years are always the hardest If anyone would like a copy of this presentation you can also contact

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