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Toward an Urban Society Edward Cho Brian Kim Jay Kim Jennifer Kim Kyungjoon Lee.

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Presentation on theme: "Toward an Urban Society Edward Cho Brian Kim Jay Kim Jennifer Kim Kyungjoon Lee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Toward an Urban Society Edward Cho Brian Kim Jay Kim Jennifer Kim Kyungjoon Lee

2 Social and cultural change 1877-1900 - Illiteracy declined - Family tie loosened - More consumer goods from factories - Life expectancy increased

3 Population - 1877 -> 47 million - 1900 -> 76 million - 90% of whites who came from Anglo-Saxon countries of Northern Europe (protestants) Improved healthcare also added the population (43 to 47 years of L.E) Development of new cities; however, many remained in small towns villages (farming)

4 Medical Science Major revolution in Medical Science Louise Pasteur's discovery (germs) led to new science of microbiology Although there weren’t enough hospitals built, many surgeries performed by development of anesthetics (ether and chloroform)

5 Manners and Mores Code of Victorian Morality Strict standards of dress, manners, and sexual behavior Gentlemen - heavy black suits, derby hats, whites shirts with paper collars Women - tight corsets, long dark dresses, black shoes covering ankles

6 Religious and political movement Many Christians preached and sparked a spiritual awakening Mugwumps worked to end corruption in politics Temperance movement also followed after

7 Leisure and Entertainment Popular games included Cards, Dominoes, Backgammon, Chess, and Checkers Many homes had a packet of “author cards” (books, authors, and noted quotes) “Magic lantern” brought 3D life to art, history, and nature

8 Outdoor sports Baseball (Cincinnati 1869) became preeminent national sports First intercollegiate football game (Princeton and Rutgers in 1869) Boxing was outlawed in most states (bare knukles until invention in 1880s of 5-ounce Boxing gloves)

9 Changes in Family life Not many wives and children participated in work Decline of fertility rate Family member RARELY worked together

10 Giving Assertiveness among Women Femme Couverte - no legal rights of married women National American Woman Suffrage association (1890 by Susan B. Anthony) “We don’t riot, but if all we did was to weep at home, nobody would notice it; so we have to do something to help ourselves” - Rebecca Ablowitz

11 Educating the Masses 1900 31 states enacted laws making school attendance compulsory 160 to 7000 public schools $63 to $253 million school budget South had less education compared to North School began early; boy attended all day, but girls often stayed home after lunch Black schools were usually dilapidated, and black teachers were paid considerably less than white teachers.

12 Higher Education Wisconsin, California, Minnesota, Illinois created by the Morrill Land Grant Act 1862 Leland Stanford - Stanford John D. Rockefeller - U. of Chicago Cornell, Vanderbilt, Tulane by others Vassar, Wellesley, Smith, Byrn Mawr, Barnard, and Radcliffe opened to Women Not many Schools for African Americans “I came alive, I felt a sense of responsibility to the world, I wanted to change things” - Frederic C. Howe

13 Changing Themes in Lit. Prior to Civil War, romanticism appealed to many Americans After 1870s, authors rejected romanticism and escapism turning to realism Mark Twain - Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer William Dean Howells - A Traveler from Altruria (industrial society)

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