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Name Event Date Name Event Date 1 CERN W. Scandale & F. Zimmermann HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 High Energy High Intensity Hadron Beams Network coordinated by W. Scandale and F. Zimmermann
Name Event Date Name Event Date 2 CERN HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 CARE-HHH network Coordinate and integrate the activities of the accelerator and particle physics communities in a worldwide context, towards achieving superior High-Energy High-Intensity Hadron Beam facilities for Europe road map for the upgrade of the European accelerator infrastructure (LHC and GSI accelerator complex) coordinate activities and foster future collaborations dissemination and outreach WP1: Advancements in Accelerator Magnet Technologies (AMT) WP2: Novel Methods for Accelerator Beam Instrumentation (ABI) WP3: Accelerator Physics and synchrotron Design (APD) Participating institutes: CEA, CERN, CSIC-CIEMAT, CCLRC, DESY, GSI, INFN, PSI, TEU, WUT Associated institutes: CRPP, ENEA, TUBE, ESRF, UPSA, FZK, TEMF, US-LARP (BNL,FNAL,LBNL,SLAC), JINR, IHEP, KEK Additional collaborations: Texas A&M U., U. Geneva, U. Bologna
Name Event Date Name Event Date 3 CERN HHH deliverables HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 Delive- rable no. Deliverable nameDeliverable type Work package Delivered by contractor Planned (in months) Achieved (in months) 1Final reportReportAll WPsCERN6062 2Beam Dynamics code repository Data baseWP3CERN2418 3Data base on SC magnets and cables Data baseWP1CERN3648 4HHH web siteWEB siteAll WPsCERN129 5APD web siteWEB siteWP3CERN69
Name Event Date Name Event Date 4 CERN HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 activities in 2004-08 Events: 39 main workshops [1 yet to be DONE] 8 organized by AMT 6 organized by ABI 17 organized by APD 8 co-organized with other Institutions Dissemination and outreach: 154 documents reflecting presentation/publications outside the previously mentioned workshops 31 proceedings of the workshops organized within HHH 11 CARE-NOTEs, 60 CARE-Conf papers, 9 CARE-Journal articles, 4 CARE theses 44 scientist exchanges supported by HHH 15 students (master and PhD) partly supported by HHH Development and extension of SC & accelerator physics codes databases Maintenance and development of HHH web sites
Name Event Date Name Event Date 5 CERN HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 activities in last quarter of 2008 Events: 1 main workshop HHH-2008 common to the 3 work packages 1 mini-workshop on Electron Cloud Mitigation Co-organization of the conference Channeling 2008, Erice, November 2008. It addressed crystal-particle interaction phenomena 1 ABI workshop on Transverse & Longitudinal Emittance Measurement in Hadron- (Pre-)Accelerators, December 2008 (upcoming) Recent dissemination and outreach: Various events/workshops organized by/with physicists from LHC experiments Further extensions of SC & accelerator physics codes databases Maintenance and development of HHH web sites Exchanges and education: Visits of CERN accelerator physicists to other labs Support of EU or non-EU (US, J, Russia,...) scientists for visits to CERN Support of one PhD and one technical student working for the crystal activity
Name Event Date Name Event Date 6 CERN HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 Highlights of HHH 2004-08
Name Event Date Name Event Date 7 CERN HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 N3-HHH-AMT network major events: 7 large workshops WS1: WAMS2004 - Accelerator Magnet Superconductors, Archamps (France), 2004 WS2: Beam Generated Heat Deposition and Quench Levels for LHC Magnets, CERN, Geneva, 2006 WS3: ECOMAG05 - Superconducting Pulsed Magnets for Accelerators, ENEA, Frascati (Italy), 2005 WS4: WAMDO-2006 – Accelerator Magnet Design and Optimization, CERN, Geneva, 2006 WS5: LER – Low Energy Ring in the LHC Tunnel, CERN, Geneva, 2006 WS6: THERMOMAG-07 - Heat Generation and Transfer in Superconducting Magnets, LPNHE, Paris, 2007 WS7: WAMSDO-2008 - Accelerator Magnet, Superconductor, Design and Optimization, CERN, Geneva, 2008 + working groups + topical meetings
Name Event Date Name Event Date 8 CERN HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 New magnets are needed for the LHC phase 2 upgrade in about 10 years: low-beta quadrupoles low-beta correctors early separation dipoles (D0) magnets for dispersion suppressors and cleaning insertions, etc. Also, in far future: stronger dipole magnets enabling technology, but high-field/large margin s.c. magnets for LHC magnet protection more severe, large forces & stresses
Name Event Date Name Event Date 9 CERN = B max x (dB/dt) max =7 T 2 /s Most designs and models aim at B ≥ 4 T (enablers) Most designs and models aim at B ≥ 4 T (enablers) B max x dB/dt max are correlated, and a good bet of the present capability is a value B max x dB/dt max ≈ 7 T 2 /s B max x dB/dt max are correlated, and a good bet of the present capability is a value B max x dB/dt max ≈ 7 T 2 /s fast cycling s.c. magnets for LHC injector upgrade & FAIR This activity was started and fostered by HHH- ECOMAG, 2005
Name Event Date Name Event Date 10 CERN HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 Pulsed magnet with curved shape for FAIR P. Fabbricatore
Name Event Date Name Event Date 11 CERN HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 N3-HHH-APD network major events: 6 large workshops WS1: HHH-2004 - Beam Dynamics in Future Hadron Colliders and Rapidly Cycling High-Intensity Synchrotrons, CERN, Geneva, 2004 WS2: LUMI’05 - Scenarios for the LHC luminosity upgrade, Arcidosso (Italy), 2005 WS3: LUMI’06 – Towards a roadmap for the upgrade of the LHC and GSI accelerator complex, IFIC, Valencia (Spain), 2006 WS4: BEAM’07 - LHC Injectors Upgrade and LHC Beam Parameters Upgrade including Francesco Ruggiero Memorial Symposium and CERN-GSI Meeting, CERN, Geneva, 2007 WS5: IR’07 - Interaction Regions for the LHC Upgrade, DAFNE and SuperB, INFN, Frascati, 2007 WS6: HHH-2008 - Scenarios for the LHC upgrade and FAIR, Chavannes-de-Bogis (Vaud), 2008 + numerous topical workshops (crystals, crab cavities, beam-beam compensation, electron cloud)+ topical meetings
Name Event Date Name Event Date 12 CERN LHC upgrade stages “phase-1” 2013: new triplets, D1, TAS, *=0.25 m in IP1 & 5, reliable LHC operation at ~2-3x luminosity; beam from new Linac4 “phase-2” 2017: target luminosity 10x nominal, possibly Nb 3 Sn triplet & *~0.15 m complementary measures 2010-2017: e.g. long-range beam-beam compensation, crab cavities, new/upgraded injectors, advanced collimators, lower emittance, coherent e- cooling??, e- lenses?? longer term (2020?): energy upgrade, LHeC,… phase-2 might be just phase-1 plus complementary measures + injector upgrade HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008
Name Event Date Name Event Date13 LHC phase-2 upgrade paths for IP1 & 5 ultimate beam (1.7x10 11 p’s/bunch, 25 ns spacing), * ~10 cm ultimate beam (1.7x10 11 p’s/bunch, 25 ns spacing), * ~10 cm early-separation dipoles in side detectors, crab cavities early-separation dipoles in side detectors, crab cavities → hardware inside ATLAS & CMS detectors, first hadron crab cavities; off- stronger triplet magnets D0 dipole small-angle crab cavity J.-P. Koutchouk early separation (ES) stronger triplet magnets small-angle crab cavity ultimate LHC beam (1.7x10 11 p’s/bunch, 25 ns spacing) ultimate LHC beam (1.7x10 11 p’s/bunch, 25 ns spacing) * ~10 cm * ~10 cm crab cavities with 60% higher voltage crab cavities with 60% higher voltage → first hadron crab cavities, off- -beat L. Evans, W. Scandale, F. Zimmermann full crab crossing (FCC) wire compensator larger-aperture triplet magnets 50 ns spacing, longer & more intense bunches (5x10 11 p’s/bunch) 50 ns spacing, longer & more intense bunches (5x10 11 p’s/bunch) *~25 cm, no elements inside detectors *~25 cm, no elements inside detectors long-range beam-beam wire compensation long-range beam-beam wire compensation → novel operating regime for hadron colliders, beam generation F. Ruggiero, W. Scandale. F. Zimmermann large Piwinski angle (LPA) stronger triplet magnets ultimate LHC beam (1.7x10 11 p’s/bunch, 25 ns spacing) ultimate LHC beam (1.7x10 11 p’s/bunch, 25 ns spacing) * ~10 cm * ~10 cm smaller transverse emittance smaller transverse emittance → constraint on new injectors, off- -beat R. Garoby low emittance (LE)
Name Event Date Name Event Date 14 CERN parametersymbolnominalultimateESFCCLELPA transverse emittance [ m] 3.75 1.03.75 protons per bunchN b [10 11 ] 1.15 1.7 4.9 bunch spacing t [ns] 25 50 beam currentI [A] 0.58 0.86 0..861.22 longitudinal profile Gauss Flat rms bunch length z [cm] 7.55 11.8 beta* at IP1&5 [m] 0.55 0.50.08 0.10.25 full crossing angle c [ rad] 285 31500311381 Piwinski parameter c z /(2* x *) 0.64 0.75003.22.0 geometric reduction 1.0 0.86 0.300.99 peak luminosityL [10 34 cm -2 s -1 ] 1 2.315.5 16.310.7 peak events per #ing 19 44294 309403 initial lumi lifetime L [h] 22 142.2 2.04.5 effective luminosity (T turnaround =10 h) L eff [10 34 cm -2 s -1 ] 0.46 0.912.4 2.5 T run,opt [h] 21.2 17.06.6 6.49.5 effective luminosity (T turnaround =5 h) L eff [10 34 cm -2 s -1 ] 0.56 1.153.6 3.73.5 T run,opt [h] 15.0 12.04.6 4.56.7 e-c heat SEY=1.4(1.3)P [W/m] 1.1 (0.4) 1.04(0.6)1.0 (0.6) 0.4 (0.1) SR heat load 4.6-20 KP SR [W/m] 0.17 0.25 0.36 image current heatP IC [W/m] 0.15 0.33 0.78 gas-s. 100 h (10 h) b P gas [W/m] 0.04 (0.4) 0.06 (0.6)0.06 (0.56) 0.09 (0.9) extent luminous region l [cm] 1.55.3 comment nominalultimateD0 + crab crabwire comp.
Name Event Date Name Event Date 15 CERN W. Scandale & F. ZimmermannHHH, CARE Meeting, CERN, 17.09. 2008 experimenters’ choice no accelerator components inside detector lowest possible event pile up possibility of easy luminosity levelling → full crab crossing upgrade → and/or low-emittance upgrade?
Name Event Date Name Event Date 16 CERN 50-ns upgrade with 25-ns collisions in LHCb upgrade bunch structures 25 ns 50 ns nominal 25 ns ultimate & 25-ns upgrade (ES & FCC) 50-ns upgrade (LPA), no collisions in LHCb! 50 ns 25 ns
Name Event Date Name Event Date17 PSB SPS SPS+ Linac4 (LP)SPL PS LHC / SLHC DLHC Output energy 160 MeV 1.4 GeV 4 GeV 26 GeV 50 GeV 450 GeV 1 TeV 7 TeV ~ 14 TeV Linac2 50 MeV (LP)SPL: (Low Power) Superconducting Proton Linac (4-5 GeV) PS2: High Energy PS (~ 5 to 50 GeV – 0.3 Hz) SPS+: Superconducting SPS (50 to1000 GeV) SLHC: “Superluminosity” LHC (up to 10 35 cm -2 s -1 ) DLHC: “Double energy” LHC (1 to ~14 TeV) Proton flux / Beam power present and future LHC injectors PS2 Roland Garoby, LHCC 1July ‘08
layout of the new injectors SPS PS2 SPL Linac4 PS R. Garoby, CARE-HHH BEAM07, October’07; L. Evans, LHCC, 20 Feb ‘08
Name Event Date Name Event Date 19 CERN Crab-cavities option use KEKB experience plan R&D for crab cavities phased approach: (1) prototype construction [SBIR] (2) “global” crab cavity test in IR4, (3) “local” crab cavities in IR1 & 5 international collaboration K. Oide B. Palmer R. Calaga
Name Event Date Name Event Date 20 CERN HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 crystal experiments CERN H8-SPS runs Test single and multi-strip crystals with 450 GeV protons, check the effect on electron and positrons, Prepare the UA9 experiment in the CERN-SPS Participation in crystal collimation expt at FNAL CERN UA9 experiment in the SPS Check loss confinement with a crystal primary in a 2-stage collimation, Measure single particle dynamics Support: CARE-HHH, INTAS-CERN, INFN-NTA, CERN AB and AT Russian Foundation for Basic Research, LARP
Name Event Date Name Event Date 21 CERN HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 2008 crystal experiments crystal deflection of negative pions and muons in the SPS North Area W. Scandale et al
Name Event Date Name Event Date 22 CERN “crab-waist” collisions at DAFNE (note: no crab cavities but sextupoles!) luminosity current product w/o crab waist with crab waist can we make use of crab waists at the LHC? C. Milardi
Name Event Date Name Event Date 23 CERN crab-waist collisions crab-waist collisions HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 K. Ohmi
Name Event Date Name Event Date 24 CERN “crab-waist” to push beam halo away from opposing beam HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 K. Ohmi
Name Event Date Name Event Date 25 CERN l ong-range beam-beam compensation LR beam-beam in LHC prototype compensator in the SPS distance [mm] lifetime vs separation at various tunes G. Sterbini, J.-P. Koutchouk U. Dorda, et al, SPS MD August 2008 compensation efficiency with 2 wires 2008 SPS experiment: compensation efficiency vs. tune 2008 SPS experiment: lifetime vs separation
Name Event Date Name Event Date 26 CERN Evaporation of metals in relatively high pressure of a rare gas produces very rough and porous films. Already mentioned in the literature, “gold black” has been produced and characterized. Gold black deposited by evaporation in Kr (0.5 mbar) e-cloud mitigation for PS2 & SPS upgrade; effort triggered by HHH ECL’2 workshop P. Chiggiato et al promising: graphite coating on black gold substrate no dependence on time of exposure to air
Name Event Date Name Event Date 27 CERN HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 N3-HHH-ABI network major events: 6 workshops WS1: Trajectory and Beam position measurements using digital techniques, Aumuehle (Hamburg), 2003 WS2: DC current transformers and beam-lifetime evaluations, Lyon (F), 2004 WS3: Remote diagnostics and maintenance of beam instrumentation devices, Hirschberg (Darmstadt), 2005 WS4: Simulation of BPM front-end electronics and special mechanical designs, Lueneburg (Hamburg), 2006 WS5: Schottky, tune and chromaticity diagnostics (with real-time feedback), Chamonix (F), 2007 WS6: Transverse and longitudinal emittance measurements in hadron (pre-)accelerators, Bad Kreuznach (Darmstadt), 2008
Name Event Date Name Event Date 28 CERN HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 example ABI spin-off
Name Event Date Name Event Date 29 CERN HHH, CARE 08, CERN, 03.12. 2008 Conclusions 2004-08 HHH program Conclusions 2004-08 HHH program numerous high-impact workshops concluding 5 years of HHH activity, preparation of summary report numerous high-impact workshops concluding 5 years of HHH activity, preparation of summary report focused efforts in many frontier areas focused efforts in many frontier areas - crystal collimation, slim magnets, e-cloud suppression, LHC crab cavities, beam-beam compensation, novel optics design schemes, fast cycling s.c. magnets, new beam diagnostics results benefit global accelerator community results benefit global accelerator community - code repository, s.c. database, intensity limits sustained strong dissemination & training effort sustained strong dissemination & training effort - mutual visits between partner labs, publications, seminars, web pages, many summer students and graduate students
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