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Obesity Childhood Creeping Obesity 50% of US overweight 25% obese 12% of Health Care relate to excess fat.

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Presentation on theme: "Obesity Childhood Creeping Obesity 50% of US overweight 25% obese 12% of Health Care relate to excess fat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Obesity Childhood Creeping Obesity 50% of US overweight 25% obese 12% of Health Care relate to excess fat


3 Genetics Mutant Gene? Disease? Lack of willpower? Physical Activity?



6 Health Risks Primary risk factor for CAD Hypertension Type 2 Diabetes Lipid abnormalities


8 How Fat Is Too Fat? % BF Fat Patterning Fat cell and number

9 % Body Fat Men over 20% Women over 30%

10 Fat Patterning Android Obesity Gynoid Obesity Waist to hip Ratio.8 for women and.95 for men indicates excessive visceral fat accumulation


12 Fat Cell Hypertrophy Hyperplasia




16 Achieving Optimal BC Diet Exercise Diet & Exercise Objectively asses caloric intake and output


18 Basal Metabolic Rate Reduction occurs when dieting produces wt. Loss This decline in BMR causes energy conservation resulting in a progressively less effective diet Yo- Yo dieting


20 Exercise A PA lifestyle contributes to desirable BW and BC Increase Fat combustion occurs with intense Aerobic Ex Overall volume of total EE is more important for wt. Loss Maintain sufficient caloric intake Do not restrict water Role for resistance Ex


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