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Case study of Bourgas Vanya Simeonova (M.Sc.) WUR Institutional change for sustainable urban development: The challenges of urbanisation and nature conservation.

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Presentation on theme: "Case study of Bourgas Vanya Simeonova (M.Sc.) WUR Institutional change for sustainable urban development: The challenges of urbanisation and nature conservation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case study of Bourgas Vanya Simeonova (M.Sc.) WUR Institutional change for sustainable urban development: The challenges of urbanisation and nature conservation in Bulgaria

2 LIVEABLE CITIES Mandra Lake Atanasovsko lake Urbanization and Nature conservation: Conditions for development of recreation and tourism Vaia Lake

3 Natural connection between main urban area and the suburb; Located next to nature reserve Atanasovsko Lake and the coast; Good accessibility to infrastructure High economic private interests for developments in tourism Pristine bird habitat The Case Study : Bourgas Atanasovsko Lake Area

4 Progressive decentralization Political changes Development of land and estate market Restrictive financial policy Emergence of private actors in urban development Financial competition between local authorities Harmonization of the legislation to the EU Factors influencing formal institutions in planning and nature management in Bulgaria

5 - Statutory planning PROCEDURE - Environmental assessment PROCEDURE The local planning process within formal institutional framework

6 The land use planning process: - preparing a planning assignment in conformity with the General Spatial Plan and national legislation -making formal agreements about the project development -offering a planning design -organizing stakeholders’ consultation -submission of a new land use plan to the local council The local planning process within formal institutional framework Functional zoning-II version Amendment of the General & Detail Land Use Plan of Burgas Corner Land Area, Sarafovo, Burgas-II Phase

7 The formal role of the Local authorities: -elaborate the project idea -comply to the development priorities of the municipality -to provide information to all interested parties -formally approve the plan Organizations and the Rules of the Game

8 The informal role of the Local authorities: -Stakeholder Consultation -Organizational Communication -Initiation and leadership of the planning process

9 Interests of the local actors: -the interest of the land owners to develop and increase the value of their land -the interest of the municipality to develop an attractive and functional urban territory -the interest of the ecologists to preserve the nature values and biodiversity -the interest of the businesses to invest in development -the interest of the local people for quality of life Balancing objectives for sustainable urban development

10 Institutional Problems in the local planning process - Problems of Capacity building: knowledge, communication, practice -Organizational fragmentation -Lack of recognition of the actors’ interdependency -Unclear rules of the game (legislations, procedures) -Lack of vision and strong leadership

11 Formal Transformations : -Changing organizational structures: team building -Professional input: multidisciplinary approach of planning, integrating knowledge -Achieving formal commitments: at the initial phase of the plan identify and consider differences in development interests -Considering ambitions and their alternatives in decision making Needs for an institutional change

12 Informal Transformations -Bring individual professionals together ( Environmental experts & planners) -Consult with land owners directly affected by the project -Inform local community about the project - Consult with nature conservation organizations -Show openness to public and private organization interested in the project Needs for an institutional change

13 Urban Development Plan Integrated Urban Development Environmental assessment procedures& actors Land use planning procedures & actors Institutional Transformation The Role of Institutional Change For Achieving Sustainable Urban Development

14 The CHALENGE of inter-institutional communication to balance interests ! Institutional Change for an Integrated Urban Development and Nature Conservation

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