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Mitt Romney The Race To The White House By: Brooke Ricketson.

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Presentation on theme: "Mitt Romney The Race To The White House By: Brooke Ricketson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mitt Romney The Race To The White House By: Brooke Ricketson

2 Experience Facts Age:60 Education: Harvard Law School Experience: Former Massachusetts Governor Opposes: Gay Rights and Abortion Rights Standings: Finished Second In Iowa And is Trailing McCain In New Hampshire Republican On February 13, 2007 Romney formally announced his candidacy for the 2008 Republican nomination for president.

3 Wife: Ann 5 Children: Tagg, Matt, Josh, Ben, Craig. Birth date: 03/12/1947 Birthplace: Detroit, MI Home City: Belmont, MA Religion: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Background Information

4 Organizations President/Chief Executive Officer, Salt Lake Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, 1999-2002 Boy Scouts of America City Year Visiting Committee Harvard Business School Points of Light Foundation Board of Directors, Mariott, Staples, Babbages, and Duane Reade.


6 Early in the campaign, Romney looked almost as strong as the U.S. car companies in the 1960s, flushed with cash, blessed with good looks and know-how. But after coming in second in Iowa and New Hampshire, Romney returned to Michigan Wednesday badly needing a win to counter his losses to John McCain and Mike Huckabee. He won the Wyoming caucuses last weekend, but that lightly contested race didn't seem to help him in New Hampshire, where he came in 5 percentage points behind McCain.

7 Romney has run more television ads in the state than McCain and has raised nearly twice as much money through late October, $1.9 million to McCain's $899,308. No other GOP candidate has run ads so far, although Huckabee planned to start on Wednesday. Huckabee is facing a TV ad campaign against him, paid for by the conservative Club for Growth, which is unhappy with his record on taxes and spending while Arkansas governor.

8 Romney has been trying to exploit his Michigan roots and his ties to the U.S. auto industry since he officially kicked off his campaign here last February. His father, George Romney, ran American Motors Corp. before becoming governor. This week, Romney's campaign tried to paint McCain as a candidate who would further injure the domestic auto industry with his calls for higher fuel efficiency standards for cars, SUVs and trucks.

9 Mormon? Declining to discuss details about his religion also reduces the risk that doctrinal differences will alienate evangelical Christian voters. Instead, Romney has addressed religion in general, saying that as president he would "need the prayers of the people of all faiths," and that he would "serve no one religion, no one group, no one cause, and no one interest. A president must serve only the common cause of the people of the United States."

10 Mitt Romney Wants Your Vote For U.S President! Will he be the one on your ballot?

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