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Running GIS © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000. Many Are Depending on the Success © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 The chief executives2nd line executives Data providers.

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Presentation on theme: "Running GIS © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000. Many Are Depending on the Success © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 The chief executives2nd line executives Data providers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Running GIS © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000

2 Many Are Depending on the Success © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 The chief executives2nd line executives Data providers Middle managers GIS in use IT-department End users Co-operating organisations Customers Internal data producers

3 New technology  Revised organisation and new skills Level of skills, but also complexity of the organisation Browsing Simple ana- lysis ops Create new data Specialist © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 Revised Organisation and New Skills

4 New technology  Revised work flows © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 New Technology

5 New technology  Revised information flow between organisations Agreed Transfer Formats Official Standards De Facto Standards Organisation 1Organisation 2 © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 New Technology

6 Standards – how and why What is a standard and why is it needed Solving GIS problems by using standards Technical framework and a reference model The conceptual model and how to use it The application model and how to use it How to utilise standards © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000

7 The Problem B C A D E F ? ? Who has data? Which meaning and quality has the data? Is the delivery in accordance with the order? How do I get the data into the system? What happens when I change system or data provider? © M S GIS & Mapping, SIS Sweden, 2000

8 The Solution B C A D E F ! Shared principles for data descriptions and data transfer Data with agreed meaning Uniform structure for meta data and data quality Automatic data import and data delivery procedures © M S GIS & Mapping, SIS Sweden, 2000

9 What is a Standard and Why is it Needed © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 Users agree on a standard, developed in a joint project, and get it approved by the national standardisation authority (official standard) Users agree to utilise a system/concept developed by one user or a group of users. Not approved by the national standardisation authority (de facto standard) A producer, or a group of a producers, provide a product that dominates the market (producer standard)

10 Standardised data and data transfer Standardised data and data transfer Standards make data co-operation… B C A D E F ! …easier, more secure, cheaper B C A D E F ? ? © M S GIS & Mapping, SIS Sweden, 2000

11 Who Creates an Application Standard? Those who want! A number of co-operating players –Data users and data providers –Systems and application developers –Market organisations –R and D organisations –Responsible authorities The Market is decisive! © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000

12 Geo Data Provision and Geo Data Management How to forward requirements on external geo data producers In-house production - methods and mechanisms Meta data and Database descriptions Quality description and quality assurance Updating geo data sets Information Proprietor and Information Administrator - two important roles A geo data provision concept Corporate basic geo data sets for many users © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000

13 Geographic Information is much more than ”the map” Everything that is possible to relate geographically 80 – 85 % of all information in most organisations GIS use is nothing new – the information is the same as today. New tools and new workflows are utilised Adding the geographic component is just a way to simplify the use of information from many sources © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 Some facts

14 Meta Data © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 Information about the contents of data bases Digital and analogue data bases – facilitate to find information about needed/required/desired data Structure according to a standard – easy to use, easy to update for the data vendor, multi use of technical solutions The first step when searching for data Decisive for judgement about the feasibility of a certain data set for a specific purpose An aid when searching for any type of information within an organisation – not only in digital format

15 Quality Assurance and Quality Description © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 A basic prerequisite for corporate use Production quality assurance Quality description Adequate production methodsWhen Gradual quality check proceduresHow Relevant SOPs for quality checksBy whom Quality check protocolsFor which purpose A part of a data deliveryGeometric accuracy Information traceability To the user of the data Use To the litter-bin

16 A Geo Data Provision Concept © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000

17 Technical Solutions for a Corporate GIS GIS is an IT component To utilise an existing IT infrastructure – is that possible Additional requirements when implementing GIS Tasks and responsibilities Levelled solutions Use existing solutions – add GIS General concept – implementation strategies Benefits – how and when © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000

18 … and this…- a proper architecture including GIS Data base DBMS Operative system OfficeBranch appsGISComm User specific applications Corporate GUI

19 Levelled Solutions © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 Browsing Simple analysis operations Advanced analysis, create new data GIS Ma- nager Stand alone GIS Arc Info Less ArcView GIS + extensions Few ArcViewGISA number Arc Explorer Many

20 Levelled Solutions © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 Browsing Simple analysis operations Advanced analysis, create new data GIS Ma- nager Stand alone GIS Arc Info ~ 21000 USD ArcView GIS + extensions ~ 7000 USD ArcViewGIS~ 3500 USD Arc Explorer ~ 50 USD

21 Levelled Solutions © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 Browsing Simple analysis operations Advanced analysis, create new data GIS Ma- nager Stand alone GIS Arc Info ArcView GIS + extensions ArcViewGIS Arc Explorer Data Flow (cont´d.)

22 …this might happen…! © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 Browsing Simple analysis operations Advanced analysis, create new data GIS Ma- nager Stand alone GIS Arc Info Less than 5 ArcView GIS Increased nr + extensions Arc Explorer Reduced number ArcView GIS Increased nr

23 General Concept – Implementation Strategies Big bang Evolutionary introduction Parallel running Pilot project Gradual introduction According to Helena Andersson & LeAnn Green, 1997

24 To utilise modern information technology for better merging geographic information to other types of information © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 GIS on Internet

25 Issues to covered Different tools for different GIS users Advantages with Internet/Intranet Accuracy/Updating procedures and ethics Structure/templates/design To create a GIS website Responsibilities A Map Hotel © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000

26 Browsing Simple analysis operations Advanced analysis, create new data GIS Ma- nager Stand alone GIS Arc Info ArcView GIS + extensions ArcViewGIS Arc Explorer Internet/ Intranet optional Different Tools for Different GIS Users

27 Advantages with GIS on Internet/Intranet Can be combined with other Web-functions as links to documents – images, reports, drawings, Excel-sheets etc Is quickly available for many users Web-browser is one component in Windows 98/2000 Quick access to important information interactive maps, combined with other types of information Easy to tailor applications for a certain user category COM-technology admits expansion and/or re-use of an application © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000

28 To Create a GIS Website The basic query is: Who is the user/what is the application supposed to support? Subsequent queries: Internet and/or Intranet-application? Is the purpose commercial or ”public service”? Which is the requested functionality? – will heavily affect the design of the user interface Are the users skilled GIS-workers ? What about the entitlement to publish maps on internet? © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000

29 Map Hotel Server Map Hotel Client The User/ The Public Data base Geo data base Access verification system SDE/FME Geo data export Sales Dept Production Dept Internet/Intranet © M S GIS & Mapping, 2000 A Map Hotel

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