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Australia an island, a country, a continent. What’s the capital city of Australia? Sydney Sydney Canberra Canberra Melbourne Melbourne.

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Presentation on theme: "Australia an island, a country, a continent. What’s the capital city of Australia? Sydney Sydney Canberra Canberra Melbourne Melbourne."— Presentation transcript:


2 Australia an island, a country, a continent.

3 What’s the capital city of Australia? Sydney Sydney Canberra Canberra Melbourne Melbourne

4 Which other country’s flag is in the Australian flag? The Union Jack

5 What’s the name of the large island off the southern coast of Australia? Tasmania

6 Which two oceans surround Australia? a) The Atlantic & the Pacific b) The Pacific & the Indian c) The Indian & the Atlantic

7 What’s the Australian currency? Australian dollar It’s worth 0.63€

8 Australia is about the size of … Spain The US The British Isles

9 Which is the largest or most populous city in Australia? Sydney Sydney Canberra Canberra Melbourne Melbourne Perth Perth Adelaide Adelaide

10 How much of Australia is classified as desert? 8% 8% 16% 16% 25% 25% 35% 35%

11 Australia is also very often called the land … down under below underneath That’s because it is below the equator.

12 How many countries are larger than the land down under? 4 5 6 Australia is the 6th largest country after Russia, Canada, China, the US & Brazil

13 Captain James Cook claimed Australia for the British Empire in 1770… But what use did the English originally put Australia to? As a prison colony As a prison colony

14 When did Australia gain its independence from Great Britain? In 1891 In 1891 In 1901 In 1901 In 1942 In 1942

15 Is Australia a member of the Commonwealth? So it is So it is - Association of former members of the British Empire; - Created in 1931 with the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand & South Africa. - Currently they’re 53 member states.

16 The first people to live in Australia were… The Aborigines The first laws to protect them started to be passed in the early 1900’s, but it was not until 1967 that the Aborigines were eventually considered Australian citizens.

17 Which weapon was originally used by the aborigines, and has now become a toy for Australian kids as well as an emblem of the country? The boomerang The boomerang

18 Australians are also known as … Aussies Aussies

19 When does winter begin “down under”? In June!!! In June!!! The warmest months in Australia happen when we’re having winter in Europe. January & February are the warmest months, whereas June & July are the coldest!

20 Which international sporting event precedes the celebrations of Australia Day? The Australian Open The Australian Open also known as The Grand Slam of Asia-Pacific also known as The Grand Slam of Asia-Pacific Where’s it held? Where’s it held? in Melbourne Who were the winners of Australian Open 2009? Who were the winners of Australian Open 2009? Men's Singles : Rafael Nadal (Spain) Runner-up: Roger Federer (Switzerland) Men's Singles : Rafael Nadal (Spain) Runner-up: Roger Federer (Switzerland) Women's Singles : Serena Williams (U.S.) Runner-up: Dinara Safina (Russia) Women's Singles : Serena Williams (U.S.) Runner-up: Dinara Safina (Russia)

21 Which of the following are Australian animals? Kangaroos Kangaroos Koalas Koalas Panda bears  kookaburras kookaburras didgeridoos  didgeridoos  dingos dingos didgeridoo

22 Which of the following celebs are Aussies? Mel Gibson Mel Gibson Nicole Kidman Nicole Kidman Russell Crowe Russell Crowe Meg Ryan Meg Ryan Elle Macpherson Elle Macpherson Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue

23 Being so far away, the English language spoken “down under” is slightly different for certain words! Australians say… Australians say…barbieg’daystationmateoutbacklollies tomato sauce We say … We say …barbecue good day or hello a large ranch or farm friendcountrysidesweetsketchup

24 Fancy visiting the land … … down under ?!!!

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