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Information Systems Infrastructure (IS3314) 3 rd year BIS 2006 / 2007 Fergal Carton Business Information Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Systems Infrastructure (IS3314) 3 rd year BIS 2006 / 2007 Fergal Carton Business Information Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Systems Infrastructure (IS3314) 3 rd year BIS 2006 / 2007 Fergal Carton Business Information Systems

2 Last week Classwork – Finance information Basic flows of information in business Finance – cash What is irrelevant information? Finance requirements IS projects pyramid (design to roll-out) Handout: Key terms & concepts defined

3 This week BIS class of 2005: what do graduates do? HR requirements HR web-sites Schwabb case study & quiz BCG handout – The Online Employee (

4 HR information : example

5 n Think about the steps you take in obtaining a placement n Think about information flows n How would systems help automate the flows n Where can systems add value? n Drawbacks? The On-line Employee

6 n Search n References n Content management (qualifications, skills, experience) n Unobtrusive progress monitoring n Automatic job triggering based on skills The On-line Job seeker


8 n Web-based human resource management systems are: n Revolutionizing the provision and access of HR services to a company’s employees. n Freeing HR professionals from performing mundane tasks. Allows for more time to be spent concentrate on strategic HR business related tasks. Human Resource Management & e-Business Systems

9 Charles Schwab’s HR Intranet n Provides 23,000 employees with access to detailed information about benefits, training, computer support, and other company information.

10 “Schweb” - Technology n Managers have access to online access to accurate information about employees. n Online directory is easier to update & maintain. n Employees have more personalized information about themselves, their roles, and the organization. n Employees can find information faster, enables them to serve customers faster and more effectively.

11 Some “Schweb” – Applications n Learning Intranet n eTimesheets n Benefit forms (eForms)

12 n Benefits of using the Web-based HR applications was a reduction in their administrative workloads by about 65 percent. n More time could be spent on proactive tasks, such as developing training profiles for each position in the organization. n Major reductions in the amount of paperwork HR personnel had to process for employees. OneWorkplace: Web-based HR

13 n Better control on vacation time entitlements and usage (eBenefits’ VirtualHR service). n Saved time, effort, and money by eliminating the incidences of overpayments on vacation entitlements. Genalytics: Web-based HR

14 n Better control and updating on key employee milestones such as promotions, raises, etc. (NuView Systems’ MyHRIS) n Saved time and effort in tracking employees to get the paper process completed. BuildNet: Web-based HR

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