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City of Orlando FY2010 Proposed Budget September 14, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Orlando FY2010 Proposed Budget September 14, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Orlando FY2010 Proposed Budget September 14, 2009

2 City of Orlando FY2010 Proposed Budget Budget Overview

3 Proposed Budget FY2008/2009 FY2009/2010 Adopted Proposed Change General Fund 371,238,169 360,372,404 (10,865,765) Special Revenue Funds 201,903,925 163,268,031 (38,635,894) Debt Service Funds 55,943,539 77,960,117 22,016,578 Enterprise Funds 184,611,573 148,971,078 (35,640,495) Internal Service Funds 81,168,688 84,899,493 3,730,805 CFA / DDB 8,494,013 7,678,436 (815,577) Pension Trust Funds 22,730,201 20,880,120 (1,850,081) Total 926,090,108 864,029,679 (62,060,429) Detail by fund is on pages 4-5 of Budget-in-Brief

4 General Fund Revenue FY2008/2009 FY2009/2010 Adopted Proposed Change Ad Valorem Taxes 139,426,581 122,700,144 (16,726,437) Utilities Services Tax 45,308,404 47,663,011 2,354,607 OUC Dividend 47,580,000 45,900,000 (1,680,000) Other Revenue 41,803,731 45,545,658 3,741,927 Federal/State Revenue 43,213,988 41,030,109 (2,183,879) Franchise Fee 32,306,585 34,555,000 2,248,415 Charges for Services 14,418,880 14,693,982 275,102 Business Tax 7,180,000 8,284,500 1,104,500 Total 371,238,169 360,372,404 (10,865,765)

5 Millage Rates FY2008/2009 Rate5.6500 Proposed Millage Rate5.6500 Roll “Up” Rate6.6436 Rate with Majority Vote6.8097 Rate with 2/3 Vote7.4907

6 General Fund Expenditures FY2008/2009 FY2009/2010 Adopted Proposed Change Police 110,696,177 114,420,366 3,724,189 Fire 73,001,761 79,709,335 6,707,574 Non-Departmental 59,155,346 38,454,167 (20,701,179) Families, Parks, Rec 27,883,636 27,589,405 (294,231) Bus and Finan Services 28,442,698 27,552,912 (889,786) Executive Offices 20,136,441 19,289,966 (846,475) Debt Service 14,709,409 17,294,141 2,584,732 Economic Development 14,362,819 13,194,743 (1,168,076) Transportation 11,994,577 11,793,567 (201,010) Public Works 10,140,876 10,428,226 287,350 Orlando Venues 419,425 369,720 (49,705) Housing and Comm Devl 295,004 275,856 (19,148) Total 371,238,169 360,372,404 (10,865,765)

7 Mayor’s Proposed Budget Solution (July 13, 2009)

8 Reduction Plan Detail Salaries and Wages 16,785,986 Benefits 1,035,170 Supplies 514,931 Contracted Services 2,636,914 Utilities 126,240 Other Operating 108,277 Internal Services 1,089,255 Capital Outlay 30,760 Non-Op / Contributions 886,061 Total 23,213,594

9 City of Orlando FY2010 Proposed Budget Changes from Mayor’s Proposed Budget

10 Changes to the Proposed Budget Revenue adjustments –Sales tax ($450,000) –Municipal Revenue Sharing ($130,000)

11 Executive Offices Retaining the Office of Human Relations with reduced scope –Reporting to Office of Community Affairs for enhanced community outreach –3 Positions retained Special Assistant to Mayor frozen until at least January Reorganization –Neighborhood and Community Affairs → Community Affairs –Communications → Communications and Neighborhood Relations

12 Economic Development Business Development Division eliminated and 4 positions transferred to other divisions in the department Permitting –Certification incentive added –One position restored CRA budget modified to reflect 2009 debt issuances

13 Business and Financial Services Position reduction changed from 29 to 26 because of employees accepting the voluntary separation

14 Fire Department 46 Positions partially restored to reflect changes to the collective bargaining agreement Transfer of Staff Assistant from Emergency Management to Planning and Resource Management

15 Police Department Grant fund increased to recognize COPS ARRA grant award (15 positions) Two administrative positions were deleted to add a Data Management Supervisor

16 Public Works Wastewater Fund –Restored Line Locate Crews (7 positions) –Deleted 3 administrative positions and an Environmental Scientist Construction Management Fund –Funded 7 contract positions

17 Use of Reserves July 13 th Proposed Budget –$12.7 million Current Proposed Budget –$14.1 million

18 Fund Balance Allocation General Fund UST Fund Hurricane Fund Interlocal Reserve Total Undesignated Balance 70,822,442 24,906,228 8,778,749 7,500,000 112,007,419 FY2009 Projected Use (7,700,000) - - - Total 63,122,442 24,906,228 8,778,749 7,500,000 104,307,419 FY2010 Proposed Budget 360,372,404 Recommended Reserve (25%) 90.093,101 Available for Use in 2010 14,214,318 Amount Used to Balance 2010 14,122,999

19 City of Orlando FY2010 Proposed Budget Position Information

20 Total Positions by Department FY2008/2009 FY2009/2010 Revised Proposed Change Executive Offices 152 144 (8) Business / Financial Services 277 245 (32) Economic Development 207 183 (24) Families, Parks, Rec 271 251 (20) Fire 587 561 (26) Housing and Comm Devl 20 - Orlando Venues 95 90 (5) Police 1,064 997 (67) Public Works 543 505 (38) Transportation 174 157 (17) Total 3,390 3,153 (237)

21 General Fund Positions

22 General Fund Positions (Excluding Police and Fire)

23 General Fund Positions (Police and Fire)

24 Pay Schedules for FY2010 Mayor and Commissioners – Held at FY2009 level and is specifically enumerated on Schedule C Appointed Officials – No cost of living increase, suspension of longevity and medical reimbursement, and a 5-day unpaid furlough (Benefit Groups “E”) Non-Bargaining – Cost of living increase and longevity payments funded (Benefit Group “A” and “M”) Collective Bargaining Agreements funded

25 City of Orlando FY2010 Proposed Budget Next Steps

26 Today –Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget and Millage Rate for the City and the DDB –Adoption of the Proposed Millage rate and Tentative Budget September 21 st –Second Public Hearing on the Budget and Millage Rate –Final adoption of the Budget and Millage Rate


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